Festival start: 29 October 2018
Festival end: 06 November 2018
The Anima-Sao - International Animation Festival in São Gonçalo is produced by Studio Alexandre Martins.
The 2015 edition will take place at the Teacher´s Faculty by the UERJ - Rio de Janeiro State University. Teacher Faculty - UERJ
Competitive Exhibition of recent films and videos selected by special committee formed by representatives of the Brazilian cultural sector;
Awards shows with unique competitive trophy "Lollipop Yellow";
Shows graphic arts production drawings-animated national purpose of bringing the public the process of creation and development animation;
Show animations selected by specially commissioned for display in open area and popular themes;
Lectures by professionals from the Animation Cinema - animators, producers, voice actors, writers, etc..
"Colosseum" - Session of animators - professionals, amateurs, students etc - in a relaxed meeting.
The parallel places in the municipality of São Gonçalo .
Official program
Sessions: "School",, "Balaio", "Papagoiaba", "childish" and "Adult"
Colosseum (with special guest lecture)
Debate tables (with two guests and a mediator)
Workshops techniques (2D animation, and pixilation estoriborde)
Parallel Programming
Circus Session (display 50 'in public places of the city)
Exhibits unique arts films in theaters and other
The Curator of the Festival will trial of audiovisual works and award the Trophy "Lollipop Yellow" for Best Film, Independent Rating.
If the awarded film-maker is not present at the awards ceremony, the trophy will be sent to the mailing address to pay.
All participants will receive a personalized Certificate of Participation.
Rules of the Festival Anima-São 2018
October 2018 - São Gonçalo, RJ
of the Organization
1 - The International Animation Festival of São Gonçalo - Anima-São - is a video show of Animation Cinema held annually in the city of São Gonçalo, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, owned and produced by Studio Alexandre Martins Cultural Productions Ltda. with headquarters and forum in São Gonçalo, RJ.
a) The Festival Anima-São is a cultural promotion of a civil, entrepreneurial character, aiming at the socio-cultural benefit of the inhabitants of the city of São Gonçalo and its surroundings.
b) Anima-São Festival aims to bring to the public a significant exhibition of the national and international production of Animation Film and gather personalities linked to this activity, promoting meetings, seminars, panels, debates, conferences, exhibitions, etc.
c) Anima-São Festival awards works and people with the intention of encouraging Brazilian audiovisual production.
2 - The Festival Anima-São has Internet site -www.estudiomartins.com.br/animasaofestival - where the news, relation of selected works and other subjects related to the event are placed.
a) In the mentioned site are the links for all official media of the event.
Selection Committee
3 - The curator committee of Anima-São Festival is composed by artists, filmmakers, producers and animators, chosen for their performance and importance in Brazilian Art exclusively called for each Edition of the event.
4 - The work of the curator committee of the Anima-São Festival is to select, organize and evaluate the
content submitted under its own artistic criteria;
5 - The Festival Curator of the Festival Anima-São 2018 may unilaterally refuse the inclusion of works as well as remove any video, at any time, from the air that does not comply with the current legislation.
6 - The decisions of the Curator Commission of the Anima-São Festival are irrevocable and sovereign.
Acceptance of the Festival Regulations
7 - The author / producer / director, when signing up and sending films to the Festival:
a) automatically accepts the Rules of the Festival Anima-São 2018.
b) declare to be of legal age or duly authorized by its legal guardian.
of the subscriber's responsibility
8 - By submitting a work for the Festival, the subscriber expressly declares and warrants to be the owner or possessor of all rights and licenses necessary for the display of the video, including - but not limited to:
a) rights to use images and sound of people, places or things that appear in the video;
b) song rights used as a soundtrack or incidental to the video;
c) right of texts appearing in the video;
d) right of script of the video, right or license of texts that have served as inspiration for the video;
e) right of archive images appearing in the video;
f) patent rights or license to use information from third parties;
g) any copyright or related rights that may prevent or violate the commercial or non-commercial display of the video.
of Indemnity
9 - The subscriber agrees to exempt the Anima-São 2018 Festival, its Producer and other companies and individuals involved in the offering of the service, as well as its partners, customers and sponsors, from any losses and damages arising from non-compliance with the Festival, or loss and damages resulting from any type of legal violation generated by the work submitted.
10 - The subscriber shall indemnify for damages and losses to those who complain, as well as indemnify Anima-São 2018 Festival and other companies and individuals involved in the offer of services, as well as their partners and customers, for damages caused.
of Inscriptions
11 - Registration is free.
12 - There is no limit to the number of registrations per participant, but a registration form must be completed for each work, available on the official page of Anima-São 2018 Festival and partner platforms.
13 - Only entries of animated productions that have not been exhibited or rejected in previous editions of Anima-São Festival will be accepted.
14 - Only completed forms will be accepted and sent via valid email or partner platforms.
15 - The subscriber of the registration form will be considered responsible for any correspondence with the festival regarding the work inscribed.
16 - The festival reserves the right to give preference to new works in commercial circuit or other festivals in Brazil.
17 - No fees and / or exhibition rights will be paid for the films selected or invited to the festival.
18 - They can participate in the Festival Anima-Are people from anywhere in the World.
of audiovisual works
19 - Videos can be made on any type of equipment that produces moving images (eg video camera, digital photo camera (photo sequences), cell phone camera, computer animation, etc.)
20 - Only productions with at least 95% of their total animation duration will be accepted.
21 - The preferred format of the videos is: Codec Video -h264 (.mp4), Codec Audio Stereo AAC.
22 - Anima-São Festival 2018 gives preference to Short Films, and may also be classified Medium Films. Long Films will be accepted by special choice of Festival Curatorship and will consist of non-competitive Special Sessions.
23 - The works must have credits of those responsible for their realization, including credits of soundtrack (even in the public domain) of images and other materials of third parties.
24 - The film must be completed at the time of registration. Interim editions, copies or incomplete works will not be considered.
25 - Topics that involve pornography, racism, xenophobia, terrorist insinuation, Nazism, homophobia and other topics considered by the Festival Offensive to the Society will not be accepted.
of the works
26 - The productions that opt for the partner platforms must obey the provisions in each of them.
The Festival uses the tools of each platform for registration, preview, admission, refusal and full acceptance of the works submitted.
27 - Registration forms can be sent by email with acknowledgment of receipt.
28 - All entries must be accompanied by:
a) the registration form duly completed;
b) of publicity forms, filipettes and posters (if any);
c) 1 (huma) photo of the author / director / producer and 2 (two) images of the frames / frames named with the title of the work (all in JPEG format, minimum resolution of 120dpi.
29 - All material will not be returned and will be part of the collection of the Society of Arts and Letters of São Gonçalo.
30 - The works and material must be sent:
a) or by email - animasaofestival@estudiomartins.com.br - which will contain the link to the service of hosting and sharing of files on the Internet (eg 4Shared, Vimeo, Dropbox, etc.)
b) or via partner platforms
of the Selection
31 - The provisions of articles 12 to 25 of this Regulation are obeyed.
of Classification of works
32 - The works submitted will be classified by the Festival Evaluation Commission in Sessions:
a) Children - it is understood as Children the playful and / or cultural theme addressed to the age group less than 13 (thirteen) years;
b) School - films classified as School must have an appreciation of the responsible organ or be the product of pedagogical works involving students of all the Basic and Elementary series and their equivalents. There will be no strictly pedagogical or training productions.
c) Portfolio - Portfolio projections of production companies and professionals must exclusively demonstrate the Animation Cinema. Portfolios that cover the areas of Animation, namely Clipping, Mass, Pixilation, Drawing, Three-Dimension, etc. will be allowed. Teasers or trailers of productions released or to be released on the market will not be allowed.
d) Papagoiaba - collection of audiovisual productions held in the city of São Gonçalo (RJ) that do not fit into other categories or are preferable to special exhibition.
and Subtitles
33 - The official language of the Festival is Brazilian Portuguese.
34 - The dissemination material (posters and etc.) may be in its original language but there is preference in translated material or in English language.
35 - The works sent must be translated (subtitled or dubbed) into the official language as well as the publicity material.
§ Single - Foreign works will not be accepted without legend in Brazilian Portuguese inserted.
of the Prize
36 - The curator of the Festival Anima-São will make the judgment of the audiovisual works and will award the Trophy "Yellow Lollipop" to the Best Film.
a) Only the films of the Infantil and Papagoiaba sessions will compete for the Trophy.
b) If the winner is not in the award ceremony, the Trophy will be sent to the mailing address, in registered order or other means to be combined, in the delivery expenses on behalf of the winner.
37 - All participants will receive a Certificate of Personalized Participation.
from Calendar
38 - The 2018 Calendar of the Festival consists of the following dates:
a) August 13 - Deadline for submission of registration form, films, photos and promotional material.
b) September 10 - Final disclosure on the website of the list of selected works.
c) October - Period of the Festival.
d) December 10 - Deadline for submission of Certificates and awards.
of the Mostra Anima-São Itinerante
39 - The Anima-São Festival promotes Special Sessions in venues in the city of São Gonçalo, RJ, to publicize the event and promote Culture during the period between Festivals.
a) All the selected works for the Festival are apt to be chosen again to compose the Special Sessions, without new awards.
b) No fees and / or exhibition rights will be paid for the films selected for the Traveling Exhibition.
of the Assignment of Rights
40 - The author, director or holder of the video will grant the festival rights free of charge to the Festival, for a period of 5 (five) years, automatically extendable for the same period for its broadcasting and cultural dissemination in:
a) placement or display in journalistic programs in any type of media for the Festival's publicity.
b) placement, display or dissemination in non-profit cultural establishments in Brazil and abroad.
c) preparation of catalogs of the Festival for non-profit dissemination and cultural dissemination.
d) promotion of the Festival on its own site and on channels of Portals or websites of the Festival partners.
e) Promotion of the Festival in TVs or other media that have a partnership agreement to promote the Festival.
f) excerpts, photos, technical information and graphic material.
of the Omissions of this Regulation
41 - The omissive cases will be solved by the Curator Commission of the Anima-São Festival and by the Festival Production.
42 - Inquiries and general information see the Contact section on the Festival page.
* * *
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
20 Aug 18
Save up
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
20 Aug 18
Save up
Tongue Session
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
20 Aug 18
Save up
movies whitout portuguese subtitles or translation
don't receive any prize