Bio to B - Industry Days (9)


21 Mar 2022
Call for entries

29 Apr 2022
Festival closed

15 May 2022
Notification date

16 Jun 2022
18 Jun 2022


della Zecca, 2,  40121, Bologna, Bologna, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival >2'
Feature film festival

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >2'
 Feature Films 
 Any language
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Photo of Bio to B - Industry Days
Photo of Bio to B - Industry Days
Photo of Bio to B - Industry Days
Photo of Bio to B - Industry Days


Festival start: 16 June 2022      Festival end: 18 June 2022

Biografilm Festival – International Celebration of Lives is a dynamic 10-day long festival that takes place in Bologna, Italy. The focus is on new European films that are character driven, showcasing current social and political changes in the society.
The 18th edition of Biografilm takes place from the 10th to the 20th of June 2022 in Bologna and online.

The 9th edition takes place June 16th – 18th 2022 in Bologna.


Bio to B is the annual Biografilm Festival appointment devoted to business-to-business networking between audiovisual professionals. The goal is to promote and support Italian and European productions of character-driven documentaries, docuseries and biopics.
Film funds, producers, distributors, festival programmers, commissioning editors and project scouts will be participating.
The European cinema professionals have the opportunity to meet, discuss and promote their works within an international context. Over the course of the event, there is a Pitching Forum for film projects, workshops, round-tables and one-to-one meetings.


Up to 20 film projects, selected by the artistic direction of the festival, are presented and discussed at the Bio to B Pitching Forum.
Each project selected receives:
two Bio to B – Industry Pitch Team accreditations for the nominated representatives of the project
a twin room for 2 nights in one of the festival hotels, reserved to the pitching team.
Each project that is not selected receives:
one Industry accreditation to participate to Bio to B (June16th – 18th, 2022)

The deadline to submit projects for selection is Friday 29th April 2022. The results will be published on Friday 14th May.

Participation at Bio to B for the selected projects requires the presence of at least one of the team members per project (director and / or producer are recommended), to be involved with a series of activities in English.

Bio to B Pitching Lab – The presentation of the proposals will be pre-recorded but presented in person by the project teams, preferably the director and main producer of the project. The teams of the selected projects must take part in an online workshop prior to the pitching forum.
The workshop will be dedicated to the presentation of the project, its protagonists and the team working on it. The lab is lead by the Bio to B coordinator, Guido Casali.
The participation to the Lab is mandatory and is reserved only to the representatives of the selected projects.

Pitching Forum - The project teams will present their proposals with a recorded pitch. For the projects in development, the pitch should be approx. 7’, with a teaser not longer than 3’. For the projects at a work in progress/rough cut stage, the pitch (not longer than 15’) should include a 8-10’ clip of film material. In both cases, the pitch should also include a presentation of the project and the key professionals involved, as all the necessary information (directors’ notes, production structure, motivations, etc.). All the presentations will be made in English and all the video material not in English must have English subtitles.
One-to-one meetings - The pitch teams will have the opportunity to discuss their projects in more depth on a one-to-one level with industry guests.
NB. All pitches must be made in English. It is the responsibility of those submitting the projects to ensure that they can pitch the project in English (a basic English level is enough) and that the video materials have English subtitles. Any support needed in this area will be the responsibility of those submitting the films.
The selected teams will be informed by e-mail. Further information regarding the organization of the event will be directly communicated to the selected projects.


Applications are considered complete only once the video material (please note that FESTHOME accepts Vimeo links), requested information and the corresponding submission fee have been submitted to the FESTHOME site: link
The submission fee is € 20 (+ FESTHOME service fee).

Information Required:
Video material. When submitting your project you are requested to upload video material (preferably 8 – 10 minutes) with English subtitles.
Aspect ratio of the material which will be presented in the pitch if your project is selected: FLAT/SCOPE.
Title of the film in original language and English (please indicate whether it is a working title or the final title).
Name of the director and key team members.
Countries of production/co-production (specify the main co-producer).
Name and contact details for the person responsible for the film’s application.
Indication with contact details of who will present the project at Bio to B (preferably the director and the main producer) if the project is selected.
Estimated length of the film.
Estimated delivery date for the film.
Estimated total budget of the film.
Funding already in place (specify whether from production or other sources
of financing).
Film synopsis in English (maximum 10 lines).
Presentation of the director in English.
Presentation of the main producer in English.
Digital photo of the director and the person responsible for the application that will be present at Bio to B in case of selection.
Two high resolution photos of the film (.jpg or .tiff, 300 or more dpi with the dimensions of 1000 pixels or more).
Other pitching forums in which the project has taken and will take part.

More than one proposal can be submitted by the same person. The submission fee is required for each project submitted and must be paid by the methods indicated via the FESTHOME portal. Please note that in addition to the festival submission fee, FESTHOME will require the payment of an additional service fee in order to use their platform. This service fee may vary depending on the type of user that you have or create on their platform.

The person who submits the project has the responsibility to guarantee the right to legally be able to do so for Bio to B. Submitting your proposal for the call for entries requires the submitter to be the rights holder for the project (also in the case of any other key stakeholders), this includes any copyrighted material which is used in the film material presented. When participants are still in the rights acquisition phase, regarding any of the aforementioned points, Biografilm Festival will examine each project on a case by case basis.
The selected projects will have to name their participation at Bio to B - Biografilm Festival in the credits of the finished film.
By applying for the call for entries and participating at Bio to B you are accepting all terms and conditions written in this paragraph.


All the visual material will be screened in original language with English subtitles – it is the responsibility of those submitting films to ensure subtitles are included.
The material will need to be supplied in the following formats: Quicktime ProRes 422 HQ of the film or a file H264 on hdd, USB or Aspera Faspex digital delivery (ftp or other platforms used to send files, such as Dropbox and WeTransfer are not accepted if not agreed beforehand with the organisation), and must be subtitled in English.
Film material for selected projects must be available for the duration of the whole event and must be provided by the date established during Pitching Lab.


For further information, you can contact the Bio to B office of Biografilm Festival, who will be happy to respond to any queries:

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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