Cinlearner International Film Festival ()

Dates limites

23 juin 2022
Appel à Inscriptions

06 juil. 2022
Festival fermé

10 juil. 2022
Date de notification

23 juil. 2022
24 juil. 2022


Saidpur,  800004, Patna, Bihar, India

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage >1' 20'<
Festival de long métrage

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 Tous les thèmes
 N’a pas de frais de d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique et en ligne
 Date de production: Tout
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  >1' 20'<
 Toutes langues
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of Cinlearner International Film Festival
Photo of Cinlearner International Film Festival
Photo of Cinlearner International Film Festival
Photo of Cinlearner International Film Festival

French ML

Début du Festival: 23 juillet 2022      Fin du Festival: 24 juillet 2022

For the first time in Bihar we can do it and Kilkari is organizing Cinelerner International Film Festival 2022. This event is going to be two days. The aim of this festival is to bring together to showcase the outstanding work from young filmmakers from all over the world on one platform. Panel discussion, guest speakers, film production equipment gallery, relevent film books stalls by the regional books shops, cultural programme at night, all these things will augment our festival.

1st Cinelearner Film Festival provides over 10 Awards

Category A
(Under 06-12th standard)

Chi-Chi Award Junior Winner (Best Film)
1st Runnerup
2nd Runnerup

Category B

Chi-Chi Award Senior Winner (Best Film)
1st Runnerup
2nd Runnerup

Category C (Bihar based Filmmakers)
Bihar cine award (Winner)

Category D
International filmmaker(Non-Competitive)
Best Animation
Best Documentary
Best Editor
Best Screenplay

Festival Regulations

01. Categories
a) Chi- Chi Junior
b) Chi- Chi Senior
c) Cine-Bihar Panorama
d) International

02. Eligibility
a) Chi- Chi Junior – Any Indian national student who is studying in between 06th to 12th std.
b) Chi- Chi Senior – Any Indian national student who is studying in between undergraduate to Postgraduate.
c) Cine-Bihar Panorama – Any film maker who are based from bihar can send their films under this category.
d) International– This category for abroad film makers.

03- General Rules

1. All films submitted must have been completed between 1st Jan.2020 to 1st April 2022.

2. The festival is free, there is no submission fee. Multiple entries are welcome.

3. Films will be either Short, Documentry & Animation.

4. The Film Festival will be hosted in a Hybrid Mode (Offline as well as Online). The nominated films will be screened at the festival venue and also be hosted online for public viewing during the fixed festival duration.

5. Projection format: H.264/MOV/MP4/H.D

6. Duration of films must be 1 to 10 minutes including credits only for chi-chi Junior and Senior

7. Language: English (preferable), in the case of any other language, the film should have proper English subtitles.

8. Our registration will begin from 13th May, 2022. All films must be submitted by 5th July, 2022. No late submissions will be accepted under any circumstances.

9. Deadline :-
A. Early deadline :- 15th June
B. Regular deadline :- 25th June
C. Late deadline :- 3rd July
Entry closed date :- 5th July.

10. Filmmaker and producer to take the responsibility of copyright music script and other creative and technical aspects of films.

11. The credited content should not be any political ideas religious matter or disrespectful content for any nation, cast, gender, colour or religion.

12. We can use up to 30 seconds of the films, we can use for the promotion of the festival.

13. The films only will be accepted through film freeway or Kilkari Bihar Bal Bhawan website.

14. The trophies and the citations of international winners will be shipped/ couriered to the filmmaker’s native country or their respective embassies/high commissions.

15. Nominated Indian Filmmakers(Competitive Category) will be invited during the festival.

17. Organisers have right to changes in Dates, Venue, Awards any thing which give festival more hype.

16. A selection Committee appointed by CIFF will select all films. The decision of the committee will be final. There should not be further question of any kind to it.

Kilkari Bihar Bal Bhawan & We can do it
For enquires-
Call us at- 7481096521, 7633815204, 7070012163
Festival Entries- or



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