08 Nov 22
01 Jun 2022
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen
08 Nov 2022
Festival geschlossen
11 Dez 2022
17 Dez 2022
18 Dez 2022
Festival Start: 17 Dezember 2022 Festival Ende: 18 Dezember 2022
The CortoNero Noir short film competition was established in 2008 in collaboration with “400ml” cultural association and “Il Pozzo e il Pendolo” theatre company.
Thanks to the collaboration between Ciro Sabatino, artistic director at Il Pozzo e il Pendolo and Gennaro Maria Cedrangolo, film enthusiast and videomaker, their passion for noir and mystery gave birth to the creation of this film competition. The goal is to find new ways of investigating and experimenting ideas for noir and mystery. The competition takes place in Naples, a city with esoteric and superstitious roots: the ideal scene for a crime!
The CortoNero competition has substantialy grown over the past 10 years. This competition is internationally recognized thanks to the number of artists participating from all around the world. As a consequence, this competition produces high quality films while generating extraordinary talent and creativity.
CortoNero collaborates with all major film agencies in the region of Campania and its founding members of the CFCC (Coordinamento Festival Cinematografici Campania).
1st Prize "Corto Nero":
A personalised plaque and a mystery box.
1st Prize "School of Cinema in Naples":
A personalised plaque and a 5 months Scholarship at School of Cinema in Naples (Italy).
1st Prize "Transit":
A personalised plaque.
Rules and Regulations
• Each director can participate with more than one short film.
• Short films on gender issues are admitted to the festival in addition to
film noir, detective stories, crime novels and thrillers.
• Short films must be in Italian or subtitled in Italian.
• Short films which have been used in other events and competitions are accepted.
The Jury
• The qualified judges will be listed on the website:
• The judges are looking for best ideas combined with cinematic and editing techniques.
• Accepted Formats: (recommended formats), DVD, VHS
• The films will not be returned under any circumstances. The authors of the short films take full responsibility for all material shot and produced.
• The films in the competition may be published and distributed by a non-profit production, through various communication channels to promote various initiatives and activities of the organisations proposing the competition.
• The author of the short film will be informed of his or her participation in the competition via email.
• Registration for the competition requires full acceptance of the rules and regulations.
• The short film must include the signed registration form and authorization.
•The short films must be sent no later than 1/12/2020 via post to:
Teatro Galleria Toledo
CortoNero_noir short film compétition
Via Concezione a Monte Calvario, 34
80134 Napoli
Or by zip file at
1. The Short Film.
2. Signed Authorization
3. Signed Application.
4. Signed Form of Consent for use of processing personal data.
08 Nov 22
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