Cortometrajes por la Igualdad ()

Short Films for Equality


01 Aug 2024
Call for entries

15 Sep 2024
Festival closed

11 Oct 2024
Notification date

12 Nov 2024
14 Nov 2024


Centelles 13,  46006, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival 15'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  15'<
Spanish English
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Photo of Cortometrajes por la Igualdad
Photo of Cortometrajes por la Igualdad

Photo of Cortometrajes por la Igualdad
Photo of Cortometrajes por la Igualdad


Festival start: 12 November 2024      Festival end: 14 November 2024

The main requirement is that the short film must deal with any of the social issues related to gender equality:

coeducation, rights, gender violence, sexual violence; historical roles, women's participation in social life; work-life balance; equality policies; wage discrimination; glass ceiling; sticky floor; discrimination based on sex, gender or sexual orientation; invisibility; co-responsibility; sorority, etc.

For the rest of the conditions, please consult the terms and conditions.

Cash Prizes: 500€

9. Awards
The three short films selected as winners will be awarded €500 each (taxes included).

The jury may award honorable mentions to any works they consider to be of special quality and include them, as well as the winning short films, on their to be viewed.

1. Background
The Short Films for Equality festival has been, for 16 years, a very helpful audiovisual tool on the path to gender equality. It has been used to raise awareness in educational centers, town councils, associations and all types of organizations whose purposes were to debate such important issues as sexist violence, gender inequality, labor and social rights of women. , sorority, sexual and emotional freedom, among others.

The continent of his short films has served to educate on equality through cineforums from town to town, from city to city and even to make the leap to other countries and continents. We have also inspired other entities to form their own short film competition for equality. online viewing platforms, social networks, the proliferation of contests, the emergence of new narratives and new formats and the increase in emerging women in audiovisuals with innovative discourses have shaped this edition - two years late due to the pandemic - as that of the paradigm shift.

2. Participants
All those who wish to participate and their works deal with any social issues related to gender equality: coeducation, rights, gender violence, sexual violence; historical roles, participation of women in social life; conciliation with work life; equality policies; wage discrimination; glass roof; sticky soil; discrimination based on sex, gender or sexual orientation; invisibility; co-responsibility; sorority, etc.

More than one work may be submitted per person, producer or distributor. The work presented could have been presented at other festivals.

3. Genre
The creative genre will be free choice and all cinematographic techniques will be admitted: animation, fiction and/or documentary.

4. duration
The duration of the short film may not exceed 15 minutes (credit titles included).

5. Registration
Registration will be done online through the Festhome platform.

Recommended digital format:

.mov, .avi, .mpeg or .mp4 formats (the latter being more recommended);
Maximum 500 MB;
H264 codec;
Up to 1920x1080 dpi (recommended: Size in 16/9 case: 720 x 405 (better) or 1024x576; Size in 4/3 case: 720x576);
Up to 30 frames per second;
Audio: AAC/MPEG-2 audio/AC3/AAC/FLAC/MP2 codecs are recommended;
subtitle file with time codes in the formats: SubRip (*.srt).

6. Language
So that the short films can be seen by the greatest number of people possible, regardless of the language of the work, we establish a requirement to receive subtitle files in Spanish or Valencian.

7. Delivery
The delivery period will begin on AUGUST 1, 2024 and will end on SEPTEMBER 15, 2024.

In addition to the short film in digital format, it must be uploaded to the server:
Poster of the short film and/or frames of the short film in high resolution;
Trailer (if any);
A photograph of the director or director.
Completed technical sheet, artistic sheet and synopsis;
history of the production company, contact information and any other relevant information about the short film.

8. Jury
It will be made up of: the organizers of the contest, Leonor Goicoechea and Mónica Quintana, and three people who will be trained or have experience in the fields of audiovisual communication or cinematography and gender equality. Their profiles will be published on our social networks.

The jury's criteria will be to maintain the necessary balance between the content related to the festival theme and the cinematographic quality of the work.

9. Awards
The three short films selected as winners will be awarded €500 each (taxes included).

The jury may award honorable mentions to any works they consider to be of special quality and include them, as well as the winning short films, on their to be viewed.

10. Quality guarantee
The selected short films will provide the Associació per la Coeducació with all the video and audio files, including the necessary subtitles, to guarantee maximum quality and accessibility both in public screening and in viewing by the jury.

11. Communication and presentation of the shorts
Communication to the authors of the selected short films will be done personally and publicly by email and/or through the platforms once the Jury's decision is known. The screening date of the short films will be announced after the winners are announced. In principle, it will be in mid-November. The final date will be announced approximately one month in advance.

12. Rights of the work presented
The authors, producers or distributors participating with their short films declare, where applicable, to have obtained the express authorization of the third parties whose image had been used in the works submitted for publication, in accordance with current laws. In the event that a third person claims image rights, authorship rights, or the violation of any other intellectual, industrial or any other property right of a third person, the Associació per la Coeducació will be exonerated from all liability.

13. Transfer of rights
The participating authors, producers or distributors transfer the rights of their selected short films to the Associació per la Coeducació and the sponsoring entities for their exhibition and dissemination on our viewing platform.

The short film involves the transfer of exhibition and dissemination rights by the authors and producers also in order to be part of the contest archive and its didactic and pedagogical use derived from the activity of the association for co-education in the educational field. and social action.

14. Participation in this contest implies full acceptance of all its rules.

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