CreaSport ()


20 7월 2024
출품 요청

20 9월 2024
영화제 마감

18 10월 2024

09 11월 2024
09 11월 2024


Alameda de la Constitución S/N. Casa del Deporte,  30800, Lorca, Murcia, Spain 스페인

영화제 개요
단편 영화제 30'<

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 모든 장르
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.
 국제 영화제
 실제 위치
 1월 2023
 제작 국가: 기타
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 기타
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  30'<
 모든 언어
소셜 네트워크에서 공유

Photo of CreaSport
Photo of CreaSport

Photo of CreaSport
Photo of CreaSport

한국어 (Korean) ML

영화제 시작: 09 11월 2024      영화제 끝: 09 11월 2024

CreaSport is a short films contest that have to do with the beauty of sport activities, their stories, their moments of glory or failure, their educational wealth… highlighting the capacity of penetration of physical activity in society.

현금 수상: 1,700€

CREASPORT in its short film mode will have the following categories:

· 1st FREE PRIZE: 1,500 euros and Contest trophy. 4 finalists will be selected for this award.

· SPECIAL PUBLIC PRIZE: 200 euros and diploma. Those attending the screenings will choose this award among all the works selected to

FIRST. Thematic

The purpose of the CREASPORT short film contest is to offer a communication channel between the worlds of art and that of physical activity, so close due to their artistic and expressive character. CREASPORT will open a window to artistic expression collecting the beauty of sports activities, their stories, their moments of glory or failure, their educational richness.

The works participating in the contest should orient their focus towards these values, highlighting the penetration capacity of physical activity in society.

SECOND. Participants

Individual or collective filmmakers who wish from anywhere in the world may participate. Two original short films per participant will be admitted, free fiction but adjusted to the theme of the contest.

CREASPORT assumes that the owners of the short films presented have all the rights to exhibit and promote the works and material they represent, and declines any responsibility for the violation of this rule. Works made in any year after 2023, not previously submitted to this contest, will be admitted to the contest.

THIRD. Admission period.

The delivery period is between July 20th and September 20th, 2023.

FOURTH. Presentation of originals

The short films, as well as the necessary documentation (Telephone, copy of the DNI in
.pdf or .jpg, registration form and 2 photographs of the Short Film in .jpg format) must be submitted through the platforms FESTHOME.

Any work presented in another way will be rejected by the festival organization. The Creasport Short Film email is Hereby only
eminently technical issues not resolved in the bases will be addressed. In no case will correspondence with the authors be maintained.

FIFTH. Format

In case of being selected as one of the finalists –which implies the screening of the short film at the awards ceremony- the mandatory presentation format will be .MOV (H264 compression or similar). The organization reserves the right to reject a work due to poor image or sound quality.


The Jury will be made up of professionals from the world of image and physical and sports activity. His opinion will be final, and the award may be declared void if he considers that the works presented do not have the necessary quality.

Aspects not provided for in this call will be resolved by the FORUM of Physical Education and
Deportes de Lorca as organizer of this event, and in its competition, by the Jury.

SEVENTH. Assessment

The creativity, originality, quality and content of the short films adjusted to the object of this call.

EIGHTH. Copyright

The intellectual property of the winning and finalist works will belong to the authors, although the Physical Education and Sports Forum and the Lorca City Council may make use of the rights of reproduction, distribution, dissemination, exhibition and non-profit public communication, to through the means and supports that it deems appropriate.

In any case, the authorship of the works must always be mentioned. Short films not awarded will be the property of the author, but with his participation in the contest he authorizes their public exhibition.

NINTH. Categories and awards

CREASPORT in its short film mode will have the following categories:

· 1st FREE PRIZE: 1,500 euros and Contest trophy. 4 finalists will be selected for this award.

· SPECIAL PUBLIC PRIZE: 200 euros and diploma. Those attending the screenings will choose this award among all the works selected to

TENTH. Failure

The winners of the different CREASPORT contests will be announced during the month of October 2024. The participants of the selected works will be notified by phone or email. The awards ceremony will take place in an event organized in the month of November 2024.

The authors of the awarded works or a representative thereof must be present at the award ceremony, if they are residents of Spain (with the exception of the Canary Islands). The organization will take care of the accommodation for the winner and a companion, but the transport will be at their own expense.

ELEVENTH. Acceptance

Participation in this V CREASPORT SHORT FILM CONTEST implies full acceptance of the content of these rules. The aspects not foreseen in this call will be solved by the FORUM of Physical Education and Sports of Lorca as organizer of this contest, and in its competence, by the Jury.



단 한번의 클릭으로, 멋진 영화와 영화제를 발굴해보세요
