Dallas Videofest 33 ()


09 Jun 2017
Call for entries

30 Jun 2020
Early deadline

01 Sep 2020
Standard deadline

01 Sep 2020
Festival closed

26 Sep 2020
Notification date

01 Oct 2020
04 Oct 2020


1405 Woodlawn,  75208, Dallas, TX, United States

Festival description
Short film festival 20'<
Feature film festival >60'

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2015
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  20'<
 Feature Films  >60'
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Photo of Dallas Videofest 33
Photo of Dallas Videofest 33

Photo of Dallas Videofest 33
Photo of Dallas Videofest 33


Festival start: 01 October 2020      Festival end: 04 October 2020

Dallas Videofest is the major event presented by the Video Association of Dallas, which is dedicated to promoting an understanding of video as a creative medium and cultural force in our society, and to supporting and advancing the work of Texas artists working in video and the electronic arts. Through its programs and information services, the Video Association intends to educate and inform artists, students, educators, critics, video and film producers and an interested public so they may better understand, appreciate and evaluate the creative possibilities of the video medium. It will also provide a forum for the work of regional video artists, in order to stimulate excellence in their work and provide the opportunity for dialogue and critical discussion.

Trophy and Laurel for Documentary Feature, Best Doc Short,

The 33rd Annual VideoFest is open to professional and non-professional filmmakers working in all genres: documentary, animation, and experimental. There are no length or thematic or content restrictions, although works that reflect innovation, creative storytelling, alternative viewpoints, diversity, multidisciplinary explorations, or off-the-beaten-path subjects compete strongly. Every eligible submission is guaranteed to be viewed by the artistic director, there is no pre-selection.

Works previously submitted are not eligible. All video entries must have been originally produced within the last two years and/or post-produced in video or some electronic form. Works must be submitted in NTSC format. Works that are accepted will be notified and at that time entrants will send works in h264 Quicktime formats.

Works using non-licensed, copyrighted music or other copyrighted works or literary properties without legal permission are not eligible. Questions: contact us.

Cat Videos: By submitting this video the filmmakers grant permission to the rights of any images of the footage submitted to be used for promotional events without payment or any other consideration. The filmmakers understand that the submitted video may be copied, exhibited, or published on social media, and expressly waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product shown on the social media on which it may appear. Additionally, the filmmakers waive any right to royalties or other forms of compensation arising from or related to the use of the video in this manner. The filmmakers also understand that this material may be used in diverse educational settings within an unrestricted geographic area.

Here's what to do:
Read the Rules Before you Fill out the Registration Form. Read all the rules first. Please. Really. We mean it.

Fill in the Online Registration Form. Fill in all the required fields. This information goes straight into our database, so if there is an error with your information (i.e. name, address, phone number, email, etc.) it will become a repetitive error, so please make sure all information is complete and correct. Please note in the comments section any idiosyncrasies of your program title or name (lower case proper names, unusual spellings or punctuation, etc.)..

Wait patiently until we inform you if your program is accepted. We will notify accepted programs on or around Sept 15th, 2016, via email.

It is the Video Association of Dallas' policy not to issue fee waivers for unsolicited work.

You May Include These Optional but Recommended Items:

Photos. Electronic version of b/w production still or color slide from the work. All electronic images must by print quality (300 dpi or greater) and clearly labeled with your registration number. Please do not email photos, video files or graphics unless requested. If your photos or program clips are downloadable from a website, please indicate so in the comments section of your registration. All photos must have a caption (identify characters, description of action, or visual style if experimental) and photo credit (who took the photo). This is very important because if you don't have a photo description and photo credit, the press likely won't print it.

Press Kits. Press kit which contains program synopsis, cast and crew lists, biographies of key personnel, reviews, press clippings, etc...

Works using non-licensed, copyrighted music or other copyrighted works or literary properties without legal permission are not eligible

Keep us informed of address changes. At the end of the Festival, we actually send you participating artists money. Yes, money. If we don't know where to find you, we can't send you money, now can we?

Selection Process and Awards:
Festival director, Bart Weiss, will chooses all entries for the five days of Festival programming, with the exception of The Texas Show, a juried program. To be eligible for The Texas Show, the work must be under 20 minutes and have been produced in Texas or by a Texas resident.

The Best of the Texas Show ($150) will be given to the Texas Show program which receives the popular vote of the audience.

Festival Programs:
The Festival program is not formally announced until all entries have been received and reviewed and the entire festival schedule set.

Artists whose programs are not accepted will be notified on or around Sept 15 via email.

If Your Program is Accepted:
Artists whose programs are accepted will be notified as accepted by email as soon as practicable, followed by a letter mailed first class mail. Professional format (quicktime in h264 format on USB Drive or Hard Drive) and additional information will be requested at that time. A screening fee will be paid for films accepted, payable after conclusion of the Festival.

Festival program book, honorarium and other items will be mailed to you at a later date, often several months after the Festival.

Please be sure to keep us informed of any address, telephone, or email changes.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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