Depth of Field International Film Festival (6)


19 3월 2018
출품 요청

07 5월 2018
조기 마감일

18 6월 2018
표준 마감일

30 7월 2018
늦은 마감일

10 9월 2018
영화제 마감

14 9월 2018

19 3월 2018
10 9월 2018


17601 Coastal Highway Unit 11, #51,  19969-9998, Nassau, DE, United States

영화제 개요
단편 영화제 59'<
장편 영화제 180'<

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 모든 장르
 모든 테마
 출품비 있음
 국제 영화제
 온라인 영화제
 제작일: 기타
 제작 국가: 기타
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 기타
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  59'<
 장편영화  180'<
소셜 네트워크에서 공유


영화제 시작: 19 3월 2018      영화제 끝: 10 9월 2018

Feedback: The one element most festivals ignore.

Instead of paying submission fees and getting nothing in return, EVERYONE who submits to DOFIFF.COM will receive EITHER ONE OF TWO benefits: Either 1): your film is already competition calibre, and becomes an Official Selection, OR 2): you’ll receive a letter outlining exactly what is keeping it from being accepted. If you can make corrections, you resubmit for FREE.

First-time filmmakers: when have you ever received a letter and had the festival explain "WHY" you weren't selected? See why filmmakers thank us and say “Best Festival Ever!”

-Guaranteed distributor review by World Wide Motion Pictures Corporation (WWMPC.COM), Adler & Associates, and Polaris Pictures (for Screenplays) among others, AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU, for our select few ‘Best Of’ and "Award of Excellence" winners based on sufficient qualified entries. For this free service, DOFIFF requires NO CONTRACTS to be signed.

-The chance to thereby be included in one of that distributor’s buyers’ packets on the world film market

-A festival that is run as a web-based competition, instead of a traditional film festival: 100% of our effort and investment goes into finding a market for you, not into renting theatres unless it is dictated by the distributors to further test the market.

-All "Best Of Show" and "Award Of Outstanding Excellence" may have their trailers shown on WRPN.TV entertainment news next to Hollywood celebrity interviews (optional)

-Any film that is rejected will receive a personal letter explaining what elements caused the rejection (unlike other fests who never give any explanation at all). HINT: majority of rejections or low award levels, are due to insufficient volume on dialogue soundtracks.

-Any film that is accepted, but fails to move on to award status, will be given a free synopsis of the judges notes, at the filmmakers request, for free

-FREE Earlybird entry of any rejected film, into DOFIFF’s next competition, upon completion of the suggested corrections outlined in your rejection letter

-$28 flat fee for ALL STUDENT FILM ENTRIES regardless of deadline status (proof required of student status at time of filming: no refunds if your ID is not legitimate)

-Unique Category distinctions:

“Dust Collector” category for pre-2009 films

“Tight Shorts” and “Loose Shorts” distinction between running times of less than 15 minutes and those between 15-59 minutes

“Horror” and “Sci-Fi” have been separated into two distinct categories

-Finally, you can rest assured that our co-founder is a proud Committee Member for the Universal Film & Festival Organization (UFFO.ORG). The UFFO is a non-profit operating out of the U.K., which exists for "Promoting best business practices for film festivals.” This guarantees that your film will benefit from a fair and thorough judging process.

DOFIFF, in cooperation with our distribution colleagues, is proud to offer guaranteed distributor review to the top winners in these award levels*:

"Best Of Show"
"Award of Outstanding Excellence"

*(Please note: If there is insufficient competition within any particular category, DOFIFF reserves the right to withdraw a "Best Of" presentation in that particular category.)

Other award levels include:
"Award of Excellence"
"Award Of Exceptional Merit"
"Award Of Merit"
"Kudos Endeavor Award"

DOFIFF is hereby granted the right to utilize an excerpt from any film submitted and accepted for competition at the Festival for promotional purposes.

A brief clip of winning entries may also be streamed on the DOFIFF.COM website and WRPN.TV.

The number of awards granted at any given level will fluctuate based on the total number of entries received for each competition deadline. Just as entering major categories does not insure selection or award, entering sub-categories also does not insure selection or award; Filmmakers who enter sub-categories only (without entering a major category) may be rejected if the judges do not feel the submitted sub-category is of merit, even if the film itself is of merit and could have been award-worthy. Conversely, films may also receive awards for sub-categories written in by the judges even if the filmmaker did not submit for them.

Submitting your film to DOFIFF automatically puts you on our mailing list, to receive emails from DOFIFF and WRPN.TV, so that you will be informed of developments regarding the status of your film. This mailing list is private and will not be shared with any third parties. You may unsubscribe at any time at the risk of missing pertinent information regarding your film.

The individual or corporation submitting the film hereby warrants that it is authorized to commit the film for screening, and understands and accepts these requirements and regulations.

The Competition reserves the right to refuse entries.


Submissions in other than English must be subtitled, dubbed or include an English transcript.

If there is insufficient competition within any particular category, DOFIFF reserves the right to withdraw a "Best Of" presentation in that particular category.

In order to insure that each film is studied and rated an individual basis, DOFIFF has instituted a system to insure that entries do not compete against each other, but instead are recognized for their own individual merits. For all intents and purposes, they compete against themselves: each entry is judged on individual merits and scored on an inherent value system.

We want to insure that the judges’ focus is on you when it is your turn to be evaluated, not on all the other films that are in cue: this insures that they will not have comparisons going on in their minds when they should be focusing entirely on YOU.

Judges score entries on a performance scale and winning entries are recognized and awarded not only for Best Of Show, but also for two Awards of Excellence levels, two Awards of Merit levels, a Kudos Endeavor Award, or no award.

Best of Show honors are granted to the top scoring entry/entries for each season; Awards of Excellence are granted to entries with truly exceptional artistic and technical achievements; and notable achievements are recognized at the Award of Merit and 'Kudos' award levels.

The undersigned shall indemnify and hold harmless DEPTH OF FIELD INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, WRPN.TV, and ROMAN PICTURES from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees, and costs of the court) which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, publicity, screening, and loss of or damage to the screening videos entered.

Submitting filmmakers whom have in any way been associated with Roman Pictures, WRPN.TV, or any of the executive producers for the above mentioned organizations, will be disqualified due to conflict of interest, and any submission fees will be refunded. The filmmaker hereby asserts that no such association with executive producers for Roman Pictures or WRPN.TV exists or has existed in the past.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



단 한번의 클릭으로, 멋진 영화와 영화제를 발굴해보세요
