Dytiatko International Children´s Media Festival ()

DYTIATKO International Children´s Media Festival


15 Feb 2022
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

31 Mai 2022
Festival geschlossen

20 Jul 2022

07 Sep 2022
10 Sep 2022


64 Sumska Str.,  61002, Kharkov, Kharkiv Region, Ukraine

Festival Beschreibung

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Themen
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Physischer Standort
 Januar 2021
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Jede Sprache
English Russian Ukrainian
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of Dytiatko International Children´s Media Festival
Photo of Dytiatko International Children´s Media Festival

Photo of Dytiatko International Children´s Media Festival
Photo of Dytiatko International Children´s Media Festival

German ML

Festival Start: 07 September 2022      Festival Ende: 10 September 2022

Festival founded by Kharkiv Regional Council in 2009.

The Festival mission is to find and support children’s/youth studios and clubs, which are engaged in cinema and television creativity, talented children; development of the children’s/youth cinema and television in Ukraine.

The Festival objectives are:

– the establishment and development of contacts between children’s/youth studios, experience exchange and further professional development of the participants;

– communication to the general public of interesting, outstanding works and projects from different countries, presentation of the best global practices in the development of children’s/youth cinema and television industry;

– the setup of creative and communication platforms to exchange experience and present new projects during the Festival and between the Festival times;

– creative personal development, education of moral values and social activism;

– drawing attention of governmental, non-governmental organizations and commercial entities to the issues of the development of screen children’s/youth creativity, to the processes of personality forming via receiving information broadcast by electronic mass media, to the needs of children’s/youth creative clubs, the development of talented children and their future.

The Festival is held among children’s/youth television, animation, cinema- and radio studios, clubs, groups and individual authors, television and radio broadcasters and creative production entities, directors and producers’ centres, which produce programmes and films for children and youth.

The jury determines one winner in each nomination of the Festival, except nomination «The Best Television Program made for children». Other participants of the Second stage of the Festival receive special Diplomas of the Festival.

Only works created in the festival year and also throughout the year, which precedes the festival one but only those, which, due to the certain reasons, did not get to participate in the program of the previous Festival can participate in it.

The Festival participants provide authors’ works of various genres and creative solutions.

Works, submitted for participation in the Festival should have English subtitles (except for works in English and works that have voice-over or English dubbing-in).

To participate in the Festival, it is necessary to submit the following:

- the materials for the catalogue: a short annotation of the work, the information about the authors, photo of the author, 3 frames of competitive work;

- the authors’ written consent in regard to the use of the works presented and/or their parts for shows during the Festival, in TV programs showing the Festival, and during educational events.

Up to four individuals from the circle of the authors or their authorized person (one adult and three children) can present selected works for participation in the second stage of the Festival.

The Organizing Committee selects, forms and shows in special Festival programs live action, documental, animation and other films, television programs, cycluses, retrospectives created in any country of the world.

The participation in the nominations is free of charge. The participant of the Festival pays independently all charges related to sending the materials for the participation in the Festival, travel expenses to the place of the Festival and return trip.

The organizers are not responsible for mistakes and inaccuracies in the submitted application. Mounted parts or parts of several programs are not accepted.

In case of violation of any clause mentioned above, the application for the participation in the Festival is not considered.

Works which are sent to the Festival are not refereed. After conducting events of the Festival materials are not returned to the authors. They become a part of the Festival database.

The Organizing Committee has the right to non-commercial display of competitive works of the Festival at the events, which are conducted by the Organizing Committee of the Festival (at the Festival platform, in special programs on other Festivals).

The Organizing Committee has the right to non-commercial display of works on days of the Festival which are not selected for competitive and non-competitive program of the Festival.

Participants of the Festival who submitted the work are responsible for authorship failure.

The Organizing Committee is not responsible for Participants’ violation of the third parties rights.

Program and events of the festival and also other questions concerning organization of the Festival conduction are established by the Organizing Committee.

Participation in the Festival foresees agreement with this Regulation.



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