EcoBrasilFest-Environmental Film Festival ()

Ecobrasilfest-Festival De Arte E Cinema Ambiental


18 Feb 2021
Call for entries

12 Mar 2021
Festival closed

06 Apr 2021
Notification date

22 Apr 2021
29 Apr 2021


Canuma 689,  4642040, sao paulo, sao paulo, Brazil

Festival description
Short film festival
Feature film festival >70'

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 February 2018
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films 
 Feature Films  >70'
 Any language
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Photo of EcoBrasilFest-Environmental Film Festival
Photo of EcoBrasilFest-Environmental Film Festival
Photo of EcoBrasilFest-Environmental Film Festival
Photo of EcoBrasilFest-Environmental Film Festival


Festival start: 22 April 2021      Festival end: 29 April 2021

EcoBrasilFest - EcoBrasil Festival of Art and Environmental Cinema.

A space for celebrating nature's cinema productions at a crucial moment for the defense of the environment.

The EcoBrasil Festival will take place from April 22 to 29, 2021. Cinematographic works completed from January 2018 will be accepted.

Three main prizes will be awarded by the Official Jury, as follows:

Best Film Overall - Trophy and certificate

Best Brazilian Film - Trophy and certificate

Best Student Film - Trophy and certificate

The Jury may also decide to award honorable mentions, according to its own criteria, to films of its choice, which will receive a Festival certificate.


The EcoBrasil Fest will take place from April 21 to 29, 2021. Cinematographic works completed from January 2018 will be accepted.

The films must have an environmental theme, such as wildlife, nature, ecosystems, animal behavior, science, threatened biomes, sustainability, activism, among others.Short, medium and feature films can be registered.Short films- from 2 ’to 15’, medium films -from 16 ’to 59’ and feature films- over 60 minutes .

Important: Films that do not have an environmental theme will not be accepted.


Three main prizes will be awarded by the Official Jury, as follows:

Best Film Overall - Trophy and certificate
Best Brazilian Film - Trophy and certificate
Best Student Film - Trophy and certificate
The Jury may also decide to award honorable mentions, according to its own criteria, to films of its choice, which will receive a Festival certificate.


1-animal behavior
4-forests, deforestation and forest fires
5-Impact Doc
7-360 Immersive
8- student - Brazil only


Films must be submitted in Full HD on the Festhome Platform. The title, the submission identification number, the display format and the execution time must be clearly identified in the platform register, as well as the category must be indicated.

The selected films can be sent in h264 and .mov format.

All films that meet the prerequisites described here will be analyzed by the festival's selection committee.

The selection criteria will be based on the artistic, technical and thematic relevance of the work.

The selection committee's decision is sovereign, with no appeal.

The list of the selected films will be made public through the Festival website. It will be up to the organization to decide the dates and times of exhibition of the selected films.

Foreign Films

For films in a foreign language, the participant must send a list of dialogues with timecode in english, Spanish or Portuguese to the EcoBrasil Festival .Failure to comply with this rule means automatic elimination.


By signing up for the EcoBrasil Fest , you agree to the regulations and grant:

- authorization to display the trailer and / or excerpts of the work of up to two minutes, as well as stills of the work, for the exclusive purposes of promotion for the event.

- authorization for free screening of the film during the festival period, itinerant exhibitions and educational activities of the event, for a period of one year after the Festival .

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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