Escuela Itinerante de Animación Wiphay ()

Wiphay Traveling Animation School


25 feb 2024
Inizio delle iscrizioni

25 mar 2024
Festival chiuso

30 apr 2024
Data della notifica

14 apr 2024
31 mag 2024


Av. Simon Bolivar 147,  21001, Puno, Puno, Peru

Descrizione del Festival
Festival del cortometraggio >1' 20'<
Festival del lungometraggio >50' 200'<

Requisiti del Festival
 Festival del cinema
 Music Video
 Qualsiasi genere
 Qualsiasi tema
 Non ha tasse d'iscrizione
 Festival Internazionale
 Posizione fisica e online
 gennaio 2020
 Paesi di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi dove sono state fatte le riprese: Qualsiasi
 Nazionalità del direttore: Qualsiasi
 Film debuttanti 
 Progetti di scuola 
 Cortometraggi  >1' 20'<
 Lungometraggi  >50' 200'<
 Qualsiasi lingua
Condividi sui social network

Photo of Escuela Itinerante de Animación Wiphay
Photo of Escuela Itinerante de Animación Wiphay
Photo of Escuela Itinerante de Animación Wiphay
Photo of Escuela Itinerante de Animación Wiphay

Italian ML

Inizio del Festival: 14 aprile 2024      Festival si chiude: 31 maggio 2024

Whiphay! Itinerant Animated Film School is one of the projects that has won the National Competition for Cultural Management Projects for Audiovisual 2022, of the Directorate of Audiovisual, Phonography and New Media, of the Ministry of Culture. Whiphay is a project of the Ajayu Film Association and has the objective of generating a meaningful experience, enhancing creative skills, cultural knowledge and awareness of the environment in childhood with an intercultural and community focus. It is the first edition of this project and offers training workshops by specialists in the area of ​​animated cinema, drawing, interculturality, pedagogy, cultural management, native music, script and sound for facilitators from different parts of Peru, who will complete their training process and, After an evaluation, they will be able to accompany boys and girls from the department of Puno and Arequipa in the making of animated film projects. Wiphay will also hold film screenings in different parts of the country.

The recognitions will be through digital certificates, in addition to the realization of the laurel as part of the official selection. We call remuneration the activity of “conversation” or “feedback” of the exhibitions that will be held in the screening stages of the project. An audiovisual record will be made of the short films projected and a series of questions will be asked to the viewers in which the children will be asked their appreciation of what they have seen. This will then be compiled and each director will send this material internally.


The Itinerant Animation School project is a cultural activity organized by the Ajayu Cinematographic Association, a winning project of the DAFO economic stimuli (2022). Over the years we have positioned ourselves as an association that develops activities related to animation in all its forms in Peru and Latin America in a hybrid way, from the highest of the highlands to the entire world.

Likewise, with the project we seek to carry out activities for the development of communities and rural areas through cultural industries, specifically with the teaching of animation as talent development. This year it will be held in the months of March, April, May and June 2024, renewing the commitment to show the artistic expression of animation and establish a dialogue with the problems of each locality.

Whiphay! Itinerant Animated Film School is one of the projects that has won the National Competition for Cultural Management Projects for Audiovisual 2022, of the Directorate of Audiovisual, Phonography and New Media, of the Ministry of Culture. Whiphay is a project of the Ajayu Film Association and has the objective of generating a meaningful experience, enhancing creative skills, cultural knowledge and awareness of the environment in childhood with an intercultural and community focus. It is the first edition of this project and offers training workshops by specialists in the area of animated cinema, drawing, interculturality, pedagogy, cultural management, native music, script and sound for facilitators from different parts of Peru, who will complete their training process and, After an evaluation, they will be able to accompany boys and girls from the department of Puno and Arequipa in the making of animated film projects. Wiphay will also hold film screenings in different parts of the country.

Project objectives

•Form new audiences, implementing educational programs for children and young people, promoting audiovisual interest.

•Promote associativity, visibility and diversity in traveling audiovisual programming.

•Stimulate appreciation of diversity, harmonious dialogue and development of creative skills, integrating the public in audiovisual creation processes.

•Train potential talents to carry out workshops.


People of any nationality may participate, either individually or collectively. Productions in languages other than Spanish must attach subtitles in .SRT format in Spanish and/or English. Up to three works per director will be accepted.
Registration for all categories: Animated projects that have been completed since 2020 participate.


The reception period will be from February 25 to March 24, 2024 until 11:59 pm. (Peru Time). Projects submitted after the date will not be considered unless the organization has decided to extend the call.


We have made the decision to do it this way because we do not want to incite competition and not distinguish some works as better than others, there will only be a rating that the children themselves will make within the screenings. It should be noted that the meeting does not offer or deliver any other financial remuneration, and in no case will payment be made for the exhibition rights of an audiovisual work selected through this call.

International Animated Short Films.
Peruvian Animated Short Films.
Latin American Animated Short Films.
Animation Series
Animated Feature Films (Exhibition)
Animated short films made by children.


Short films must not exceed 20 (twenty) minutes.
In the case of feature films, they must be longer than 60 (sixty) minutes.

In the case of series, only one episode may be selected that must not exceed 30 (thirty) minutes.
In the case of the International Animated Short Films category, only works that do not belong to Latin America and Peru are accepted.

The decision to project out-of-competition work will depend on the organization.

Registration cost: There will be 3 ways to apply through the form on the Festhome platform. For the platforms there will be registration costs according to each platform in the late call.

There will be two phases of call: early (from the publication of the rules with 3 weeks) and late (last week of call)

In the category “Made by children” the percentage of participation of children must be indicated.

They will have more evaluation or selection priority if they touch on intercultural issues.


Works can only be sent online through the form, Festhome.


The animated productions received may be used to promote the school in its activities (using part of the video, not its entirety, you can also use the teaser or trailer). Likewise, the works will become part of the video library of the Ajayu Cinematographic Association to be exhibited in the organization's in-person spaces. Those responsible for the application, such as directors, producers and/or distributors, must have the rights to the work being submitted and undertake not to present audiovisual materials and/or photographs for which they do not have rights to use. The school organization is not responsible for the works or for the inappropriate use of intellectual property rights by the authors.


The selection of the works will be determined by members of the association involved in the Wiphay project who, through consensus and dialogue, will determine the selected works that will be part of the Wiphay Project and its audiences. This preselection will be carried out as follows: After the closing of applications, the material received will be preselected by the Programming Team, designated by the school's organizing committee.

The official selection is divided as follows:
Itinerant animation school selection in the following classifications:

International Short Film
National short film (Peruvian)
Short films made by children (wiphay)
Productions selected by the Festival Organization
Feature films

Next, there will be a list of preselected people before the publication of results, who will be notified by email on March 30, 2024. To do this, it is important to emphasize that those PRESELECTED must send the AUTHORIZATION form (document that will arrive by email consigned, informing about their preselection, which must be filled out and signed by the director or person responsible for the work), where they confirm their participation and authorize the screening of their work on the screening days of the WIPHAY traveling school in In-person traveling exhibitions in different places designated by the organization. Sending this authorization form will be an essential requirement to be part of the Selection of the WIPHAY itinerant animation school


The animated production that has been chosen as part of the Festival's Official Selection must present:

One or two graphics of the short film with a minimum quality of 300 dpi.
A photograph of the director/s. (not required)
An image of the short film poster or still (not mandatory).
Trailer or teaser (not mandatory).

The director and/or producer of the animated production AUTHORIZES that it be included in the WHIPHAY school video library and in in-person traveling exhibitions, for reproduction, communication to the public and exhibition of their work in free exhibitions exclusive to the school aimed at audience formation.

The recognitions will be through digital certificates, in addition to the realization of the laurel as part of the official selection. We call remuneration the activity of “conversation” or “feedback” of the exhibitions that will be held in the screening stages of the project. An audiovisual record will be made of the short films projected and a series of questions will be made to the viewers in which the children will be asked their appreciation of what they have seen. This will then be compiled and each director will send this material internally.

The selected cinematographic works will be appreciated and valued by the target audience for which each work is intended. Through an assessment methodology proposed by the Wiphay team, taking into account the purpose of the project, which is to give a voice to childhood. Consideration will be given to films (short films and feature films) that have a theme or care in the story related to social, environmental, educational, and pedagogical problems that have to do with themes related to the location of the filmmakers. It is firmly believed that dialogue through the vision of films is a way to make a change for society and its citizens.

The Official Selection will be published on April 5, 2024 through our social networks of both the project and the association.

Participation in this call implies acceptance of these rules. The absence of any important information in the registration, as well as the material attached to it and failure to comply with the established deadlines, may result in non-participation in the corresponding work in the school. Sincerely

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