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01 Jan 2020
31 Dez 2020
Festival fechado
10 Jan 2021
Data de Notificação
01 Jan 2020
30 Jan 2021
Início do Festival: 01 Janeiro 2020 Fim do Festival: 30 Janeiro 2021
Eurasia International Monthly Film Festival is a monthly online festival with live screeenings. Our festival is a brilliant opportunity to participate in inernational competition.
The films of the Official selection and the winners will be selected each month, so the filmmakers will know about jury’s decision very quickly.
Every film in the official selection has a chance to be a winner and to be shown along with other films-winners at the gala-screening once a year.
Winners will be announced on our website and social media pages every month.
Take the experience with Eurasia International Monthly Film Festival and your film will has a chance:
– to be chosen in Official selection;
– to be a winner in one of the categories;
– to be screened at the festival event.
Eurasia International Monthly Film Festival is an independent festival for independent filmmakers. Our festival has emerged as the online festival and monthly film club. Currently it is an online festival with the annual gala screenings of the winning films.
Selected films and the winners will be announced on 25th day the following month.
“Films of the month” will be shown at the annual event.
Film of the Month
Best Short (under 15 min)
Best Short (over 15 min)
Best Feature Film
Best Documentary (under 40 min)
Best Documentary (over 40 min)
Best Web Episode
Best Animation
Best Student
Best Music Video
Best Experimental
Best Camera
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Director
We accept films of all genres.
All films that are not in English (or Russian) must have English language subtitles.
No fee waiver. All entry fees are non-refundable.
Multiple entries from the same submitter are accepted. A separate submission and a separate entry fee must accompany each entry.
Submissions received without online screener will not be accepted.
No postal submissions accepted.
All selected films and winners will receive the laurels and certificates by request.
The jury may consist of professional filmmakers, representatives of the creative industries and creative people (writers, artists, etc.). The jury consists of not less than 3 persons and not more than 5 people. The jury may be updated every month if it will be necessary. Maximum working period of each jury member – 1 year.
The judge has no right to submit in the competition his movie.
The judge also has no the right to vote for movies with his relatives. If this fact becomes known, the film will be disqualified and the judge will be excluded.
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.