Fescise 2023 ()



01 Feb 2023
Call for entries

30 May 2023
Festival closed

16 Jun 2023
Notification date

15 Jun 2023
17 Jun 2023


Monagas,  6201, Maturín, Maturín, Venezuela

Festival description
Short film festival >5' 15'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 February 2021
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >5' 15'<
 Any language
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Photo of Fescise 2023
Photo of Fescise 2023

Photo of Fescise 2023
Photo of Fescise 2023


Festival start: 15 June 2023      Festival end: 17 June 2023

FESCISE; It is a film festival that rewards the complexity of making a sequence shot, the works will have a minimum duration of 5 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes (including credits); with a minimum continuous sequence shot of 3 minutes 30 seconds in the development of the short.

Best Short Film with Sequence Shot: That work that, according to the Jury's consideration, brings together technical, artistic and production aspects that are ideally combined with the Sequence Shot. Prize: Main Event Statuette + Cash.

Special Mention “I Love Life, I Love Cinema”: works whose content promotes the values of friendship, love, family, among other similar values. Prize: Main Statuette of the Event.

Other prizes to be awarded:
Public Acceptance, Direction, Production, Photography, Camera, Script, Soundtrack, Leading Actress, Leading Actor, Supporting Actress, Supporting Actor, Art Direction.

9th Sequence Film Festival 2023

The School of Cinema and Audiovisual Media of the East (ECIMA) organizes this year 2023, the 9th. Sequence Film Festival (FESCISE), in homage to Filmmaker Luis Alberto Lamata, Venezuelan Film Director. This Festival aims to encourage, promote and disseminate audiovisual and cinematographic art and continue promoting the development of the area in Venezuela.

The Festival will have as its main venue the city of Maturín, Monagas - Venezuela, from June 15 to 17, 2023, days in which various training activities will be carried out such as workshops, conservatories and cinema-forums in the company of personalities linked to the area of Cinema.


two-. Short films will be entered in the contest at the request of their producers, Venezuelans or foreigners who own the rights to the work.

3-. By registering a work to participate in the Festival, the organization is implicitly authorized for its exhibition, promotion and dissemination, through any means that it deems appropriate for the promotion of the Festival.

4-. The deadline for receiving applications will be May 30, 2023.

5-. Works that do not have all the collections will NOT be accepted.

6-. The works will have a minimum duration of 5 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes (including credits); with a minimum continuous sequence shot of 3 minutes 30 seconds in the development of the short.

7-. Works will not be accepted after the closing date of the call.

8-. Fill out the registration form (access the link found in the bio @ecimaoriente).

9-. The reception of the works will be through wetranfer, email: festivaldesecuencias@gmail.com, to which the work to be applied must be sent, as well as the following precautions:

9 a-. Proof of deposit or transfer for thirty dollars ($30) at the BCV rate to Banco de Venezuela, Current Account No. 0102-0451-88-0000202303 in the name of Fund. ECIMA Oriente, Ref.: J-90045272-7 email: ecimaorientevenezuela@gmail.com. If the payment is by Paypal, through alevisa.ca@gmail.com

9 b-. Copy of identity document of the producer or representative of the organization that registers the work.

9c-. Minimum trailer HD format maximum 30”

9 d-. Making of minimum HD maximum 30”
9 e-. Soundtrack
9 f-. Poster in png minimum 300 DPI
9 a.m. 2 Photographs of the director minimum 300 DPI
9 i-. 5 Photographs Behind Camera minimum 300 DPI

10-. The music or soundtrack of the work to participate must be without copyright. They can be original.

11-. All copies sent to the festival for consideration will become part of the film archive of the Escuela de Cine y Medios Audiovisuales de Oriente (ECIMA).

12-. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to exclude from the Festival, those works whose content is discriminatory related to sexual, social, racial, religious or other aspects; in order to promote inclusion.

13-. Only one (01) work per Director / Participant will be accepted.

14-. Institutional videos or works registered in previous versions of the Festival will not be accepted.

15-. The contest will only accept works that have been produced in the last two (02) years, prior to the present edition of the Festival.

16-. The works in competition must be in Spanish or in other languages, in which case they must be subtitled in Spanish.

17-. The submitted works will be viewed by a Preselection Committee that will define those that will go to the competition, and that will be published through the different means of dissemination of the organization days prior to the Festival.

18-. All registered works will be seen by a Jury appointed by the Festival Organization, which will have the power to select the nominated and winning works. His decision will be final.

19-. prizes will be awarded to the works that are chosen as follows:

Best Short Film with Sequence Shot: That work that, according to the Jury, brings together technical, artistic and production aspects that are ideally combined with the Sequence Shot. Prize: Main Event Statue + Cash.

Special Mention “I Love Life, I Love Cinema”: works whose content promotes the values ​​of friendship, love, family, among other similar ones. Prize: Main Event Statuette.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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