FestCine Itaúna (3)

Festival Internacional de Cinema Estudantil de Itaúna


20 Jan 2022
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

20 Mär 2022
Festival geschlossen

12 Apr 2022

18 Apr 2022
24 Apr 2022


Capela São Sebastião de Itaúna,  550144000, Itaúna, Itaúna, Brazil

Festival Beschreibung
Kurzfilmfestival >3' 30'<
Spielfilmfestival >60' 180'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Online und physischer Standort
 Produktionsdatum: Jede
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  >3' 30'<
 Spielfilme  >60' 180'<
 Jede Sprache
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of FestCine Itaúna
Photo of FestCine Itaúna
Photo of FestCine Itaúna
Photo of FestCine Itaúna

German ML

Festival Start: 18 April 2022      Festival Ende: 24 April 2022

FestCine Itaúna – Busca promover a cultura cinematográfica através de exibições e oficinas gratuitas para o público com o intuito de incentivar jovens realizadores a explorarem novas formas de se comunicar com o mundo - promovendo um espaço de formação de público, difusão da produção regional e união de profissionais do setor.

A edição 2022 será hibrida entre presencial e online respeitando medidas sanitárias da OMS.

Golden Cururu Award - Jury Choice. For the Itaúna (Brazil), Cururuá (Brazil), Anu-preto (International) and Mocó (International):

Best Film
Best Animated Short
Best Director
Best Screenplay
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Cinematography
Best Editing
Best Sound
Best Soundtrack
Best Art Director
Best Make-Up & Hairstyling
Best Poster
Grand Jury Prize


The films are entered into the festival by choosing one of the 04 (four) screening options and, if necessary, they will be designated by the curator among the categories that best fit.
1.2 Itaúna - Suitable for students from public or private schools.
1.3 Cururuá - For students from college, university or training course / workshop.
1.4 Anu-preto Shot Film (International)- For all filmmakers.
1.5 Mocó Feature Film (National and International) - For all filmmakers.

2.0 Subtitles are not mandatory
2.1 The evaluation copy must, upon registration and evaluation period, be available for download.
2.2 The exhibition copy will be requested by email.
2.3 We need the movie on YouTube or Vimeo to put it on the site. This year the festival will take place in a hybrid format between face-to-face and online, because of the coronavirus.

2.3.3 Movie link on YouTube or Vimeo for viewing with embedded subtitles in English or Portuguese:

2.4 Movie download link with embedded subtitles in English or Portuguese.
(Subtitles must be embedded in the movie. Not sent as separate files)

3.0 Online entries will only be accepted until 11:59 pm on the last day of entry.
3.1 Short films of up to 30 minutes can be submitted (credits included).
3.1.1 In the case of Mostra - Mocó, an international feature film, there is no limit to the length of the film.
3.2 Any problems related to copyright are borne by the producers and directors of the films.
3.3 There will be no offer of transportation or food expenses for the representatives.
3.4 We will use photos, excerpts and technical information from the films in the dissemination and in the available means of communication, without charge from the filmmakers.
3.5 After the publication of the official list of selected films, none of the short films from the Festival's exhibition and competition can be withdrawn.

4.1 The notice about the selection of the work will be sent directly to the e-mail at the opportune moment of disclosure.

4.2 When registering and sending the films, you will be aware of and in accordance with the above regulations. If selected, undertakes to send material and information for dissemination.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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