Festival De Cine Documental Musical Dock Of The Bay (17)

Dock of The Bay Music Documentary Film Festival

Dates limites

02 nov. 2023
Appel à Inscriptions

15 févr. 2024
Festival fermé

15 avril 2024
Date de notification

03 juin 2024
08 juin 2024


Prim 59,  20006, San Sebastian, Gipuzkoa, Spain

Description du Festival
Musical documentary
Festival d court métrage 30'<
Festival de long métrage >60'

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 A des frais d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 mai 2023
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  30'<
 Long-métrage  >60'
 Toutes langues
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of Festival De Cine Documental Musical Dock Of The Bay
Photo of Festival De Cine Documental Musical Dock Of The Bay

Photo of Festival De Cine Documental Musical Dock Of The Bay
Photo of Festival De Cine Documental Musical Dock Of The Bay

French ML

Début du Festival: 03 juin 2024      Fin du Festival: 08 juin 2024

Dock of the Bay is a festival focussed on the dissemination of non-fiction films addressing the extensive world of music in its different thematic and formal aspects.

The Dock of the Bay Festival will run in Donostia-San Sebastian from May 3rd to 8th of 2023.

The Festival will have two awards:

• Dock of the Bay Award for Best Documentary Feature, with 2,000 euros (including tax)*.
• Prize for the best short film Dock of the Bay with an award of 1000 euros (taxes included)*.
• Other Awards still to be determined.


*Said gross amount will be subject to applicable tax.

*The winning films undertake to mention the award on all advertising material, press files and in the credit titles of all copies, respecting the exact wording of the Jury’s decision and using the Festival logo where appropriate.

*Said logo will be available on the official Festival website.

*The “Award for Best Documentary Feature” will go to the director, production company, or person submitting the film to the competition. Payment of the cash prize will be made by bank transfer on a date following the end of the Festival.

Dock of the Bay will have different sections in its programme. There will be two sections in competition:

- International Feature Film Competition Section: The length of the films must be more than 60 minutes.

- Short Film Competition Section - Films must be no longer than 30 minutes. The Organisation reserves the option to include longer films.



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