Festival de Cine Espiritual Contracorriente (11)

Spiritual Film Festival Contracorriente


01 Jan 2024
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

14 Apr 2024

12 Mai 2024
Späte Frist

12 Mai 2024
Festival geschlossen

01 Jul 2024

29 Jul 2024
03 Aug 2024


Cr 99 #68-48 piso 2,  no, Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia

Festival Beschreibung
Kurzfilmfestival >2' 15'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Online und physischer Standort
 Januar 2022
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  >2' 15'<
Spanish English
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of Festival de Cine Espiritual Contracorriente
Photo of Festival de Cine Espiritual Contracorriente

Photo of Festival de Cine Espiritual Contracorriente
Photo of Festival de Cine Espiritual Contracorriente

German ML

Festival Start: 29 Juli 2024      Festival Ende: 03 August 2024

We are an international short film festival, for express the spiritual cinema with a universal language, dealing with internal affairs of the human being, a cinema of the invisible that captures the essence of the deep and transcendent, in introspective and reflective stories; with questions and answers about life. Each story is fruit harvested from the inside out and symbolize 9 spiritual values that are fundamental for us: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Kindness, Fidelity, Humility and Self Control.


1. The winners and those who receive special mention by the jury will receive by mail the certificate that accredits their participation.

2.The prizes will be represented in training, distribution and promotion for the winning films. These will be published in advance and may be modified according to the support achieved by the festival.

The festival will take place like a hybrid format from July 29 to August 03 of 2024.

The registration period is from January 1 to May 12 of 2024. Submission through platforms will be free from January 1 to March 1, 2024, after this date the registration fee will be 6 eur or USD from March 3 to April 14 and 8 eur or USD from April 15 to May 12, excluding this the Colombian films.


Reflections. It is the station of the Soul, The Zone, represented with the Air, where all the international fictional stories will be. International fiction short films. Max 15 min.

Roots. It is the station of the Heart, The Mirrow, represented with the Water, where all the international documentary stories will be. International documentaries short films. Max 15 min.

National Contracorriente. It is the station of the Mind, Solaris, represented with the Earth, where all the Colombian fictional animation and documentary stories will be located. Colombia fiction, animation and documentary short films. Max 15 min.

New Generations. It is the station of the Spirit, represented with Fire, where all the animation, fiction and documentary stories will be for children and adolescents. International fiction and documentary short films for children and teenagers. Max 15 min.


1. Only register the film the producer or director.

2.All the films produced during the years 2022, 2023 or after January 1, 2024 may participate.

3. The short films will have a maximum duration of 15 minutes including credits.

4. The same film can not participate in several categories. Only the category most in accordance with the film must be chosen.

5. The productions will be presented in the original version. Those that are not filmed in Spanish must be presented with the corresponding subtitles in Spanish for their exhibition at the festival. These subtitles will be attached as a separate file in the standard .SRT format or they should be inserted in the film. Disqualification may not cause to present subtitles in Spanish.

6. The exhibition formats are: In audiovisual file with H.264 codec, extension .mov or .mp4, and resolution 1920 X 1080 NO OTHER CODEC OR EXTENSIONS WILL BE RECEIVED.

7. The films that do not technically guarantee a correct projection will be rejected.

8. The festival is not responsible for possible infractions in the matter of copyright in which the received films may incur, being these always the responsibility of its producer and / or director.

9. Films that have participated in previous versions of the festival will not be considered.

10. In the case of the category for nationals, films that are produced in another country and where only the director is Colombian will not be accepted. If it is completely produced outside of Colombia, it will be considered an international film. Only co-productions that have an equitable percentage of participation among the participating countries will be accepted.

11. If the film is pre-selected or selected, it must attach the authorization for its exhibition at the indicated times, otherwise the film may be disqualified. If an answer is not obtained by the director regarding the nomination, it may be disqualified.

12. Some prizes will have to have additional authorization from their director to be granted and it will be up to the participant to accept or reject it.

13. The festival will be hybrid format, in this case the films that will are part of the official selection may be exhibited online during the festival dates in addition to the spaces for face-to-face projections.


Movies can be sent in one of the following ways:
1. online through Festhome service, uploading both video and data in its own application form for the Spiritual Film Contracorriente.It is not necessary to register the film on all platforms, just choose one of the options.

2. Sending through the registration form directly on our website, where you can place the link of the film. Any film cannot be accepted without filling out the registration form.


1. In the event that the film is selected in advance, the corresponding authorization for its exhibition must be sent to the festival's mail on the indicated dates, otherwise the film will be disqualified.

2. The selected films will not be returned or withdrawn, the films will be part of the festival's personal collection.

3.The filmmakers classified in the Official Selection and winners, accept that their films according to competition, are exhibited in the different activities in relation to the festival in replicas in Colombia or other parts of the world to which the festival can arrive and replicas in different places where the festival makes diffusion. All exhibitions will be free. The selected ones give to the organization their exhibition rights to show the short films in this festival and in future events related to it.

4.A maximum of 7 short films and a minimum of 5 short films for each category will be selected, if this is not possible, the category may be deserted.

5. Among all the short films received, for their participation in the festival, they are selected for the quality standards and coherence with the category in participation, will be selected at the discretion of the Committee of the Festival Curators. The decision of the Committee of Festival Curators is unappealable.

6.According to the dates established by the Festival, pre-selections will be made and the participants will be notify.

7. Those selected will be notified before and the official selection will be announced on July 1, 2024 or a date close to that determined by the festival on the festival website: festivaldecinecontracorriente.com and also in Facebook.

8.If is convenient, the festival could to change or move a film to other category.

9.The festival can be held entirely online or in a hybrid version. In this case, the filmmakers will be requested prior authorization so that their films can be exhibited online only during the dates of the festival.

10. For to apply to these bases the selected films automatically accept to use excerpts of images for the promotion of the Official Selection of the Festival in the differents media.


1. By submitting a film to the Festival, you agree to these terms and conditions.

2.The received films that do not comply with the general conditions of participation and the pre-selection requirements will not be registered. The organization of the contest reserves the right to make the decisions that it considers pertinent for those cases not foreseen in these bases.

3. The present bases are subject to possible modifications and / or annexes if necessary.

Festival organized by Corporación de Cine Contracorriente
Contact: festivaldecinecontracorriente@gmail.com
Web Site: festivaldecinecontracorriente.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FestivalInternacionalDeCineContracorriente/



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