Human, Festival De Cine y Derechos Humanos, Madrid. ()

Human. Human Rights Film Festival, Madrid


12 Feb 2023
Call for entries

31 May 2023
Early deadline

31 Aug 2023
Standard deadline

01 Nov 2023
Late deadline

01 Nov 2023
Festival closed

01 Dec 2023
Notification date

02 Dec 2023
10 Dec 2023


-,  -, Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Festival description
Human Rights
Short film festival 30'<
Feature film festival >31'

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  30'<
 Feature Films  >31'
 Any language
Spanish English
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Photo of Human, Festival De Cine y Derechos Humanos, Madrid.
Photo of Human, Festival De Cine y Derechos Humanos, Madrid.

Photo of Human, Festival De Cine y Derechos Humanos, Madrid.
Photo of Human, Festival De Cine y Derechos Humanos, Madrid.


Festival start: 02 December 2023      Festival end: 10 December 2023

Se configura como un festival de cine participativo y educativo donde se da voz a trabajos que tratan los Derechos Humanos, tanto en géneros de ficción, animación como documental.

Creemos que hoy es más importante que nunca que la sociedad cree puentes de debate para el acercamiento, con el único ánimo de crear humanidad y empezar a escucharnos. El Festival muestra trabajos donde tanto el contenido como la técnica son de alta calidad y han sido premiados a nivel internacional en anteriores Festivales. Previa selección de las películas por la organización del Festival, un jurado formado por expertos en el ámbito cinematográfico, así como defensores de Derechos Humanos y del ámbito educativo, serán los encargados de puntuar y entregar los premios.

Los Derechos Humanos son el garante de una sociedad sana, educada, despierta y empoderada y pertenecen a toda la sociedad como pilares fundamentales que deben sostener los cimientos donde se sustente todo lo demás. Difundir la cultura de paz, el desarrollo democrático y la humanidad sostenible son también sus objetivos. Para eso se organizan talleres, presentaciones y mesas de debate con los propios autores y autoras de las películas al público asistente así como actores, productores, críticos de cine, periodistas y defensores de Derechos Humanos locales e internacionales.

Te damos la bienvenida al Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos de Madrid.

Competitive Section:
- Best Feature Film
- Best Medium-Length Film
- Best Fiction Short Film
- Best Documentary Short Film

Non-competitive Section:
- Special Award

Special Awards by the Organization:
- Human Rights Award
- Human Rights Awards:
- Letters Award (Written media)
- Voices Award (Radio)
- Look Award (TV, film)

8º Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos, Madrid


All films must be about Human Rights.

The Festival will cover the travel expenses, meals and lodging only for filmmakers invited by the Festival.

The Festival will subtitulate the selected films professionally in Spanish and offers these subtitles with any charge to the director to be used.

Submission fee of Short films regular deadline May 31, 15€, late deadline August 31, 18€, final deadline November 1, 20€ and Feature films, regular deadline May 31 20€, late deadline August 31, 22€, final deadline November 1, 25€.

If your film is selected in some cases you will have to send the film in digital format with high definition to the subtitles department.

The Festival will do international shows of the official section films in Spain and in countries of the global south in the world, with the aim to spread human rights themes before the beginning of the next edition.

If the Festival don't answer one time you know the reception of the material was done is because your film has not been selected.

The festival reserves the right to change the program or change the schedules.

Participation in the Festival implies acceptance of these rules.


Competitive Section:
Awards & Prizes
Best Feature Film
Best Medium-Length Film
Best Fiction Short Film
Best Documentary Short Film
Best Photography film
Best Script film
Best Environmental film
Best Student film
Non-competitive Section:
- Special Award

Special Awards
- Human Rights Award

- Human Rights Awards:
- Letters Award (Written media)
- Voices Award (Radio)
- Look Award (TV, film)

The Festival will be on the last quarter of the year.
Films of all kinds of geners, durations and years.

8º Human Rights Film Festival,Madrid.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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