Festival Fotogenia ()

Fotogenia Festival


11 Mar 2023
Call for entries

12 May 2023
Early deadline

20 Aug 2023
Standard deadline

10 Sep 2023
Late deadline

10 Sep 2023
Festival closed

29 Sep 2023
Notification date

22 Nov 2023
02 Dec 2023


Posgrado en Artes y Diseño, C.U. UNAM,  -, Mexico City, DF, Mexico

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 29'<
Feature film festival >30'

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 29'<
 Feature Films  >30'
 Any language
 Any language
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Photo of Festival Fotogenia
Photo of Festival Fotogenia
Photo of Festival Fotogenia
Photo of Festival Fotogenia


Festival start: 22 November 2023      Festival end: 02 December 2023

FOTOGENIA, INTERNATIONAL FILM POETRY & DIVERGENT NARRATIVES FESTIVAL, VOL. 5 promotes a space with an alternative conception of films, a celebration of experimentation and avant-garde framework, the love of curiosity and research of the Seventh Art. Everyone is invited, taking into consideration the disruptive nature of the selected works.

FOTOGENIA is a Film Festival held in the heart and diverse areas of Mexico City that celebrates cinema itself, experimentation with its nature, formats, genres, narrative, projection spaces, and all the freedom to explore the audiovisual image without restriction. It joins the Festivals of this type around the world such as the Film & Video Poetry Symposium which takes place in Moscow, Los Angeles, and New York, Rencontres Internationales held in Paris and Berlin, and Le FIFA, Festival International du Film Sur l'Art in Montreal, Canada.

​If you are an audiovisual maker who doesn't find your place, voice, and vision within the traditional film festivals and you are interested in provoking the cinematographic image through the exploration of its frontiers and limits, in order to converse with the viewers in innovative and critical ways to ignite a confrontation between reality and cinematic phenomenon, this is your place to exhibit your passion. We receive filmpoetry, avant-garde films, video art & experimental cinema.

​And if you are a spectator avid for finding new film proposals, personal movies, and experimental works of cinema, this is your place to watch.

​We welcome you to experience films in another way!

Open your gaze!

Cash Prizes: 900$


The monetary prizes are given in MXN or its equivalence in USD dollars /
Los premios otorgados see entregan en pesos mexicanos o su equivalencia en dólares americanos.

All the finalists will receive a Certificate of Achievement. / Los trabajos finalistas recibirán un Certificado Digital

1. The topic to explore in this Fifth Edition is OPEN. What do you imagine Cinema can create in form of dreams, passions, fears, desires, joys, jokes, ideas, or abstractions? We want to explore a FREE CINEMA that can show us MULTIPLE WORLDS. NO MATTER WHEN YOU'VE IMAGINED & MADE YOUR FILM!

2. The Festival is open to all international short films, and feature films, regardless of their year of production. This edition we will accept outstanding experimental music videos.

​3. The duration of the short films must be between 1-29 minutes with credits. For feature films, we consider a length of 30 minutes or more.

4. Any format is accepted (16mm, 35mm, digital, mobile, etc.) in accord with the experimentation of the cinematics’ substance; however, the final projection copy must be in Full HD digital format (1920 x 1080), QuickTime .mov or .mp4, compression H.264.

5. Any genre and technique can be used (animation, fiction, documentary, mockumentary, or a mix between genres), in the spirit of unrestricted experimentation within the divergent narratives, poetry logic, hypertextual logic, or thought logic, in order to defy poetry and narrative frontiers.

6. To be considered you need to submit your material through Festhome (During the REGULAR DEADLINE if you are a student you can ask for a discount waiver by writing to hola.fotogenia@gmail.com, you must verify your Educational Institution or prove that you made your film during your studies. THIS IS ONLY AVAILABLE DURING THE REGULAR AND EXTENDED DEADLINES)

​7. Each director can send a maximum of 3 works.

8. For consideration, if the original language is different from Spanish or English, the film must be subtitled in Spanish or English. If your film is selected a copy with Spanish subtitles must be delivered to be part of the final program.

9. The regular deadline for submission will be Sunday, August 20th, 2023.

​10. A Selection Committee comprised of international specialists will review all the works and select those best suited to the Festival’s theme and philosophy.

11. The Official Selection will be announced on our official website and Social Media. The Festival will contact all selected directors to arrange the final delivery of their works in the best HD projection quality and their Press Kit. It is your responsibility to check your email (SPAM or promotions folders) to get the notification and the instructions to send your material on the scheduled dates and by the means Fotogenia require them in order to guarantee your inclusion in the programme. If you don't send your materials as the Festival requires them your film will not be presented in the final programming.

12. The selected directors who live in Mexico City need to commit to attending, on the day that the Festival takes place, to be part of a Q&A round to discuss their works with the spectators. Those directors who live outside Mexico City or the country can participate in a video presentation.

​13. A Jury comprised of International Film Specialists will grant the Award: “Delluc / Avant-garde” to the work they consider worthy of the Festival Spirit, with a cash prize of USD $900* (its equivalence is in Mexican pesos). Besides, the Jury will grant the prize: “Epstein /Special Mention” to the work that they consider worthy of it with a cash prize of USD $400 (its equivalence is in Mexican pesos), and the "Amero Revelation Award" to an amazing novel director with a cash prize of USD $200 (its equivalence is in Mexican pesos).

14. The Festival will be hybrid so our national and international audiences can enjoy online programmes and seminars. The venues in Mexico City where the selected short and feature films will be projected shall be announced during the next months. The directors will be invited to all screenings, events, and a special evening party after the Closing Ceremony.

​15. When the Festival ends and at Fotogenia's consideration, the selected short and feature films will be uploaded to our website where they will integrate the digital archive of the Festival. FOTOGENIA CHANNEL preserves & promotes the selected works and their directors as the Festival's historical heritage and memory for the world.

​16. As a part of the tasks of FESTIVAL FOTOGENIA to provide an exhibition space for filmmakers from all over the world, once the Festival is over, the selected works will be part of an itinerant showcase throughout the year, in order to expand their projection to low-income communities and other national and international public spaces. This promotion of the works will depend on the agreements that the Festival could arrange with other Institutions during the next months after the official dates of FOTOGENIA have passed. The directors will be notified and invited to these possible exhibitions.

​17. By sending your material, you accept the present rules & regulations hereby described.

​18. Any unforeseen situation in these regulations will be solved by FOTOGENIA Festival Organization at its sole discretion.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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