Festival Internacional De Cine Por La Memoria Democrática ()



01 Jun 2024
Call for entries

31 Jul 2024
Festival closed

01 Sep 2024
Notification date

03 Dec 2024
07 Dec 2024


...,  ..., Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Festival description
Democratic memory and human rights
Short film festival 30'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2021
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  30'<
 Any language
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Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Por La Memoria Democrática
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Por La Memoria Democrática

Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Por La Memoria Democrática
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Por La Memoria Democrática


Festival start: 03 December 2024      Festival end: 07 December 2024

FESCIMED was born with the desire to consolidate itself as a reference in the panorama of short film festivals organized in Spain in order to help raise awareness of the need to deepen and protect the values ​​that underpin justice, freedom and democracy. As a film festival, it is a tool for the promotion of Human Rights in various aspects, ranging from the exhibition and compilation of audiovisual material on the subject of the Right to the Truth as a file, to the programming of debates, performances, exhibitions and lectures on the subject of the hands of historians, filmmakers, journalists and any other culture professional in order to foster dialogue.

Cash Prizes: 700€

Best Short Film Award: 300€ + Trophy.

Public Vote Award: 200€ + Trophy.

Special Youth Award: 200€ + Trophy.

Best Actor Award: Trophy.
Best Actress Award: Trophy.
Best Director Award: Trophy.
Best Script Award: Trophy.
Best Original Soundtrack Award: Trophy.
Best Editing Award: Trophy.
Best Photography Award: Trophy.
Best Sound Award: Trophy.
Best Costume Design Award: Trophy.
Best Make-up and Hairdressing: Trophy.


1. Participation in the 8th International Film Festival for Democratic Memory (FESCIMED) is open to all filmmakers that wish to participate, regardless of age, nationality, gender, etc. Minors will be allowed to participate as long as they provide the Festival Organizing Committee due written parental authorization from at least one of the parents or legal guardians. This authorization may be downloaded from the FESCIMED Web site and must be completed and available for download on the selected registration platform (see section II. Inscription).

2. The subject of all pieces will revolve around Democratic Memory: truth, justice and reparation for victims, as well as spreading, safeguard and recovery of Democratic Memory with the aim of promoting cohesion and solidarity between different generations around democratic principles, values and liberties.

3. Works may have all types of genres and formats: fiction, documentary and animation. Every author will be able to participate with as many works as he/she wants to. The maximum duration of short films will be 30 minutes, including credits.

4. Works that portray values or ideas of a racist, sexist, xenophobic, intolerant, fanatical or other violent nature, or opposed to human and social rights will not be accepted.

5. Works that were selected for any of the sections of the previous edition of this Festival will not be allowed to participate, either in the Official Section or in parallel Sections.

6. Short films can be presented in any film or video system, including those provided by IT platforms, as long as they have been produced after January 1st 2021.

7. The names on the registration form must be the same as those contained in the film credit titles. The Organizing Committee understands that those presenting a piece of work to the Festival hold film rights over it, so candidates are solely responsible for any failure to comply with those.

8. A Selection Committee will choose the short films which will be included in the Official Section. The Organisation Committee may program one or more parallel sections outside the competition but within the framework of the Festival.

9. The Jury will announce its decision and the Public Vote Award at the Closing Ceremony. The decisions of the Selection Committee and the Jury will not be open to appeal.


10. Short films will be presented in their original language. Those with an original language other than Spanish must be subtitled in this language.

11. Registration will only be done through one of these Festhome platform. In all cases, the poster of the short film, photograph of the director and at least two frames of the film must be available for download. In the case of minors, also the corresponding authorizations duly completed as described in point 1 of these rules.

12. Participation will have a symbolic cost of €1, which will be payable at the time of registration.

13. The deadline for registration is July 31st, 2024 at 23:59 (Peninsular Spain GMT).

14. Candidates who wish to cancel their registration to this Festival must give prior notice before the registration deadline.

15. Candidates who fail to submit the required documents described in these Terms and Conditions before the deadline, will be out of the competition. All questions and inquiries should be addressed to the Festival contact email: fescimed@fescimed.com


16. The Selection Committee will decide which short films will go to the Official Section among the works presented. All films in the Final will be eligible for every award, except for the Special Youth Award for filmmakers under 30 years of age, born after December 1st, 1994.

17. Between August and September 2024, the Organisation will get in touch the selected ones who must submit to the Festival Organising Committee a copy of their works in high definition in accordance with the following criteria:
a. Format: DCP/ MPEG2 or H.264.
b. Minimum resolution: PAL 1920x1080p 25fps.
c. Audio: 48kHz.

18. These copies will be submitted via Internet to the Festival email address -through WeTransfer, Dropbox, Drive or Mega- or through any download system that allows the registration platforms. The HD copies must reach the Organizing Committee before October 1st 2024.

19. The Festival Organising Committee reserves the right to reject those copies presented that, in its judgement, do not meet the technical conditions required for their screening to the public.


20. Screening of short films, both in the Official Section of the competition and in the parallel sections, if any, will take place at Cineteca in December 2024, at a time to be determined by the Festival Organizing Committee. In the case of the on-line screenings, selected short films will be put on the Festival Website through a private link to Youtube, Dailymotion, for which participants give their express authorization when submitting their works to the Festival. Those will be available for viewing on the Festival Web site during a maximum of 23 hours; the audience will be able to vote for the Public Vote Award over that period of time. Selected works will be hosted in Youtube, Dailymotion through a private link without any geographical limitation unless its owners express their opposition to the Festival Organizing Committee, in which case, and if possible, those limitations will be set in accordance to an agreement reached between the parties. In any case they will never limit viewing within the Spanish territory.

21. The final programme will be announced both on the Festival Web site and on social networks, together with every other channel the Organising Committee may find suitable.

22. In no case will be paid screenings payments to the selected short films.

V. awards

23. The official list of winners of the Festival will be made of three cash prizes and thirteen trophies.

24. The Public Vote Award will be based on the addition of the direct votes cast by the audience attending FESCIMED screenings to the votes given on-line. In the in-person viewing, vote counting will be determined by percentage according to the number of votes received in relation to the total amount of votes given each day. In the on-line viewing, voting will only be possible through the Festival web site during the screening period of 23 hours allocated to every short film, and will be limited to one work for every viewer in each session.

25. All other awards will be decided by the jury appointed by the Organising Committee for the third edition of the Festival.

26. All short films will be eligible for the Best Short Film Award, while only those directed by film directors younger than 30 years of age will also be eligible for the Youth Special Award.

27. No film will be awarded the three main prizes or more than a total of three awards.

28. The thirteen trophies will be personal and individual according to each category.

29. Trophies will not be exchanged for their value in cash.

30. The awards of the Festival will be established as follows:
▪ Best Short Film Award: 300€ + Trophy.
▪ Public Vote Award: 200€ + Trophy.
▪ Special Youth Award: 200€ + Trophy
▪ Best Actor Award: Trophy.
▪ Best Actress Award: Trophy.
▪ Best Director Award: Trophy.
▪ Best Script Award: Trophy.
▪ Best Original Soundtrack Award: Trophy.
▪ Best Editing Award: Trophy.
▪ Best Photography Award: Trophy.
▪ Best Sound Award: Trophy.
▪ Best Costume Design Award: Trophy.
▪ Best Make-up and Hairdressing: Trophy.

31. Winners commit themselves to attend the award ceremony to collect the prize. For reasons beyond the reasonable control, winners may delegate a third party to attend the ceremony and collect the prize, prior authorization by the Organising Committee and commit to send, before the date indicated at the time, a personal video accepting and thanking the award.

32. Once the awards have been announced, the participating film-makers will have ten days to provide any information required by the Organising Committee in order to grant the prizes. Once this period of time is over, it will be understood that the film-makers renounce their prizes (both cash and trophies), although the list of winners will not be affected.


33. The Organising Committee may use fragments of the works selected –with a maximum of two minutes by film-- on platforms and media with the only purpose of promoting the Festival.

34. Once the Festival is over, the Art and Memory Association, with the previous agreement of their authors, may use the films included in the Festival in campaigns aimed at raising consciousness to democratic memory in cultural centres, schools, etc. Such activities will always be free of charge and of informative character. The film-makers will be informed of and invited to take part in the screening of their films or in QA sessions so that they may participate in them if they wish to do so.

35. The Organising Committee reserves the right to modify the dates and schedule of the Festival for causes beyond reasonable control, and not anticipated at the time of these Terms and Conditions. Equally, and at the discretion of the Selection Committee, the Organising Committee may cancel the Festival if the number of works presented to the Festival is not sufficient to put the Programme together.

36. In case of suspension of the Festival due to causes beyond FESCIMED, the Organization will be exempt from all kinds of responsibilities to the participants.

37. Any issue not accounted for in these Terms and Conditions, even when these are definitive, will be submitted for consideration to the Organising Committee.

38. Participation in the Festival involves full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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