Festival Internacional de Cine Social ()

Social Film International Festival


22 Jul 2021
Call for entries

22 Sep 2021
Festival closed

30 Sep 2021
Notification date

06 Oct 2021
10 Oct 2021


Av. de Mayo 1437,  C1085ABE, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Festival description
Social Issues.
Short film festival >1' 30'<
Feature film festival >50'

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 30'<
 Feature Films  >50'
Spanish French English Portuguese
Spanish English
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Festival start: 06 October 2021      Festival end: 10 October 2021

FICSO, International Festival of Social Cinema, promotes themes and actions that promote and disseminate the formation of awareness and education in fundamental values such as integration and social equity, environmental sustainability and human solidarity.

The Festival proposes the dissemination of works in all formats and durations, national or international, individual or collective, that aim to critically influence reality but above all to contribute ideas and approaches to the most pressing issues. We summon the entire audiovisual community and civil society organizations, CSOs, NGOs, civil associations, organized groups and communities represented in associations, foundations, study centers, neighborhood clubs and also the educational and university community and religious organizations to be part of this initiative.

Any incidence in the matter of human and civil rights is a matter of interest for FICSO; the impact of the globalized economy; the debt of developing countries and the growth of poverty; the preservation and care of the environment and the ecosystem; the rights of minorities, women, children and youth; gender issues; the rights of native communities; the rights of migrants; segregated minorities and a long etcetera.

Being this the 1º edition, the film screening does not contemplate among its aims the one of competition.

It is under the criteria of committee of selection and of organizers to make special mentions to those that should pertinently be recognized.


The International Social Film Festival (FICSO) will have an annual edition. The date of this first (virtual) edition to be followed online on the FICSO channels will be from October 06 to 10, 2021. The location must be scheduled at least 6 months before. The announcement of registration dates for the festival will be made up to 5 months before.


Each edition of the festival will have a variety of themes. Depending on the need to adapt to the occasion, a special emphasis will be placed on a specific one that qualifies as something imminent to be treated there.

- Best Fiction Feature
- Best Documentary Feature
- Best Fiction Short
- Best Documentary Short
- Best Animated Feature
- Best Animated Short
- Best Fiction Series
- Best Documentary Series
- Best Piece of TV Fiction
- Best Documentary TV Piece
- Best Fiction Piece for Streaming or the Internet
- Best Documentary Piece for Streaming or the Internet
- Best Non-Governmental Public Campaign Piece
- Best Fiction or Animation for Children


With each edition of the festival and in order to expand and justify its social character, activities will be proposed outside the screenings. There will be participation of prominent personalities in the thematic axes to be discussed. To this end, talks and debates will be organized so that there is a return from the participating public.


It will be made up of several experienced members, arranged by the festival organizers. Its purpose is to decide what will be screened during the festival, the number of times and propose the different sections. Later it must be approved by the festival organizers.


National or international works, documentary or fiction, experimental, animation, video clips, etc., referring to all social themes that promote in an original way the awareness of the axes to be dealt with, may participate.

Films or videos sponsored by commercial companies that turn out to be, due to their content, advertising vehicles for them, will not be able to participate.

The registration act automatically grants the organizers the right to free non-profit use of fragments extracted from the work for a maximum duration of 3 minutes for the promotional diffusion of the Festival on TV or other communication media, both during the Festival and on the occasion of exhibitions or subsequent events.

The inscription for (no) argentinian films will have a symbolic value of 5.50 USD.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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