Festival Internacional Lume De Cinema - 2021 ()



04 Apr 2020
Call for entries

01 Dec 2020
Festival closed

30 Jan 2021
Notification date

04 Mar 2021
17 Mar 2021


Queops,12,  65075800, SAO LUIS, MA, Brazil

Festival description
Short film festival 30'<
Feature film festival >61'

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 January 2020
 Production countries: Required
 Shooting countries: Required
 Director nationalities: Required
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  30'<
 Feature Films  >61'
Spanish English Portuguese
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Photo of Festival Internacional Lume De Cinema - 2021
Photo of Festival Internacional Lume De Cinema - 2021
Photo of Festival Internacional Lume De Cinema - 2021
Photo of Festival Internacional Lume De Cinema - 2021


Festival start: 04 March 2021      Festival end: 17 March 2021

Authorial film festival held by one of the most important distributors of movie Brazil. The awards will result distribution contracts of winning films in Brazil.

Cash Prizes: 2,000$

Best movie
best Director
Best Film (Public)
Special Prize of the Jury

We prioritize artistic quality of films made independently and authoral way.

Article 1
The International Festival Lume Film aims to promote and enhance copyright films, reveal and appreciate works of authorial quality, in order to serve the evolution of cinematic art and encourage the development of the film industry worldwide.

Article 2
The 6th INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL LUME will be held in March 2021.

Article 3
The Board of Directors chooses and invites the films which will be presented in Competition and Out of Competition.

Each film invited to the Official Selection by the Board of Directors will receive a certificate of participation.

They can only be selected and invited to the Official Selection, films that meet the following criteria:

- Have been held during the twenty-four months prior to the International Festival Lume Film;
- They have not been circulated on the Internet;
- Serve the purpose of the Festival as defined in Article one;
- If they belong to the category "short film", the duration of the projection shall not exceed 30 minutes generic included.

Article 4
After being selected, a film can no longer be removed during the programming event.

Article 5
The films must be presented in original version and subtitled in Portuguese (electronic subtitling being promoted by the festival). It is considered the original version of any language in which the film is or will be widespread in the country where it was performed and produced.

Article 6
The Board of Directors appoints the President and the four Brazilian and foreign personalities who make up the jury of feature films in competition.

When drawing up the winning list, the vote of the Jury is held by secret ballot. Decisions are made by a majority of voters in the first two round of voting is by a simple majority in the following rounds.

The President and the General Delegate of the Festival Lume attend the deliberations of the jury, but not vote.

You can not be part of juries who are interested in the production or exploitation of a film in competition.

Article 7

The jury shall assign at its Winners List:
• Best Film (Award Nauro Machado);
• Special Jury Prize;
• Best Director;
• Best Screenplay;
• Technical Award;

The Winners List can only count one Prize laureates with two evenly matched, and this provision can not be applied to the Best Film.

Each movie can only receive one award list of prizes.

Article 8 Bis

• Best Film - short film.

Article 8

The films selected in the Official Selection undertake to enroll in all media advertising logo "Official Selection" of the International Lume Film Festival.

In addition, the winners and distribution companies should be stamped on their advertising equipment to mention the premiums as defined in the graphic chart of the International Lume Film Festival.

Article 09
The deadline for the registration of feature films films and short films offered for selection is the 01th of December 2020.
The feature films and short films must be transferred directly online.

The feature films and short films proposals to the selection shall be made available at the latest festival until Februery 01, 2021.

Article 10
When requested documentation for each selected film must be sent to the Department Movies.

If the copies do not arrive by the deadline of February 20, 2021, can not be projected. This period is mandatory.

A copy of help, subtitled, must reach the Cannes Festival before opening.

Article 11

Transport costs and insurance copies and / or cassettes to return, fit the owner of them.

The Lume International Film Festival takes over the storage costs and insurance cover of the copies of the selected films, in and between the official venues.

In case of loss or deterioration of a copy, the responsibility of the Festival will eventually be committed to the threshold value indicated by the producer in the technical file.

Article 12
Participation in the International Film Festival Lume implies adherence to this Regulation and previous compliance dascondições pre-selection.

In case of disagreement on the interpretation of the Regulation, the Portuguese text is authentic.
This Regulation applies to all films of the Official Selection: Competition, short and feature films, Out of Competition.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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