Tassa standard
Data limite d'iscrizione
30 ago 21
15 apr 2021
Inizio delle iscrizioni
30 ago 2021
Festival chiuso
12 set 2021
Data della notifica
21 ott 2021
24 ott 2021
Inizio del Festival: 21 ottobre 2021 Festival si chiude: 24 ottobre 2021
Organized by Association FFF
10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Film screening
Cinematographic encounter
Exhibition - Animation
From October 21 to 24, 2021.
Feature film trophy:
Grand Prix of the Feature Film Festival
Short film trophy:
Short Film Festival Grand Prize
Best Screenplay Award
Best Actor Award
Best Actress Award
Best Music Award
Best VFX
Call for films
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
for the Fantasy Film Festival de Menton 2021
(Attention !!! You must have at least one person representing the film during the festival - Please note, Travel and accommodation costs are not covered, however we will have preferential prices for accommodation.)
Menton International Festival of Fantastic Cinema launches its call for films.
For its 5th edition which will take place on October 21, 22, 23, 24, 2021,
the organizers invite you to send your films today.
To register your film, short or feature film, nothing could be simpler, you just need:
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
to send us your payment for registration to the preselection see below
and then your movie
by link, wetransfer or by email to film.festival.menton@gmail.com
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Registration fee for the preselection 10 euros by Paypal:
If your movie is selected
we will ask you to have at least one person representing the film during the festival.(Attention !!! You must have at least one person representing the film during the festival - Please note, Travel and accommodation costs are not covered, however we will have preferential prices for accommodation.)
This person will be accredited for the duration of the festival and will be able to participate in cinematographic meetings,
- meeting, round table, professional speed dating between festival participants, end-of-day aperitif-cocktail (directors, technicians, producers, actors) - access to all screenings and conferences
Film eligibility condition
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Feature films
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In order to participate in the selection of feature films, films must meet the following conditions:
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Must have at least one representative of the film during the festival (person credited to the credits of the film)(Attention !!! You must have at least one person representing the film during the festival - Please note, Travel and accommodation costs are not covered, however we will have preferential prices for accommodation.)
They should be:
In MP4 format
French (English subtitles) or foreign (French subtitles) feature films
products after January 2018
not be publicly broadcast on the web
of fiction
lasting more than 60 minutes
for foreign-language films with French subtitles and for French-language films with English subtitles.
on the theme of science fiction, horror, the supernatural, the strange, the fantastic or the mystery.
Short films
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In order to participate in the selection of short films, films must meet the following conditions:
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Must have at least one representative of the film during the festival (person credited to the credits of the film)(Attention !!! You must have at least one person representing the film during the festival - Please note, Travel and accommodation costs are not covered, however we will have preferential prices for accommodation.)
They should be:
In MP4 format
lasting less than or equal to 25 minutes
short fiction films
short films produced in France (English subtitles) or foreign (French subtitles)
products after January 2018
not be publicly broadcast on the web
on the theme of science fiction, horror, the supernatural, the strange, the fantastic or the mystery.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The closing date for registrations is August 30, 2021.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
For more information, contact the Festival Office:
Fantasy Film Festival de Menton - (+33) 06 52 92 50 47 or by mail: film.festival.menton@gmail.com
Tassa standard
Data limite d'iscrizione
30 ago 21
Tassa standard
Data limite d'iscrizione
30 ago 21
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.