Festival Regional de Cine Rural (0)

Festival Regional of Cine Rural


16 May 2016
Call for entries

07 Jul 2016
Festival closed

20 Jul 2016
Notification date

04 Aug 2016
05 Aug 2016


Ruta 27, km. 38,3,  W3432ZBA, Tres de Abril, Corrientes, Argentina

Festival description
Rural Films
Short film festival >2' 8'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 National Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Required
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >2' 8'<
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Festival start: 04 August 2016      Festival end: 05 August 2016

The festival aims to promote and manage cultural encounter in rural communities in the province of Corrientes. From the stories that the audiovisual art comes bailing in recent decades in the Patria Grande, we intend to strain the new construction of a story that requires all voices.

They may participate in the presentation of short all rural schools in northeastern Argentina; social organizations, non-profit and independent filmmakers.

1. Genre: documentary.

2. Formats: video in .mov / .mp4 file, 1920x1080p / 1280x720p, 25fps / 30fps, H264 Codec / DCP.

3. Running time: 2 minutes (minimum) / 8 minutes (maximum).

4. Languages: Castilian / Guarani (subtitled in Castilian in this case).



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