Festival Solidario De La Palma ’Todos Con La Palma’ ()

La Palma Solidarity Film Festival


21 9月 2021

20 11月 2021

25 11月 2021

01 12月 2021
15 12月 2021


Torrelaguna 68,  28043, Madrid, Madrid, Spain

短編映画祭 >1' 45'<
長編映画祭 >45'

 Music Video
 制作日: 任意の
 制作国: 任意の
 撮影国: 任意の
 監督の国籍: 任意の
 短編映画  >1' 45'<
 長編映画  >45'
English Spanish

Photo of Festival Solidario De La Palma ’Todos Con La Palma’
Photo of Festival Solidario De La Palma ’Todos Con La Palma’
Photo of Festival Solidario De La Palma ’Todos Con La Palma’

Japanese (日本語) ML

映画祭の開始: 01 12月 2021      映画祭の終了: 15 12月 2021

La Palma, the green heart in Canary Islands, is suffering a catastrophe generated by the vulcanic eruption in Cumbre Vieja. This hadn't happened since 1971, when volcano Teneguía exploded in the same island. Thousands of hectares, crops and buildings are being destroyed by lava flows, leaving a lot of devastation and pain.
This festival is born from the deep desire of helping in this crisis. An online festival, accessible and free for the public, made up of shortfilms from all around the world. We hope to bring comfort and evasion to those people (children and adults, senior citizens, families) who have lost everything and fight everyday during this disaster. Or those who are dedicating body and soul to provide shelter for the homeless, the firefighters who have not slept for days, the police who take care of the population, the donors of food and clothing, the volunteers who are helping to load trucks of personal objects, or saving pets and lost animals -this Festival for all of them.
Fee entries (5 euros per short) will be FULLY DONATED TO PALYATE THE DAMAGES CAUSED BY THE VOLCANO, to the following associations, town councils and animal shelters: (more will be added to the list)

Ayuntamiento de los Llanos de Aridane
La Unión Palmera Animalista
Protectora De Animales Y Plantas Benawara de La Palma
Ayuntamiento de Cabildo de la Palma
Brigada de Rescate Orión
Ayuntamiento de El Paso
Asociación de Celiacos y Sensibles al Gluten de Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Protectoras UPA, Benawara y Aanipal

Best Live Action Shortfilm
Best Animation Shortfilm
Best Short Documentary
Best Short made by children

Best Live Action Movie
Best Animation Movie
Best Documentary Movie

Some Honorable Mentions will also be given.

National and International shortfilms, not longer than 45 minutes, and National and International movies of 45 minutes or longer, can be elegible. There is not limit in technique, style or genre

All the selected films will receive an official selection laurel and a certificate. Winners of every category will receive "La Palma" trophy and a certificate.

The festival will be online, in the appointed dates.

All the money of entry fees will be donated to the following associations, municipalities and animal shelters:

Ayuntamiento de los Llanos de Aridane
La Unión Palmera Animalista
Protectora De Animales Y Plantas Benawara de La Palma
Ayuntamiento de Cabildo de la Palma
Brigada de Rescate Orión
Ayuntamiento de El Paso
Asociación de Celiacos y Sensibles al Gluten de Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Protectoras UPA, Benawara y Aanipal



