Film @ Jesus Short Film and Script-Writing Competition! (4)


11 7월 2024
출품 요청

07 9월 2024
영화제 마감

07 9월 2024

01 7월 2024
07 9월 2024


n/a,  CB5 8BL, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

영화제 개요
단편 영화제 >3' 5'<
Script / Pitch projects

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 모든 장르
 모든 테마
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.
 국제 영화제
 온라인 영화제
 제작일: 기타
 제작 국가: 기타
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 기타
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  >3' 5'<
 모든 언어
 모든 언어
소셜 네트워크에서 공유

Photo of Film @ Jesus Short Film and Script-Writing Competition!
Photo of Film @ Jesus Short Film and Script-Writing Competition!
Photo of Film @ Jesus Short Film and Script-Writing Competition!
Photo of Film @ Jesus Short Film and Script-Writing Competition!

한국어 (Korean) ML

영화제 시작: 01 7월 2024      영화제 끝: 07 9월 2024

Announcing our Summer Term Short Film, and Script Writing Competition!

This time we have multiple categories:

- ‘Open’ allows anything and everything, giving filmmakers the freedom and flexibility to create something unique!

- 'Silent Film' is a category that is open to both filmmakers, and scriptwriters who want to get creative with stage directions! We define a silent film as something that features no dialogue.

- 'Monologue' is a category open to both filmmakers and scriptwriters which emphasizes dialogue! Create a monologue that is 3-5 mins in length, on any topics, scenario or theme that you like!

Filmmakers can submit short films, 3-5 minutes in length, of any style, theme or genre. Scriptwriters should submit a scene, or collection of scenes that is four to five pages long, anonymously to our email account

Outside of your specific subject, this is a wonderful opportunity to experiment with the film industry. And between the workload of the two terms, to essentially let loose. Get together with some friends – actors, musicians, camera crew – and let your creativity wander!

This competition is open to students at the University of Cambridge, Anglia Ruskin University, CATS Cambridge and alumni. And keep an eye out for regular prompts on our social media pages if you’re looking for inspiration.

As per previous film competition rules, if you are using actors, permission forms must be sent in. Any music must be royalty-free. And the film must only include the title, not the filmmakers name so that the judging is completely fully anonymous. The deadline for submissions is September 7th 2024.

We are looking for films that are new and unconventional. Technical achievement (use of camerawork, cinematography, sound etc) will be rewarded but the emphasis is on narrative and creative vision. Films can be shot on phone.

With the ‘open’ category, we accept films of all styles, and have had a huge range of films in previous competitions. But we do have a few technical requirements for all entries:

Films must be under five minutes

Films should be anonymised (I.e. no names of participants in the film)

Films can include curse words if used in an appropriate context

Any music used must be copyright-free (we recommend using royalty free online resources for music such as Free Music Archive, but entrants are also welcome to produce original music)

Any actors must consent to the film being published online (on our page) or screened during film festivals, including the Cambridge Film Festival.

Actors must, then, send a consent form to their director which can forwarded to A form is not necessary for the director if they are an actor. The consent form can be found here:

Scripts must be 4-5 pages long, and anonymized. You may include curse words if used in an appropriate context.

Please include the category you are submitting for in the title of your project.



단 한번의 클릭으로, 멋진 영화와 영화제를 발굴해보세요
