
09 feb 2023
Inizio delle iscrizioni

17 mag 2023
Scadenza iniziale

17 giu 2023
Scadenza standard

17 set 2023
Scadenza finale

03 ott 2023
Festival chiuso

11 ott 2023
Data della notifica

24 ott 2023
25 ott 2023


Giuseppe Baretti 4,  10125, Turin, Italy, Italy

Descrizione del Festival
Festival del cortometraggio >1' 59'<
Festival del lungometraggio >60' 190'<

Requisiti del Festival
 Festival del cinema
 Music Video
 Qualsiasi genere
 Qualsiasi tema
 Ha tasse d'iscrizione
 Festival Internazionale
 Posizione fisica
 Data di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi dove sono state fatte le riprese: Qualsiasi
 Nazionalità del direttore: Qualsiasi
 Film debuttanti 
 Progetti di scuola 
 Cortometraggi  >1' 59'<
 Lungometraggi  >60' 190'<
English Italian
Condividi sui social network


Italian ML

Inizio del Festival: 24 ottobre 2023      Festival si chiude: 25 ottobre 2023

---The FilmmakerDay is one of the main stages of the Torino Underground ---

Welcome back Filmmaker to the 9° edition!!

After the great success of the latest edition, submissions to the eighth edition of FilmmakerDay are now open.

The event is taking place in October 2023 in the wonderful setting of Turin, a city that has become one of the undisputed centres of the art of cinema. FilmmakerDay summons many authors from every corner of the world, as well as a wide audience of cinema lovers.

A great number of high-quality films have taken part in FilmmakerDay. Among them: News Neighbors by Bayley, directly from Sundance Film Festival; A Gentle Night by Qiu Yang, winner of Cannes Palme d'Or; In the Hills by Hamid Ahmadi, an official selection at Toronto International Film Festival.

The ninth edition of FILMMAKER DAY is now organized by the Systemout Association and ArtInMovimento Association as an event whose intention is to give value to filmmakers’ creativity.

This festival is dedicated to short and feature films of any genre and runtime. There are no rules or limitations.
The ninth edition of Filmmaker Day is taking place in Turin, at the end of october 2023, at the prestigious " Cinema Baretti".

The event derives from the need of giving space and visibility to films coming from all over the world.

Apart from the Best Film, ArtInMovimento Magazine and Italia Che Cambia, two magazines that are both Media Partner of the event, will also give special attention to the most deserving films.


- Films selected by a qualified jury
- Selected films will screen at the
end of October, 2023

Premi in contanti: 1,000€

Awards will be announced at the end of submissions.

-Best Film
-Special mention ArtInMovimento Magazine
-Best Director


Projects submitted must be the original work of the participant, not ended before January 1-2017.
It is possible to submit more than one project, submissions are free.

All films in any different language from English must necessarily be subtitled, in English. An exception will be admitted for films in Italian, which don’t need to be subtitled.

By submitting the film to the 9°edition of Filmmaker Day you confirm to own the rights of the film.

Members of a competent jury are in charge to nominate the best Film after the live screen play.

The 9° edition of Filmmaker Day submission will be possible from November 2022 to September, 2023 on our online platforms.

9° edition of Filmmaker Day reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the final event.

Film submissions implies the acceptance of the rules and condition shown on, the contestant declares to accept without exceptions. Rules and condition are available in English and Italian.

All decisions regarding the winners are final and irrefutable.


The films submitted to the contest will remain in the files of the Festival and the video archive of the Cultural Association Systemout. The works will not be commercially exploited. Before any other different use, the authors will be contacted for receiving their agreement. Systemout Association is taking reasonable security precaution to protect the copyright of the film submitted to the Festival.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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