Submissions deadline
30 Jun 25
FIXION Fest, Fantastic & Horror Film Festival From Chile
15 Jan 2025
Call for entries
31 May 2025
Standard deadline
30 Jun 2025
Late deadline
30 Jun 2025
Final deadline
30 Aug 2025
Notification date
09 Jan 2026
31 Jan 2026
Festival start: 09 January 2026 Festival end: 31 January 2026
Entrance to the festival is free.
FIXION Fest (A.K.A. FIXION-SARS) is Chile's first Fantastic and Terror Film Festival. The first one was organized 14 years ago. Diverse sections and activities, will show to the last and best exponents of the cinema of Chilean, Latin American and world genre.
The Festival will grant the following prizes:
- Best Full-lenght Film
- Best Full-lenght Film Director
- Best Full-lenght Film Actor
- Best Full-lenght Film Actress
- Best Full-lenght Film Script
- Prize of the Audience for the best Full-lenght Film
- Best Chilean Short/Medium lenght film
- Prize of the Audience for best Chilean Short/Medium lenght film
- Best Latin American Short/Medium lenght film
- Prize of the Audience for best Latin American Short/Medium lenght film
- Best International Short/Medium lenght film
- Prize of the Audience for best International Short/Medium lenght film
- Best animation Shortfilm, whatever the technique and country of origin
- Best Spain Shortfilm, for productions coming from the country of Spain
The Jury may propose specials mentions and no movie will be able to receive more than two mentions The decision of the Jury will be unquestionable and no prize could be declared vacant.
Rules and Regulations for Festival participation.
1) The Festival is opened to all audiovisual works of the following genres: Horror, Science Fiction, Fantastic, Experimental and Bizarre.
2) These films must to be classified in one of the following types:
a. Videoclips (with a duration of no more than 10 minutes).
b. Short-length films (must not exceed 30 minutes in length)
c. Medium-length films (from 31 to 60 minutes in length)
d. Full-length films (from 61 minutes in length)
3) The works go to a pre-selection, where they will be evaluated by the Festival Programme Committee. To present them, you must send the link to an online screener through Festhome.
The final deadline for receipt of the material is May 31th, 2025 (First deadline) and June 30th, 2025 (Second deadline).
4) Registration to the Festival has a variable cost and will depend on the date in which the work is sent. The charge is published in the distribution platforms mentioned above.
5) Only short, medium and full-lenght films made in Chile are exempt from this charge or fee. To do so, they must send a link with the screener of the work to the email which will include a data sheet, which will indicate the name of the work, duration, director, a brief review, whether or not it is a premiere in Santiago, in addition to the poster (if any), two stills and the link of the trailer (if any). This exemption for Chilean works is valid only until August 31th, 2025.
6) Foreign full-lenght films (of non-Chilean origin) that have been exhibited anywhere in Santiago, whether in commercial or cultural circuits, shows, cycles, festivals, conventions or special functions, are not accepted. Neither those that are available for viewing in any type of electronic media or Internet.
7) If the film is selected to participate, the Festival organization will get in contact with the director or production team.
8) The materials selected to participate and also those that will be exhibited within the Festival's informative sections will be announced on the event's website, some 20 days before, together with the dates, venues and schedules that make up the final programme.
9) The film’s production (Full-length, Medium-length, Short-length or Videoclip) date must be after January 1st, 2023.
10) Is clearly established that the audiovisual work copyright of selected works and non selected ones, are property of the director(s) or production team.
11) The Festival will be compound of different sections.
a) Competitive Section of Full-length films. For films whatever their country of origin.
b) Competitive Section of Chilean short and medium lenght films. For films of Chilean origin.
c) Competitive Section of Latin Americans short and medium lenght films. For films of Latin American origin.
d) Competitive Section of International short and medium lenght films. For films whose origin is not Chile or Latin America.
e) Informative And Retrospective Sections. All the films that don’t go to competition.
f) Parallel activities. Such as workshops, conferences, exhibitions, previews, premieres, among others.
12) The Direction’s Festival will designate the Jury Members. Couldn’t be Jury Members the persons who had interests in the production, exploitation or distribution of the movies presented to competition.
13) If the audiovisual work is selected, the production staff will be given at most three (3) double invitations for the festival.
14) The Festival reserves the right to select the participating works, to determinate the section in which the work will be shown and to establish the exhibition order, date and hour. Once the selection of a film is confirmed, it could not be pulled out of the Festival.
15) The Festival undertakes to show the film four (4) times at most.
16) If the work is selected to participate, it will be requested to send the exhibition authorization previously filled and signed, as well as the digital file of the work for its due projection in the cinemas of the Festival.
17) Full-length films and short films whose language is not Spanish must be subtitled in Spanish or, alternatively, include a subtitle file in english. This file must be in Subrip format with the extension *.srt. If the above is not present, a Dialogue List (or subtitle List) in Spanish or english should be attached to facilitate translation.
18) The participation in the Festival implies the acceptance of the present 2024 Rules and Regulations.
19) Any unforeseen event not established in this Rules and Regulations will be interpreted and resolved only and exclusively by the FIXION Film Festival Organization Committee, and there will be no room for any kind of subsequent complaint.
20) If there are any questions about the rules and regulations, please contact us through the contact form on our website or internally through the distribution platforms mentioned above.
Submissions deadline
30 Jun 25
Submissions deadline
30 Jun 25
Submissions deadline
30 Jun 25
Submissions deadline
30 Jun 25
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.