Florence Short Film Festival (10)


03 giu 2023
Inizio delle iscrizioni

13 lug 2024
Scadenza iniziale

25 set 2023
Scadenza standard

27 nov 2024
Scadenza finale

18 dic 2024
Festival chiuso

22 dic 2024
Data della notifica

06 feb 2025
08 feb 2025


Via Cavour 50/R,  50100, Firenze, FI, Italy

Descrizione del Festival
Festival del cortometraggio 20'<

Requisiti del Festival
 Festival del cinema
 Music Video
 Qualsiasi genere
 Qualsiasi tema
 Ha tasse d'iscrizione
 Festival Internazionale
 Posizione fisica
 gennaio 2023
 Paesi di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi dove sono state fatte le riprese: Qualsiasi
 Nazionalità del direttore: Qualsiasi
 Film debuttanti 
 Progetti di scuola 
 Cortometraggi  20'<
 Qualsiasi lingua
English Italian
Condividi sui social network

Photo of Florence Short Film Festival
Photo of Florence Short Film Festival

Photo of Florence Short Film Festival
Photo of Florence Short Film Festival

Italian ML

Inizio del Festival: 06 febbraio 2025      Festival si chiude: 08 febbraio 2025

Florence Short Film Festival is an event dedicated to short films.

Born as a limelight for young independent directors, it quickly established itself as an international festival, counting among its guests and jurors great personalities from the world of academicism and film criticism, as well as renowned actors, dubbers and producers. Every year hundreds of directors from all over the world have submitted their works to be selected and run for the three categories of “Fiction”, “Animation” and “Documentary”, and thus compete for the Jury Prize (with cash prize) and for the Audience Award.

Throughout its eight editions, Florence Short Film Festival has received the patronage of the most important local institutions (the Municipality of the City of Florence and the Tuscany Region) and, more importantly, has been able to intercept a large transversal audience that has voted its loyalty to the festival every year: the audience of FSFF numbers hundreds of people and embraces both the university student who wants to live the cultural life of the city, and to the cinephile who wants to discover the directors of tomorrow, thanks to the varied proposal that the festival can offer.

Since the 8th edition Florence Short Film Festival is proud to offer masterclasses by guests of the caliber of Alessandro Roia, Giovanni Veronesi, Gianfranco Pannone and Alessandro Rak, demonstrating that teaching is a fundamental point for training the new directors of tomorrow and that the dissemination of cinematographic knowledge is at the basis of the intentions of the festival.

The 10th edition of the Florence Short Film Festival (6th, 7th, 8th February 2024 at the Cinema La Compagnia, Firenze) aims to bring the event to a further level by strengthening the internationality of the proposal, consolidating and expanding the public and involving famous personalities of Italian and international cinema.

Guests and jurors of previous editions:

Ugo Pagliai, actor, dubber
Alessandro Roia, actor, director, screenwriter
Paola Gassman, actress
Paola Randi, director
Daniela Morozzi, actress
Cosimo Calamini, screenwriter
Francesco Pannofino, dubber, actor
Antonio de Matteo, actor
Cinzia Th Torrini, director
Gianna Giachetti, actress
Antonio Frazzi, director, juror for the David di Donatello and European Film Academy
Alessandra Acciai, actress, producer
Cosimo Calamini, screenwriter and writer
Luigi Nepi, professor of Film Criticism at the University of Florence
Stefano Socci, Professor of History of Cinema at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence;
Donatella Pascucci, Mibac - Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities
Simone Bartalesi, artistic director of OFF Cinema
Marta Innocenti, director
Caterina Liverani, journalist
Manfredi Lucibello, director

Premi in contanti: 500€


The prizes will be awarded by the jury and the public. The winners selected by the jury, one per category, are entitled to a cash prize in addition to the recognition scroll. The winners selected by the public, one per category, are entitled only to the recognition scroll.

FICTION - JURY AWARD (€500 + scroll)
ANIMATION - JURY AWARD(€500 + scroll)
DOCUMENTARY - JURY AWARD (€500 + scroll)



FLORENCE SHORT FILM FESTIVAL 10th Edition - 6, 7, 8 February 2025

Cinema La Compagnia - Via Camillo Cavour, 50/R, 50121 Florence, Italy

1. Florence Short Film Festival is an international short film festival; the 10th edition will be held in Florence on the 6th, 7th, 8th february 2025 at the Cinema La Compagnia, in Via Camillo Cavour, 50/R, 50121 Florence, Italy.

2. Each candidate is allowed to submit only one movie which must be at max 20 minutes long. If the short film is in a different language than Italian it must be subtitled in english or, if possible, in italian. It is mandatory to provide dialogues’ .srt file along with the movie file.

2b. Florence Short Film Festival 10th Edition has three competition categories: “Narrative Shorts”, “Animation Shorts” and "Documentary Shorts".

2c. The short film must have been scored, edited and finished after January 1, 2023, and must be at least a City of Florence Premiere (orelse to have never been screened in the city of Florence before).

3. Florence Short Film Festival 10th Edition winners, one for each category, will be awarded by the jury and the audience attending the festival.

3b. The Jury’s Award is assigned by the Jury, the winners, one for each category, will be given a prize of € 500,00 each and the “Florence Short Film Festival 10th Edition Jury’s Award” scroll.

3c . Audience Award winners, one for each category, will be given the “Florence Short Film Festival 10th Edition Audience Award” scroll.

4. Subscriptions and requests of admission to the Florence Short Film Festival 10th Edition have to be forwarded within the 18th of December 2024.

4bis. Admittance to the festival is subordinated exclusively to the management of Florence Short Film Festival.

5. We recommend this format and size: Format 16:9 / Codec h264 / Resolution 1920 x 1080 / Extension Mp4.

6 An Admission request implies the full acceptance of this regulation. Florence Short Film Festival management has the right of final decision on everything not specified in this regulation.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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