Keine Gebühr
24 Jun 24
Fiction short films by Spanish and foreign (resident in Spain) female creators, with a maximum length of 20'
03 Mai 2024
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen
24 Jun 2024
Festival geschlossen
26 Aug 2024
10 Sep 2024
15 Sep 2024
Festival Start: 10 September 2024 Festival Ende: 15 September 2024
From May 3 to June 24, GENERAMMA, Festival de Cine Realizado por Mujeres - Chiclana, opens its call for entries for short films directed by women from Spain or residing in Spain, for its fourth edition from September 10 to 15, 2024.
GENERAMMA is a festival with a NON COMPETITIVE international showcase of feature films, and a COMPETITIVE official section of short films that offers its audience the best of cinema made by women.
GENERAMMA is a festival organized by the Andalusian Association of Women in Audiovisual Media (AAMMA), which brings together more than 230 film and audiovisual professionals.
Generamma will award 2 prizes, one for each section.
In none of the sections may prizes be awarded ex aequo. In case of a tie, the Artistic Direction of the Festival will have the casting vote.
The prizes will be 1 statuette and a voucher for DCP services for the director's next short film project.
The qualifying jury will be composed of film and audiovisual professionals, and will be announced on the festival website during the month of June.
The winning short films will be announced during the closing ceremony of the IV edition of the Generamma Festival.
We are looking for works that promote equality and diversity of stories and looks with a gender perspective.
Short films that are committed to innovation (generation of content, breaking gender stereotypes, diverse women, active protagonists of their own stories...). Originality, diversity in the audiovisual story and in the range of characters will be valued.
The presence of women in the different departments of the short film, direction, production, artistic and technical team will be taken into account.
We value the previous trajectory of the short films, but we also want to be a space for the premiere of works.
Registration in GENERAMMA is free of charge.
The short films must be by Spanish creators or with residence in Spain, or have a theme clearly linked to the country.
Short films must have a production date of 2023 and 2024.
Short films must have a maximum length of 20' (including credits).
Short films in any language are accepted (if the original version is not in Spanish, it must be subtitled).
The short films will be grouped into two categories: Fiction and Non-Fiction, and any technique or resource can be used for their realization.
Shorts that have been submitted in previous editions cannot be entered again.
Advertising or institutional short films will not be accepted.
This call will be open until June 24, 2024 at 11:59 pm.
Submissions must be made through the form available on the festival's website and also through the FESTHOME platform, including the following attachments: artistic file, technical file, poster, photograph of the director or producer proposing the documentary and two stills.
The selection of the short films to be screened will be made by a committee composed of AAMMA members (not linked to any of the works presented) and external guests and will be communicated at least two weeks before the festival.
The selected short films will be presented in two sections: FICTION and NON-FICTION.
No fee will be paid for exhibition rights.
The Festival will cover one night's lodging for a representative of each selected short film so that she can join us at GENERAMMA for the presentation of her work.
The person submitting the short film declares responsibly to have the necessary permissions to authorize its projection in case it is selected.
By submitting a work, the submitter authorizes GENERAMMA and AAMMA to share the information and data of a professional nature gathered in the entry form, as well as his or her image, still images and a selection of up to 30 seconds of images from the short film for informational and promotional purposes.
The screening copy and high quality promotional materials must be submitted no later than August 25.
GENERAMMA will keep a copy of the selected short films for information, consultation and internal archiving purposes.
For questions or doubts, please contact us at
Any issues not covered in these rules will be resolved by consensus between the GENERAMMA organizing team and the Board of Directors of AAMMA.
Keine Gebühr
24 Jun 24
Fiction short films by Spanish and foreign (resident in Spain) female creators, with a maximum length of 20'
Keine Gebühr
24 Jun 24
Non-fiction short films by Spanish and foreign (resident in Spain) female creators , maximum 20' in length.
Los cortometrajes deben ser de creadoras españolas o con residencia en España, o tener una temática claramente vinculada con el país.