Godella Fantástic (1)


01 Sep 2024
Call for entries

31 Dec 2024
Final deadline


28 Feb 2025
Notification date

11 Apr 2025
13 Apr 2025


Major, 81,  46110, Godella, Valencia, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival 25'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 National Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2022
 Production countries: Required
 Shooting countries: Required
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  25'<
Catalan Spanish Galician Basque
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Photo of Godella Fantástic
Photo of Godella Fantástic
Photo of Godella Fantástic
Photo of Godella Fantástic


Festival start: 11 April 2025      Festival end: 13 April 2025

This Festival promotes cultural and artistic growth, inside and outside Godella, the promotion of future filmmakers and support for new short films, also having a special interest in making the youngest people aware of the value of cinema in our culture and showing them how the world of audiovisual works.


 Best short film award,
 The winning short film will also receive one month of distribution sponsored by Yaq Distribución


 Best short film award,

 Best B.S.O Award


The purpose of these rules is to regulate the celebration of a National Short Film Festival in the town of Godella (Valencia) as an instrument to promote audiovisual production, both at the national, provincial and local level.


2.1. Festival Management
The direction of the Festival will be assumed by Domingo Ortega (Short filmmaker, writer and film critic), a resident of the town with proven experience, having also been part of the committees of other festivals and having covered several as press. Counting on the support of the City Council with its department of culture.


 Jury selection for each edition

 Preparation of the final report of winners adding the votes cast by each member of the jury

 Carrying out all necessary administrative procedures

 Organization, coordination and logistics

 Production

 Carrying out activities

2.2. Jury
Composition and selection criteria
The Festival Management will propose a number of no less than four (4) professionally qualified people related to the world of cinema and audiovisual (university professors, screenwriter critics, directors...), recognized in their field of specialization at the national level.

The Festival Management may appoint, if necessary, a member of the Jury to act as its president and represent the Jury on the day of the awards ceremony.


 Viewing of the short films selected for the competition

 Voting in each of the sections collected, whose total vote count will give rise to the winners of each category.

Evaluation criteria

Of the short films selected for the competition, the Jury will evaluate from 1 to 10 all the aspects related to the works and that are important in each category, such as, for example, the idea of ​​the short, the script, the direction (especially in the award for Best director, but which will also be a criterion to be evaluated in the other categories), direction, interpretation, style, editing and photography. In addition, the artistic quality of the production will be positively valued.


3.1. Characteristics

This edition is open to any artist who presents their work in any of the official languages ​​of the Valencian Community: Spanish or Valencian.
Short films made in any other language may also be submitted as long as they are subtitled in one of the two official languages ​​of the Valencian Community, never dubbed.

The Festival will consist of:

 Best Short Film Award, National Section

 Best Valencian Community Short Film Award This award is within the Official Section and can only be accessed by provincial short films that meet the requirements specified in section 3.2, point 1.

 Best B.S.O. This award is within the Official Section and can only be accessed by provincial short films that meet the requirements specified in section 3.2, point 1.

3.2. Requirements

1. All short films that meet at least one of the following characteristics may participate in the Provincial Section:

to. have been filmed in the Valencian community (the place where it was filmed must be stated on the back of the registration form)

b. the director, directors or one of the directors was born in the Valencian community

c. the director, the directors or one of the directors has their habitual residence in the Valencian community

In the cases b. and c. A photocopy of the DNI or registration certificate of the director or directors must be presented to prove that he or she was born or resides in the Valencian community.

c. the director, the directors or one of the directors has their habitual residence in the Valencian community

In the cases b. and c. A photocopy of the DNI or registration certificate of the director or directors must be presented to prove that he or she was born or resides in the Valencian community.

2. A maximum of ONE (1) work per author will be admitted.

3. Works of an advertising or institutional nature will not be accepted.

4. The maximum duration of the works will be 20 minutes, including the credits

5. The theme will be free (always included in the genres requested at the festival) and those works selected by the Selection Committee appointed by the Festival management may participate in the contest.

6. All copies that do not meet the minimum technical qualities for subsequent projection and all those works that do not come duly completed with all the requirements expressed in these bases will be rejected.

7. Any person in charge of organizing the Festival is excluded from participation.

8. The Festival management reserves the right to pass out of competition works that it considers to be of a high level but that have not been chosen for the Official Section.

9. The festival management reserves the right to make a teaser with scenes from those selected.

Any filmmaker who wishes that this does not happen must notify the festival, being within their full right and said refusal does not mean the impossibility of participating in the festival. festival.


1. El plazo de presentación de los cortometrajes será desde el día de la publicación definitiva de estas bases en la web i redes sociales del Festival

2. Se presentará el corto a concurso a través de la plataforma Festhome, en la web www.festhome.com. La inscripción deberá realizarse según los procedimientos y normas que se estipulen en esta página.

3. Los gastos de inscripción a través de la plataforma Festhome correrán a cargo de la persona participante. No existiendo tasas por parte del festival.


1. La dirección del Festival enviara los trabajos recibidos a los miembros del jurado los que elegirán los seleccionados y ganadores en cada una de las secciones, dándoselo a conocer a la Dirección del Festival como máximo DIEZ (10) días antes del inicio del certamen. La organización del Festival elaborará un acta con los resultados de las votaciones del Jurado.

2. El Jurado junto con la Dirección del Festival se reservan el derecho de dejar desierto cualquier premio atendiendo a la calidad, tanto artística como técnica, de los cortos.

3. Asimismo, la Dirección del Festival se reserva el derecho de crear un accésit por considerar necesario el reconocimiento de cualquier otra sección de los cortos (música, créditos, fotografía, diseño gráfico...)

4. La Dirección del Festival no se hace responsable de la baja de algún miembro del Jurado cediendo el voto a la dirección del Festival

Los premios de la presente edición del Festival Godella Fantástic se otorgarán atendiendo a la calidad técnica de las obras, valorándose positivamente el contenido que contribuya a difundir los valores, estéticos y artísticos.

Se establecen los siguientes premios


 Premio Mejor cortometraje,


 Premio Mejor cortometraje,

 Premio Mejor B.S.O.,

Será obligatoria la presencia de los/las ganadores/as de las secciones comunidad valenciana Si no pueden asistir, en su defecto se podrá enviar a un representante debidamente acreditado, relacionado o vinculado directamente con el cortometraje. Si no confirmasen la asistencia una semana antes de la gala de entrega de premios, se entiende que se renuncia al premio y se concederá dicho premio al siguiente o los siguientes seleccionado en la misma categoría.

La Dirección del Festival se reserva el derecho de resolver los imprevistos que pudieran surgir como considere oportuno. La decisión tomada será inapelable.

Las bases se publicarán en la página web del Festival, https://godellafantastic.wixsite.com/festival y en sus redes sociale

The personal data collected in this call, as well as the people who participate in the provision of the services, will be processed by the parties, according to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, with the purpose of maintenance of the agreed relationship and will not be further treated in a manner incompatible with said purpose. These data are necessary, in such a way that if they are not provided, the desired relationship between the parties cannot be created.

The legal basis that legitimizes the processing is the contractual relationship between the parties. The data will not be transferred to any third party.



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