Фестиваль начинается: 31 Март 2024
Фестиваль заканчивается: 31 Март 2024
We want to see your creativity on screen!
As the annual winner, you will receive prize money of €500 and your trailer will be shown in front of every main film in the cinema for four weeks in front of several hundred spectators.
Welcome to the new international short film festival “Heide Filmfestival”.
Once a year, a cinema event takes place that brings the world of short films together in the unique atmosphere on the edge of the Lüneburg Heath.
Our festival takes place at the Movieplexx Kino Buchholz and consists of several components:
We invite young filmmakers from all over the world to submit their contributions to our festival. An online evaluation will take place every three months, in which the resulting winners will be listed on our website and presented on social media. In addition, the big annual finale takes place every year in December.
Here, all four winning films from each month will be shown in front of a live audience and awarded.
Our jury, consisting of experienced actors, directors and authors, analyzes all submissions and selects the best short films for screening in our festival's competition program.
The annual winner receives prize money of €500 and the trailer of the winning film is also shown in the cinema for four weeks before each main screening.
This gives young filmmakers a great opportunity to present their film to a wide audience. Additionally, you can discuss films and meet other festival participants at networking events.
Our festival will be a unique cinema event that brings together filmmakers and film lovers from all over the world. Be there and discover the world of short films in all its glory! Our goal is to support the next generation and help them grow their audience and capture the attention of viewers.
We invite you to take part in our festival. Please submit your entries exclusively via Festhome and showcase your talent to the world.
We look forward to your submissions!
Your team from the Heide Film Festival.
Денежные призы: 500€
An online evaluation will take place every three months, in which the resulting winners will be listed on our website and presented on social media. In addition, the big annual finale takes place every year in December.
All four winning films from each month will be shown and awarded in front of a live audience in the Movieplexx cinema.
The annual winner receives prize money of €500 and the trailer of the winning film is also shown in the cinema for four weeks before each main screening. This gives young filmmakers a great opportunity to present their film to a wide audience.
* subtitle:
The film does not have to contain any subtitles when it is shown. This
must be included in the film at the annual finale. Otherwise the film won't be taken into account.
* Films presented in english should contain German subtitles (annual finale).
* Films presented in German should, if possible, have english subtitles
contain. However, missing subtitles do not constitute exclusion from the festival (year finale).
* Films in a third or another language (except German or english)
must contain subtitles in German (year finale).
*No world premiere is required for the Heide Film Festival.
* Films submitted without subtitles or otherwise violating any rules will be disqualified without refund.
*A submitted film cannot be resubmitted multiple times in one or more categories.
* Only short films with a running length of between 5 - 30 minutes will be accepted.
* All genres of films are accepted. Not accepted:
Documentaries, advertising and music videos.
* Films for the annual finale will only be accepted in the following formats: DCP/ProRess.
When submitting a film, you expressly agree to the following rules:
1. The Heide Film Festival may use parts of your film (including trailers/teasers/film posters/stills) for promotional purposes.
2. The festival team selects a jury that has no connection to the competition films.
3. All fees are non-transferable and non-refundable for any reason, including COVID-related circumstances that would constitute force majeure, e.g. B. in the event of a postponement or cancellation of the annual in-person event.
4. We do not offer fee waivers.
5. You own all rights to the film (images, sound, music and poster).
The copyright holder must be at least 18 years old.
6. Adult guardians or parents may submit on behalf of minors.
7. You may not cancel your participation in the Monthly or Annual Contest once the official selection has been announced.
8. You are obliged to be present at the festival as an annual finalist. Otherwise your film cannot be considered for the annual finale. Any costs incurred will not be reimbursed.
9. During our three-month ceremony, all film clips of nominees and winners will only be shown in digital format and the media provided must meet standard film standards.
10. All accepted and non-accepted entries will be communicated to entrants via email (see our Festhome page for deadlines and other updates).
11. Any film revised or changed after submission must be resubmitted with new fees.
12. Films must not have a watermark.
13. Festival dates and times may be delayed or changed.
14. If you submitted as a student, we reserve the right to check the validity of your status. In case of misuse, your film will be disqualified without refund.
15. The Heide Film Festival reserves the right to reject entries and the jury may remove the film from the competition at any time without giving reasons. The decisions of the selection committee and jury are final.
16. You always retain 100% of all rights to your intellectual property.
17. The Festival is not liable for any copyright infringement or unauthorized use. Any conflicts should be resolved by the parties involved.
18. You agree to indemnify Heide Film Festival and hold us harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages and costs (including but not limited to attorneys' fees and court costs) arising out of claims relating to copyright, trademarks , credits, advertising and demonstration are created.
19. No work or artist will be discriminated against or favored based on their country of origin, language, age, race, education, ideology, sexual orientation or economic resources. Every content, every form, every technique is taken into account without any censorship.
20. The festival does not charge screening fees for its films. By submitting through Festhome, you agree NOT to charge a screening fee as a condition of your film's participation in the Festival if your film is selected for the program.
The Heide Film Festival does not accept:
1. Amateur films or videos.
2. Extremist or propagandistic content from religious or political organizations.
3. Films made before 2020.
4. Films must not contain pornographic, racist, sexist, offensive or defamatory statements intended to harm anyone.
5. Films must not disrespect the privacy of others.
6. Films with poor production standards (poor audio, lack of subtitles if applicable, or video resolution below 720p HD).
7. Do not send us cash or payments in any form via email or our postal address (all payments are made via Festhome).
8. Do not send us any materials (e.g. DCP, DVD, poster, etc.) via our postal address.
Fees and film genre
Короткие и художественные фильмы
Стандартный тариф35€ -8% 32.2€ PRO 33% 23.45€
Получите годовой абонемент и максимальную скидку на фестиваль и сборы за подачу заявок
Крайний срок подачи заявок
20 мар 24
We accept all films that have their own signature.
The Heide Film Festival does not accept:
1. Amateur films or videos.
2. Extremist or propagandistic content from religious or political organizations.
3. Films made before 2020.
4. Films must not contain pornographic, racist, sexist, offensive or defamatory statements intended to harm anyone.
5. Films must not disrespect the privacy of others.
6. Films with poor production standards (poor audio, lack of subtitles if applicable, or video resolution below 720p HD).
7. Do not send us cash or payments in any form via email or our postal address (all payments are made via Festhome).
8. Do not send us any materials (e.g. DCP, DVD, poster, etc.) via our postal address.
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.
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