High Tide Film Festival 2024 ()


20 11월 2023
출품 요청

20 2월 2024
영화제 마감

20 4월 2024

20 4월 2024
21 4월 2024


100 Aquarium Way,  90802, Long Beach, CA, United States

영화제 개요
단편 영화제 3'<

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 모든 장르
 모든 테마
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.
 국제 영화제
 실제 위치
 제작일: 기타
 제작 국가: 필수
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 기타
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  3'<
 모든 언어
 모든 언어
소셜 네트워크에서 공유

Photo of High Tide Film Festival 2024
Photo of High Tide Film Festival 2024
Photo of High Tide Film Festival 2024
Photo of High Tide Film Festival 2024

한국어 (Korean) ML

영화제 시작: 20 4월 2024      영화제 끝: 21 4월 2024

Student film festival held by Aquarium of the Pacific.

See Website

Participants please carefully read and follow these contest rules:

Participants must be Southern California High School Students in Grades 9-12.

All participants may enter only one film as an individual or as part of a team of up to 4 students.

Film/Video must be 3 minutes or less in its entirety, including credits (180 seconds maximum).

Film/Video must be appropriate for all viewing ages.

Film/Video must be original and wholly made by the individual or team.

Parent/teacher participation should be limited to coaching or acting in the film.

All participants part of a team are required to submit their own:

High Tide Student Application
Photo Image Release Form

All forms should be signed by those 18 or older or by the parent/guardian of minors.

Filmmakers must cite their copyright free resources in closing credits.

Filmmakers must comply with Copyright/Fair Use Laws (see below).

Filmmakers must have secured the rights to all of the materials appearing in the film, using the Student Materials Licensing Agreement Form (see below).

Filmmakers must secure the image appearance/photo release consent form from all people depicted in their video/film using the AoP Photo-Image Release Form (see below).

Filmmakers give the Aquarium of the Pacific permission to show and post the full film and excerpts and distribute it to third parties such as the press.


Finalists will be required to submit W-9 Form in order to receive cash prizes.

Finalists are required to attend the Film Festival Screening and Award Ceremony on June 1 2023.

Winners will share the awards and cash prizes equally between all members of their team.

Copyright/Fair Use Laws

When student productions are to be displayed in public venues (High Tide Student Film Festival and Internet), students must get permission to use copyrighted material in their video production. Copyrighted material includes copyrighted still pictures, photos and images, music, logos, artwork, text and video clips. Students are responsible for obtaining the necessary written permissions on all copyrighted work.

Aquarium of the Pacific Materials Licensing Agreement Form
As the creator of your short film, you will be required to submit a signed copy of this form. You will also be required to attach documentation for the licensing of any media pieces included in your short film, showing you have the rights to provide those materials to the Aquarium for the High Tide Student Film Festival and Contest. Students under 18 years old are required to submit with parent/guardian signature.

The use of original work or royalty-free music, film clips, pictures, etc. is highly recommended to ensure films are not disqualified due to copyright infringement, as many copyright holders are not willing to provide permission for use.

Public domain images and film clips may be used in the video if the source is appropriately cited in the film’s credits. Written permission from the copyright holder is required to use any copyrighted material.

Original music or music that is in the public domain may be used in the video if the source is appropriately cited in the film’s credits. Written permission from the copyright holder is required to use any copyrighted material.

Photo-Image Release Form
For anyone who is included in the video/film (people who appear in a photo, video, audio recording, or other likeness such as their name), please have them sign this form. You can download and print this form in advance of filming. Students under 18 years old are required to submit with parent/guardian signature.

W-9 Form
All Finalists, including all members of a team, are required to submit this form in order to receive any cash prizes. This form will require the student’s name, address, Tax Identification Number (social security number) and signature. In the case of a minor (students under 18 years old), the W-9 should be completed using the minor’s information. The signature can either be the minor’s signature or the parent/guardian.

By entering the contest, the entrants agree to submit their own original work, do not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others, and is in compliance with all copyright laws. When using work that is not your own, the entrants agree that those works are part of the public domain, that they have obtained permission to use the work, or that the use of the work does not constitute a substantial portion of the film and complies with fair use laws of USC Title 17 Section 107. Where an entrant has obtained permission to use a another’s intellectual property, the entrant agrees to submit proof of permission with the film entry. Entrants will give appropriate credit and citations when a public domain source is used in the film.

For additional information, contact us at: HighTideFilmFestival@lbaop.org



단 한번의 클릭으로, 멋진 영화와 영화제를 발굴해보세요
