Data limite d'iscrizione
16 ago 21
Horror Online Art Film Festival (Navarra)
30 giu 2021
Inizio delle iscrizioni
06 lug 2021
Scadenza iniziale
26 lug 2021
Scadenza standard
10 ago 2021
Scadenza finale
16 ago 2021
Festival chiuso
04 ott 2021
Data della notifica
25 ott 2021
29 ott 2021
Inizio del Festival: 25 ottobre 2021 Festival si chiude: 29 ottobre 2021
The International Festival of Fantasy and Horror Films Horror Online Art presents its X edition. The festival has projections of short films in Official Section and feature films out of competition.
During last years, the festival been has celebrated in different spaces of Navarre, such as the Cultural Hall of El Corte Inglés of Pamplona, the local ‘Café con Letras’ in Estella o in Civivox Iturrama.
The best short films are recognized with the festival certificate that gives credit to that award.
IMPORTANT: The short films must be in Spanish or subtitled in Spanish
1- Persons of every country can participate with fantasy and terror short films in all of its varieties and subgenres.
2- Short films presented in previous editions of the festival will not be accepted.
3- Short films cannot exceed 30 minutes.
4- The participants can send an unlimited number of works.
5- The short films must be in Spanish or subtitled in Spanish.
6- To participate you must register your short film in this platform.
7- The works must be sent before August 16th, 2021.
8- The authors of the short films are responsible for any infringement of copyright that can produce their short film, absolving the organization of any responsibility.
9- The festival will make different sections with the short films selected in the projections in centers and cinemas of Navarra (Spain).
10- The winners will receive a certificate (the festival does not give cash prizes).
11- The filmmakers accept these rules.
Data limite d'iscrizione
16 ago 21
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