120 in 2020 Film Festival Quetta Pakistan by YAD ()

120 In 2020 Film Festival Quetta Pakistan By Yad


15 Oct 2020
Call for entries

15 Nov 2020
Festival closed

15 Jan 2021
Notification date

15 Oct 2020
29 Nov 2020


YAD#Main Payind Khan Road Killi Payind Khan Quetta Pakistan ,  84800, Quetta, Baluchistan, Pakistan

Festival description
Short film festival 2'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Required
 Shooting countries: Required
 Director nationalities: Required
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  2'<
 Any language
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Photo of 120 in 2020 Film Festival Quetta Pakistan by YAD
Photo of 120 in 2020 Film Festival Quetta Pakistan by YAD


Festival start: 15 October 2020      Festival end: 29 November 2020

Youth Association for Development (YAD) Pakistan
Call for Submission: 120 in 2020 Film Festival
Youth Association for Development is Baluchistan based youth lead non-government organization working for youth activism, youth empowerment, youth development, peace building, environment, climate change, education, health and SRHR through initiating interactive, edutainment, creative, innovative arts-based, creative expressions and technological approach.

Youth Association for Development (YAD) first time is initiating innovative (120 in 2020) 120 second film festival in 2020 to encourage young film makers and film productions to promote their film making skills and showcase their creativity locally, nationally and internationally.

YAD Pakistan 120 in 2020 film festival (120 Second) Film Festival promotes storytelling through the use of powerful visuals and the exchange of innovative ideas through a purposeful platform that serves as a medium to conduct discourse sessions amongst masses.

120 in 2020 Film Festival is first time initiative and has the opportunities to conduct screenings in YAD’s Pakistan All Arts Competition Exhibition and family festival tentatively expected in 29th November 2020 at Noori Nasier Khan Cultural Complex Directorate of Culture Spiny Road Quetta with online visibility in YAD social media channels, YAD donor’s social media channels other international channels and internationally amongst several other locations as possible.

YAD’s Pakistan 120 in 2020.

YAD Pakistan is going to provide opportunity for young filmmakers and film productions to provide a platform for all young talented filmmakers from all over the Baluchistan Province that is one step closer to bridging the gaps between cultures and bringing strong provincial ties among artistically driven individual, encouraging young dynamics, potentials, keen and enthusiastic filmmakers and film productions to step up and film their thoughts in YAD thematic areas mentioned below in 120 second, show us what you have and showcase your film making talent the stage, festival and cannels is YAD Pakistan and the show is your to inform, motivate, sensitize, educate, aware and inspire the masses on relating SRHR issues in communities.

YAD Pakistan’s 120 in 2020 Film Festival works with the drive to empower the youth by development a positive learning experience, improve the understanding of issues related to SRHR, HIV/AIDS, Maternal Health, Abortion and Early, Child and Forced Marriages by providing a platform that promulgates views of masses.

120 in 2020 film festival theme includes:

1- HIV/AIDS (Stigma, barriers, discrimination, issues and challenges and lack of access and facilitation of quality health services, care, testing, treatment, prevention and counseling)

2- Early, Child and Forced Marriages

3- Abortion, safe abortion and post abortion care (Stigma, barriers, gaps, issues and challenges and lack of access and facilitation to safe abortion and post abortion care)

4- Maternal health issues

Judging: Entries will be judged by external experts from relevant fields. Special emphasis will be placed on the relevant of the work of the themes and innovation as indicated at the start of this guidelines. Jury retains the right to exclude any work from consideration. No appeal on the method of the organization or on the result of the competition will be accepted. The jury’s decision will be final. Entries will be judged and winners will be announced the same day while the jury final the 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions winners and additionally top 6 positions winners, 1st position winner will be awarded cash amount 25000 PKR with certificate of achievement, 2nd position winner will be awarded cash amount 20000 PKR with certificate of achievement, 3rd Position winner will be awarded cash amount 15000 PKR with certificate of achievement and top 6 position winners will be awarded cash amount 5000 PKR each with certificate of achievement. All received qualified filmmakers’ film will be upload in YAD’s social media site, portals and website as well as YAD’s donor and any other relevant channels, portals and sites for visibility. All participants will receive certificate of participation from YAD.

Copy Rights: The film copy rights will be with YAD and the concerned film maker, the logo of YAD, YAD donors and the film makers of production will be paste before and after the film with disclaimer and copy rights as well as any relevant positive massage. By entering to the festival, participants agree to the reproduction of their entries/film. The filmmakers understand that the copyright of the film will be retained by the organizer and may be reproduced on their website and promotional material. Any form of indecent and obscene portrayal of woman and child, nudity, animal brutality, direct or indirect hate, anti-national, anti- government expressions/ visuals, sensitive to all religions, creed, sections, faith, section and ethnicity is strictly prohibited.


Participants submit their film to below mentioned addresses before 15th November 2020.

1). #YAD Office Main Payind Khan Road Killi Payind Khan Choeck Shakarzai Saydain Quetta.
Email: yadlri@yahoo.com, attaulhaq2000@yahoo.com, hr2020yad@gmail.com
Ph#0812872652, Cell/WhatsApp 03342464598, Website: www.yad.org.pk

Important guidelines for submission:

• Entries are limited to one submission per person, that focused and reflect one of above-mentioned theme out of 4 themes

• All entries must have the following information with submission form, Film Title: Name of filmmaker: Affiliation details and statement of film:

• The entry must be original, innovative, creative, not screened before this festival and should belongs to the person who is submitting it, plagiarism, copied, cut paste, usage of internet will be automatically disqualified in screening process

• The film will not be uploaded online in any social media channels

• The Film should be provided in original pixel to the YAD team in USB

• The duration should not be less or more than 120 seconds.

• All content should be original.

• The film should be subtitled in English.

• The film should not have any credits or watermark.

• Festival will not bear any expenses for participants.

• The festival has rights to screen these films on any collaborating festival or media.

• Only the approved films will be part of the festival and will be uploaded on the official website & social media outlets at all.

• Not abiding by the rules will lead to disqualification.

Eligibility: Individual film makers and film productions age (12-40 years).

Ready to attend the 120 in 2020 film festival and exhibition the time and date that will be communicated by YAD team (Most Expected/Tentative on 29th November 2020, at 10:00 AM, At Noori Nasier Khan Cultural Complex Directorate of Culture Spiny Road Quetta)

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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