In The Bin Film Festival (21)


09 mar 2021
Inizio delle iscrizioni

11 giu 2021
Scadenza standard

31 ago 2021
Festival chiuso

24 set 2021
Data della notifica

01 ott 2021
03 ott 2021


teemangan st ,  4221, currumbin , Queensland , Australia

Descrizione del Festival
Festival del cortometraggio 20'<

Requisiti del Festival
 Festival del cinema
 Music Video
 Qualsiasi genere
 Qualsiasi tema
 Ha tasse d'iscrizione
 Festival Internazionale
 Posizione fisica e online
 gennaio 2018
 Paesi di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi dove sono state fatte le riprese: Qualsiasi
 Nazionalità del direttore: Qualsiasi
 Film debuttanti 
 Progetti di scuola 
 Cortometraggi  20'<
 Qualsiasi lingua
Condividi sui social network

Photo of In The Bin Film Festival
Photo of In The Bin Film Festival
Photo of In The Bin Film Festival
Photo of In The Bin Film Festival

Italian ML

Inizio del Festival: 01 ottobre 2021      Festival si chiude: 03 ottobre 2021

The Touring Film Festival is part of In The Bin Film Festival, Australia's largest touring short film program and one of the oldest. We provide short films festival and film education for regional and rural Australia currently with a strong focus in Queensland. We have an awards element to the program, however, our primary focus is on supporting all the films selected in the touring program.

Premi in contanti: 4,000$

Best Short Film $2,000
Bin Laughing Award $1,000
Super Short $500

Best Direction
Audience Choice
Best Documentary (provided more than one documentary is selected for the festival.)
Best Family Film $500

Eligibility: The International and Australian Sections of the Festival are open to any production under 30mins in length and no older than 1 year from January 2018 (In rare and exceptional circumstances the festival committee reserves the right to accept films of longer duration or age). All productions screened at In The Bin must be in English or have English subtitles.

Entry format is via digital download
Important - If entering via DVD or Blue-ray please mark the entry: with film title, and a contact also include “No Commercial Value - Festival Use Only”
All entries must include at least two stills one from the film and the other behind the scenes.

The entrant grants In The Bin Short Film Festival the rights to: - utilize their film footage for promotional purpose of In The Bin only. The Entrant warrants that they have obtained all the necessary permissions to enter this film and that the film does not infringe the rights including copyright of any third party.

Festival programmers select and invite all films presented at In The Bin Short Film Festival. Filmmakers selected to participate will be notified by email (please ensure email address supplied is in working order). The Jury’s processes, discussions, and deliberations are strictly confidential and no discussion will be entered into regarding their decisions.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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