International Music Video Awards ()


01 Dec 2022
Call for entries

10 Dec 2022
Early deadline

31 Dec 2023
Standard deadline

23 Jan 2023
Late deadline

23 Jan 2023
Festival closed

24 Jan 2023
Notification date

01 Jan 2023
31 Dec 2023


87-89 Krisztina körút,  1016, Budapest, HU, Hungary

Festival description
Short film festival
Feature film festival

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films 
 Feature Films 
 Any language
 Any language
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Photo of International Music Video Awards
Photo of International Music Video Awards
Photo of International Music Video Awards
Photo of International Music Video Awards


Festival start: 01 January 2023      Festival end: 31 December 2023

The Festival is awarded every 2 months, and its being appraised by our jury in private screening.

As the Festival is two months Festival, all submitters are informed after deadline which Music Videos have won each category and also those who are honorable mention, finalist and semifinalist.

The winners of main categories /Best Music Music Video, Best Munich Music Video, Best Director Music Video, Best Cinematography, Best Production, Best Actor Music Video,
Best Actress Music Video/ will be presented on physical event once a year in our ANNUAL CEREMONY 27th of January 2023 in Tabán Art Cinema - Busapest.

The mission of the IMVA International Music Video Awards is to expand the boundaries of traditional filmmaking by creating a "visual symphony" in which music will play a major role. An international demonstration of music video is to celebrate and educate those who combine two powerful platforms of music and film. IMVA is an International Bi-Monthly IMDb Qualifying Competition ( with Annual Screening Event

Combining image with music creates the long-awaited "integral cinema" that adds another dimension and power to visual messages. At the same time, it gives the second life music itself, which allows us to visualize images inspired by melodies, which are often lost in the subconscious.

As one of the youngest genres in the film industry, it is a video clip, an audiovisual work whose sound component is the whole or substantially a record of the artistic performance of a musical work.

The city of Budapest does not need recommendations. It is one of the largest places in the world where you can also listen to all kinds of music. Its diverse ethnic and cultural community has contributed to the establishment and maintenance of several musical genres. Budapest is also well known for its film culture. The awards ceremony will take place on 27 January 2023 in Tabán Art Cinema.

Add your Official Title Credit on IMDb:

Cash Prizes: 1,500$

The best videos from will be nominated at the Global Music Video Academy (GMVA) which will redistribute $ 1,500.00 annually.

BEST MUSIC VIDEO – 1.000,00 USD /the winner can be a music video from any category/

The winners will be announced in 30th of JUNE 2023.

Best Music Video
Best Animation Music Video
Best Advertising Music Video
Best Experimental Music Video
Best Pop Music Video
Best Art Music Video
Best Dance Music Video
Best Rock Music Video
Best Dance Music Video
Best Hip Hop Music Video
Best Choreography Music Video
Best Drama Music Video
Best Comedy Music Video
Best Action Music Video
Best LGBT Music Video
Best Musical Film (Feature)
Best Musical Film (Short)
Best Documentary Music Video
Best Mobile Music Video
Best Original Song
Best Classic Song
Best Jazz Song
Best Low Budget Music Video


Best Europe Music Video
Best North America Music Video
Best Latin America Music Video
Best Asia and Pacific Music Video


Best Director Music Video
Best Male Director Music Video
Best Female Director Music Video
Best First Time Director Music Video


Best Cinematography
Best Soundtrack
Best Costume
Best Editing
Best Production
Best Actor Music Video
Best Actress Music Video
Best Lyrics Song
Best Sound Design
Best VFX
Best Makeup
Best Vocalist

All winners receive a free certificate (pdf/jpg file)

1. Music videos may not have English subtitles.

2. No fee waiver. All entry fees are non-refundable.

3. Multiple entries from the same submitter are accepted.

4. The decision of the festival selection committee will be final.

5. The festival authorities will have the right to retain copies of each film and the material send as part of our festival library & can be screened in for Education, promotion, awareness & commercial purposes.

6. The excerpts from films send for International Music Video Awards can be shown on the TV / Local Network / Internet etc. For Promotional / Publicity.

7. Music Videos that are submitted must be the entrant’s original work and shall not infringe on any copyrights or any other rights of any third Parties. Contestants agree that they have obtained all required copyright permissions regarding music, sound & images. Etc presented in their film.

8. International Music Video Awards organizers reserve rights change, cancel or re-schedule the dates, venue, awards & categories without consent or information to contestants.

9. The organizers reserve the right not to award any or all of the prizes.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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