Korterraza Festival de cortos al aire libre (16)

KORTERRAZA short film festival


26 Feb 2025
Call for entries

16 May 2025
Final deadline


22 Jun 2025
Notification date

25 Jun 2025
28 Jun 2025


Fermín Lasuen 1, bajo,  01013, Vitoria, Alava, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival 30'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  30'<
 Any language
Spanish Basque
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Photo of Korterraza Festival de cortos al aire libre
Photo of Korterraza Festival de cortos al aire libre

Photo of Korterraza Festival de cortos al aire libre
Photo of Korterraza Festival de cortos al aire libre


Festival start: 25 June 2025      Festival end: 28 June 2025

Short and music outdoor. This is what is proposed Korterraza, a festival of short films that celebrate its fourteenth edition of June 25 to 28, 2025 in Vitoria-Gasteiz, and throughout the summer, the eleventh edition of Korterraza Araba.

Cash Prizes: 8,000€

The total expected prizes are greater than €7,000/8,000.


“Álex Angulo” Saria Award for the best short film of the Official Jury Selection €500

“Keler” Saria Award for the 2nd best short film of the Official Jury Selection €250

“Korterraza Txiki-El Correo” Saria Award for the best short film in the Txiki Jury Section €300

“Korterraza Txiki” Saria Award for the 2nd best short film in the Txiki Jury Section €200

“Grupo Eleyco” Saria Award for the best Komedia Jury €250

“Laboral Kutxa” Saria Award for the best short film of the Official Selection and Public Screening €250

“Sensibiliza” Saria Award for the best short film screened in the Sensibiliza Público section €250

“Korterraza Araba” Saria Award for the best short film screened in Álava Public €250

“Korterraza Araba Txiki” Saria Award for the best short film in the Txiki section screened in Álava Público €200

“Korterraza Euskera” Saria Award for the most outstanding short film in Basque* Jury €200

* This award will be announced when the selection process is over and it also means automatic selection for the Official Selection of Korterraza Gasteiz, which will add two new prizes (for selection and number of viewers) plus the option to opt for the jury and public awards.

* All the prizes are guaranteed.

* At the exit of these bases Kultura Kalean! is seeking support to increase the number of prizes and their amount.


The catalog will consist of the following sections:

- Korterraza Official Selection (18-20 shorts, which also contains the Super Selection).
- Korterraza Super Selection (10 shorts).
- Korterraza Txiki (8-10 shorts).
- Korterraza Komedia (10 shorts)*
- Korterraza Sensitizes (10 shorts).

* The shorts that participate in various sections of the catalog will charge €25 for each of them.

* The Txiki and Sample of Gasteiz sections (about 6 short films) do not have a prize for selection.

* At the exit of these bases the Komedia section is not guaranteed.

* The selection will be communicated to all the participants (selected and not selected).


* Each time we screen a short film, its director will win a prize of €1.20 per viewer divided by the number of short films in the session. The award for the number of spectators only applies to Korterraza Gasteiz and Araba.
* Korterraza does not charge admission to its screenings; To find out the number of spectators, we count the number of people present at the beginning of the 2nd short, in the middle of the session and at the beginning of the last short, after which we make an average with the three figures.

1. The 16th edition of the KORTERRAZA short film FESTIVAL is convened.

2. Any person who wishes may be present, fulfilling the following requirements:

• The maximum duration of the work submitted to each of the modalities will be 30 minutes.

• Work may be both mute and sound. In any case, only works whose dialogues and/or subtitles are used in the Spanish or Basque language may be presented.

• The works submitted must have been made from 1 September 2023 *

* Except for Korterraza Txiki that supports short films made in any year.

3. Inscription
The inscription will be made by uplinking the film and filling in the corresponding registration form on the FESTHOME platform.

The registration period begins on February 26th and ends on May 16th, 2025.

* Short films sent after that date will not be taken into account.

The selection committee of the competition will be composed of members of the festival's Organising association, Kultura Kalen! They will be in charge of selecting the short films of the Korterraza Catalogue and the sample section of Gasteiz.

The selected shorts will be personally communicated via email and publicly through our website the week of June 22th, 2025.

* The organization agrees to communicate the selection to all participants (selected and not selected).

• Participate in Korterraza Txiki. This section supports your registration via direct from our website – Www.korterraza.com/inscripciones – and supports short films made in any year, fulfilling the standard of being made for the children's audience.

* The short films arrived by this route that are made before September 1, 2023, will not opt to be part of the official selection or Super selection of the catalogue 2025.

• Short films in Basque. As in Korterraza Txiki, this section supports your registration via direct from our website – www.korterraza.com/inscripciones – * The short films arrived in this way must comply with the rule of having been made from September 1, 2023.

4. The selected shorts will become part of the catalogue Korterraza 2025 or the sample section of Korterraza Gasteiz. Any projected short will receive its corresponding prize. The delivery of these prizes will be made via bank transfer the first fortnight of October, once the festival is completed in its entirety.

KORTERRAZA awards 2025
The total expected prizes are greater than €7,000/8,000.



“Álex Angulo” Saria Award for the best short film of the Official Jury Selection €500

“Keler” Saria Award for the 2nd best short film of the Official Jury Selection €250

“Korterraza Txiki-El Correo” Saria Award for the best short film in the Txiki Jury Section €300

“Korterraza Txiki” Saria Award for the 2nd best short film in the Txiki Jury Section €200

“Grupo Eleyco” Saria Award for the best Komedia Jury €250

“Laboral Kutxa” Saria Award for the best short film of the Official Selection and Public Screening €250

“Sensibiliza” Saria Award for the best short film screened in the Sensibiliza Público section €250

“Korterraza Araba” Saria Award for the best short film screened in Álava Public €250

“Korterraza Araba Txiki” Saria Award for the best short film in the Txiki section screened in Álava Público €200

“Korterraza Euskera” Saria Award for the most outstanding short film in Basque* Jury €200

* This award will be announced when the selection process is over and it also means automatic selection for the Official Selection of Korterraza Gasteiz, which will add two new prizes (for selection and number of viewers) plus the option to opt for the jury and public awards.

* All the prizes are guaranteed with the exception of Korterraza Komedia, which may not go ahead in the section as such.

* At the exit of these bases Kultura Kalean! is seeking support to increase the number of prizes and their amount.


The catalog will consist of the following sections:

- Korterraza Official Selection (18-20 shorts, which also contains the Super Selection).
- Korterraza Super Selection (10 shorts).
- Korterraza Txiki (8-10 shorts).
- Korterraza Komedia (10 shorts)*
- Korterraza Sensitizes (10 shorts).

* The shorts that participate in various sections of the catalog will charge €25 for each of them.

* The Txiki and Sample of Gasteiz sections (about 6 short films) do not have a prize for selection.

* The selection will be communicated to all the participants (selected and not selected).


* Each time we screen a short film, its director will win a prize of €1.20 per viewer divided by the number of short films in the session. The award for the number of spectators only applies to Korterraza Gasteiz and Araba.
* Korterraza does not charge admission to its screenings; To find out the number of spectators, we count the number of people present at the beginning of the 2nd short, in the middle of the session and at the beginning of the last short, after which we make an average with the three figures.

5. The official jury of the Festival will preview the works submitted to the contest, to determine the works accepted to the final stage of the contest, to determine the works accepted to the final stage of the contest, scheduled between 25 and 28 June of 2025.

6. The works selected for the contest will be exhibited publicly in Korterraza Gasteiz-Complete catalogue + sample-, on 25,26,27,28 June 2025 and throughout the summer in Korterraza Araba-the festival projects the sections of the catalogue that each people want. It will be reported on the festival's website throughout the month of June.

The participating authors cede to the organising association Kultura Kalen! The rights of emission of the short films during the days that lasts the contest and free the Festival of any legal or intellectual property responsibility that derives from the exhibition of his works in the context of the festival. Contestants must ensure that the participation of their works in the contest does not harm the rights of third parties.

7. The Festival reserves the right to request a projection copy with Full HD resolution with subtitles in Spanish , to make a copy, as well as to publicly display-not for profit-the creations that access the final stage of the festival, guaranteeing in any case the moral rights of the Author. Likewise, the organization has the authorization of the participants to make partial use of the works contestants for promotion, publicity and support of the Festival.

8. The decisions of the official jury of the sample shall be unappealable, and all contestants are obliged to abide by the mere fact of participating. The jury reserves the possibility of declaring desert any of the prizes. The inscription in this contest implies the total compliance of its bases. The organization reserves the right to suspend the festival for meteorological reasons or causes of force majeure, protecting the intellectual property of the author and returning his shorts.

9. The Organization of the event communicates to the participants that will take care of the maintenance (meals and dinners of Director/representative and companion, in the same conditions as the members of the organization) of the participants who approach the projection Of his shorts at the Festival of Vitoria-Gasteiz. However, the organization will not be able to take charge of the travel and overnight diets of the participants.

The presence of the Director or representative is not required. Non-attendance at the festival will not at any time be detrimental to the participant in the award ceremony.

The organization reserves the right to suspend the festival due to force majeure, protecting the author's intellectual property and returning their short films.

The festival will abide by all the socio-sanitary recommendations / obligations caused by the current situation in which we live (COVID) and will only proceed if the conditions are safe for the spectators of the festival.

Note: in case of doubt in the drafting of these bases in english, we will refer to the bases in Spanish

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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