Kraków International Green Film Festival (3)


01 ott 2019
Inizio delle iscrizioni

30 apr 2020
Scadenza iniziale

31 mag 2020
Scadenza standard

20 giu 2020
Scadenza finale

20 giu 2020
Festival chiuso

30 giu 2020
Data della notifica

16 ago 2020
23 ago 2020


Kapelanka 12,  30-347, Kraków, małopolska, Poland

Descrizione del Festival
Environmental theme
Festival del cortometraggio 30'<
Festival del lungometraggio >31' 60'<

Requisiti del Festival
 Festival del cinema
 Music Video
 Qualsiasi genere
 Ha tasse d'iscrizione
 Festival Internazionale
 Posizione fisica
 gennaio 2018
 Paesi di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi dove sono state fatte le riprese: Qualsiasi
 Nazionalità del direttore: Qualsiasi
 Film debuttanti 
 Progetti di scuola 
 Cortometraggi  30'<
 Lungometraggi  >31' 60'<
 Qualsiasi lingua
Condividi sui social network

Photo of Kraków International Green Film Festival
Photo of Kraków International Green Film Festival
Photo of Kraków International Green Film Festival
Photo of Kraków International Green Film Festival

Italian ML

Questo festival non è attualmente aperto per iscrizioni.

Inizio del Festival: 16 agosto 2020      Festival si chiude: 23 agosto 2020

3rd KRAKÓW INTERNATIONAL GREEN FILM FESTIVAL is an international festival of ecological films, it is a celebration of cinema and people who are not indifferent to the fate of our planet. KIGFF also includes ecological workshops, educational meetings, lectures and other artistic activities aimed at improving the culture of life in accordance with the "green" values.
3rd KRAKÓW INTERNATIONAL GREEN FILM FESTIVAL is the first and biggest film festival in Poland focusing on environmental issues. Established in 2018 by Green Festival Foundation, KIGFF is a festival that seeks to share the hope for a better world where all the lives can live in harmony with environment and nature. Through cinema, the festival hopes to promote ideas of environmental protection and life respect to encourage public awareness and action for positive changes.

For the best festival film chosen from the four competing categories: Narrative Films, Animated Films, Feature Documentaries, Short Documentaries.

- 1st place / - 2nd place / - 3rd place

- 1st place / - 2nd place / - 3rd place

- 1st place / - 2nd place / - 3rd place

- 1st place / - 2nd place / - 3rd place

Official awards may be diplomas, plaques, trophies.

1. Submissions must illustrate an environmental theme and be informative, educational or inspirational.

2. Only films completed after January 1st, 2018 will be considered for the official selection.

3. The Applications are received through the Festhome Portal or by sending the filled-in Application, only via Internet. Does not apply to the "Best Youth Film" competition.

4. Length of the movies:
a). Feature documentary – no less than 30 minutes
b). Short documentary – up to 30 minutes
c). Narrative films – up to 30 minutes
d). Animated films - up to 30 minutes.

5. All films must be subtitled in English.

6. Competition films chosen by the Jury must be delivered to the organizers of the "KIGFF" at the sentenced date via a link to the film, for example - (Wetransfer)( Filemail)(Digital Pigeon) or another server.

7. We accept .MOV, * mp4 files. in HD quality (1920x1080).

8. The Jury is required to review all movies in competition.

9. The Jury's decisions are final and irrevocable.

10. Films that are in any way connected with the Jury members can not participate in the competition for prizes.

11. We do not accept a movie with blasphemies.

12. Entry fees are non-refundable.

13. The organizers retain rights to use the films solely for promoting “International Green Film Festival” and it’s values.

14. The applicant confirms that he/she has the requisite authority or has obtained the requisite authority from the producer/right holder to enter this film in the “Krakow International Green Film Festival” Under NO circumstance, the authorities of “Krakow International Green Film Festival” will not entertain or be answerable to anyone else apart from the applicant.

15. The Applicant declares that he/she has obtained from the authors, producers and all others copyright owners of the submitted film permission for a public screening the movie during the competition of KIGFF and will not demand any license fee in this respect.

16. Submitting the movie the applicant accepts we can share trailer, pictures and posters of the movie with our social page, website, and other media.

17. By submitting a film, the new organizational regulator "KIGFF" for placing the provided photos, the trailer of the film and the poster on the festival website and the Facebook social network "KIGFF".

18. By submitting a film, the applicant allows the organizers of "IGFF" to place a fragment of the film (max. 20 seconds) in the films and teasers of the "IGFF" Festival.

19. Submitting the movie the applicant accepts we can share trailer, pictures and posters of the movie with our social page, website, and other media. If the applicant doesn't want, have to send us an email (with contact form can find on or email:

20. The organizers reserve the right not to award any or all of the prizes.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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