Marquesa Film Festival (0)


09 May 2016
Call for entries

15 Jun 2016
Festival closed

13 Jul 2016
Notification date

18 Jul 2016
22 Jul 2016


Manríquez, 4,  14003, Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival >10' 59'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >10' 59'<
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Festival start: 18 July 2016      Festival end: 22 July 2016

The International MARQUESA SHORT FILM FESTIVAL aims to foster gastronomy, wine and natural produce from the lands of Córdoba (Spain).

Patios de la Marquesa Award.
Estatuilla/Placa, diploma and 1000 euros.

Terraza de la Marquesa Award. Estatuilla/Placa, diploma and 500 euros.

Best ducmentary still photography. Estatuilla/Placa, diploma. This award will be decided by the audience.

Audience Award.
Estatuilla/Placa, diploma.

The International MARQUESA SHORT FILM FESTIVAL aims to foster gastronomy, wine and natural produce from the lands of Córdoba (Spain).

Filmmakers from any country in the world are welcome to particpate, provided they are over 18 years old.

Submitted short films can be fiction, documentary, animation and experimental short films, and they must focus on gastronomy from any possible perspective.

Submitted short films must be between 10 and 59 minutes in running length.

Authors may submit up to 2 films.

Submitted short films can be silent. Films spoken in languages other than Spanish must be subtitled into Spanish.



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