Festival start: 07 July 2022
Festival end: 10 July 2022
Art in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is a very strong feature since our culture and ancient wisdom permeate the imaginaries in a whole sort of ways. So when we talk about Minas Gerais, we are talking tradition, hospitality, the act of sharing, conversing, and cooking together around the
stove, amongst family, friends, and with the table full of food and regional goods.
The value of the "mineiro" kitchen rests at the invitation to remember stories about the good old days, the art of the encounter, and the spirit of confraternization with friends and visiting pals.. If you care for a drive by the Brazilian highways, wherever you go, you'll probably face a sign with
the saying: "comida mineira"" ("mineiro food"). Here we want to accomplish the inspirational meeting between the mineiro people's two biggest passions:
food and story
The festival has a popular jury award for the Official Selection.
The Matula Film Festival's main objective is to promote the exhibition and dissemination of films where food is the guiding thread of their narrative.
Organization The organization of the Matula film Festival is the responsibility of Le Petit Comunicação Visual e Editorial Ltd, whose managing partner is Daniela Fernandes, Director of the project.
Matula Film Festival - Cinema and Food takes place in the city of Belo Horizonte/MG in July 2022. The films are screened online and or in a movie theater and all its programming is offered to the public for free.
Matula Film Festival - Film and Food has a competitive character. It shows short, medium and feature films, in the fiction, animation or documentary genres.
The condition for registration, that the films have the food, their stories and their characters and as a theme.
The program is divided into 2 shows: Oficial and Mostra Raízes Mineiras.
Applications will be open from March 14 to April 30, 2022, for the main shows – which feature short, medium and feature films.
The festival accepts works produced in any gauge, with exhibition format in Digital Archive
1) SUBMISSION OF MATERIAL BY EMAIL (drive, vimeo, etc) – by email: curadoriamatulafilmfest@gmail.com
- synopsis, direction, year, location and duration,
- movie link and password;
- 03 photos of the film and 01 photo of the director(s) with 300dpi resolution, duly identified; - -- biography and filmography of the director(s), up to 500 characters.
Forward without fail until April 30, 2022.
For online submission, upload the film and the mandatory publicity material on the platform www.festhome.com
Official Exhibition of Feature Films and Short Films
Participating in this exhibition, films of recent production and unpublished in the commercial circuit. For registration, it is a prerogative that they have not been shown on open television channels. Feature films are considered to be films with a minimum duration of 60 minutes and short films up to 25 minutes.
Show Raízes Mineiras, registration is only for directors from Minas Gerais.
Producers/directors of selected works will be informed of the selection by the end of May 2022.
The submitted films will be evaluated by the Festival's curator, Guilherme Lobão.
1-The selected films cannot be withdrawn from the Festival, with no recourse after official disclosure.
2-The material sent to the selection (link) will be restricted to the curator and the direction of the Festival, under no circumstances will the link and password be disclosed.
3-The Festival organization reserves the right to display, free of charge, an excerpt of the selected work, for the purpose of promoting the Festival on television channels, cinema, and any other electronic media and on mobile devices.
4-Questions and clarifications: by email curadoriamatulafilmfest@gmail.com
5-The film registration implies full acceptance of this regulation.
Belo Horizonte, March 2022
Official Selection
Short and Feature Films >10' 120'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Apr 22
Save up
For the second edition, the MATULA FILM FESTIVAL proposes the same instigating and vibrating harmonization between food, film and culture. The goal is set to gather diversity of both cinematic aesthetics and food or gastronomic cultures.