Miracle Makers International Film Festival ()


27 Apr 2021
Call for entries

31 May 2021
Standard deadline

15 Jun 2021
Late deadline

05 Jul 2021
Festival closed

12 Jul 2021
Notification date

28 Jul 2021
01 Aug 2021


14833 Galapago St,  80023, Westminster, Colorado, United States

Festival description
Short film festival 44'<
Feature film festival >45' 105'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  44'<
 Feature Films  >45' 105'<
 Any language
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Photo of Miracle Makers International Film Festival
Photo of Miracle Makers International Film Festival

Photo of Miracle Makers International Film Festival
Photo of Miracle Makers International Film Festival


Festival start: 28 July 2021      Festival end: 01 August 2021

The Miracle Makers International Film Festival is a brand new, brave, and determined (just like you) - series of events geared at showcasing film and media that make you 'believe'. For many of us, the movie theater and television screens were the first places we learned to believe in what is possible.

Film has been responsible for acts of heroism, courage, and daring in many real lives, and that matters because in a world that is broken; we need the vision and faith to make miracles.

Well, you've found the place to dream big and if your words, films, docs, shorts, music videos, art, or books showcase the believer in all
And that is exactly where you come in.

If you're looking to screen your film in premium theaters or showcase your work with great audiences and judges who understand you, then join us for our 2021 Season.

If you're looking to screen your film in premium theaters or showcase your work with great audiences and judges who understand you, then join us for our 2021 Season.

Prizes include Cash for Top Script and Top Film Short/Feature
Custom MMIFF Trophies & Awards
Press and Print Interviews
TOP WINNER will receive a 5-page Spread in AOF MegaFest Digital Magazine (value $5,000)

All entries will be judged on the content, creativity, imagery, story, and skill of the filmmaker. Productions produced from 2011 to July 2021 may be submitted. Works in progress will be accepted. Accepted films must be exhibited on an MPEG4 film file. Screeners must be free of ghost images/logos or other images. We do not screen from Festhome uploads. Submission Fees are Non-refundable.

All Accepted Films must be submitted on MPEG4 for Exhibition.

Screeners are not returned.

We will NOT accept online Films for exhibition screening.

PAL system is NOT accepted.

Each entry must be submitted separately.

All entries must be sent to the Miracle Makers Film Fest prepaid and, for your own protection, should be insured. MPEG4s and DCPs submitted will not be returned. If Submitting DCP, please note the theater charges the filmmaker a fee, and a back-up MPEG4 is STILL REQUIRED. Screening times are dependent upon receipt of the screeners and support materials (stills, poster art, and trailer if available). Please note Support materials (postcards, posters promo items) are not returned.

Films and Screenplays SELECTED for the Miracle Makers Film Fest will be announced no later than July 10, 2021 (exceptions may be made if deemed necessary by THE MMIFF).

Every Entry must include an Electronic Press Kit and if available a Downloadable Trailer and trailer link. Screeners must be free of ghost images/logos or other images.

All presentation materials (posters, postcards, goody bag promos) and screening discs, MPEG4s, DCPs for the Miracle Makers Film Fest must arrive at the MMIFF Offices no later than July 12, 2021. If screening files and screening discs are not received by this date the film will be pulled and disqualified. NO EXCEPTIONS. It is the submitter's responsibility to ensure the Miracle Makers Film Fest has the REQUIRED screening materials.

ALL ACCEPTED SUBMISSIONS MUST provide MPEG4 film File (due 7.10.2021).

If sending DCP, Please Note that the Theater charges the filmmaker an Ingestion Fee. If sending a DCP we will still require an MPEG4 Film file.

DCPS must be logged out, signed for, and picked up after your screening. WE DO NOT RETURN/SHIP screening materials or promo materials (posters, postcards, goody bag items).

PAL Formatted discs will not be accepted.
We will NOT accept online screeners for exhibition purposes.

Screeners must be free of ghost images/logos or other images.

Please notify us by email of any address changes.
Failure to provide screening materials will result in disqualification and the film being pulled from screening.

Please note MMIFF will NOT return or ship materials back to the submitter once the festival has commenced (this includes thumb drives, DCPs, posters, postcards, or promo materials)

All entries should be mailed to:
Miracle Makers Film Fest
14833 Galapago St
Westminster, CO.

All accepted filmmakers, who have submitted/mailed in all necessary materials and Screeners, will be placed on the MMIFF Website before the event. Submitting filmmakers acknowledge they have the legal right to exhibit the film and the collateral/promo materials at the AOF MegaFest.

Miracle Makers International Film Fest is hereby granted the right to utilize footage and promotional materials supplied by the submitting agent from any film submitted and accepted film, video, or project for exhibition at the Festival for promotional purposes. All accepted filmmakers agree that the MMIFF may use footage from their projects in order to promote the festival, their film, or the MMIFF Event via print, web, and broadcast television. The individual or corporation submitting the film hereby warrants that it is authorized to commit the film for screening, and understands and accepts these requirements and regulations. The undersigned shall indemnify and hold harmless Miracle Makers Film Fest, its partners (AOF, AOF MegaFest), vendors, sponsors, and supporters from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees, and costs of the court) which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, publicity, screening, and loss of or damage to the screening videos entered.

Written Word Submission Rules
We are currently accepting written word submissions for features, shorts, short shorts, scenes, poetry, and prose.

All genres are welcome.

One copy of an original feature film screenplay uploaded as a PDF file will be accepted. (Do NOT include more than 1 version). We do not accept hardcopy scripts.

The screenplay should be in standard industry format (12 point Courier).

Only one copy, draft, or version of any screenplay may be submitted by an entrant or entrants per submission.

Under no circumstances will substitutions of either corrected pages or new drafts of an entry screenplay be allowed under the original submission.

Corrected or edited screenplays must be resubmitted as a NEW entry and will require a separate submission fee.

Multi-part scripts should be submitted as separate, stand-alone screenplays.

Features that are over 120 pages must be submitted as 2 different entries.

Entry fees will not be returned or adjusted.

Submissions must have been written originally in English; translations will not be accepted.

Submissions must be the original work of the entrant(s) and may not be based, in whole or in part, on any other fiction or nonfiction material, published or unpublished, produced or un-produced.

Entries may, however, be adapted from the entrant’s (or entrants’) original work, which should be noted in the logline required on the application form.
Entries lacking a logline on the application form will be disqualified.

If the script is based on a true story, historical or contemporary, the "based on true story/events" should be noted in the logline.

Collaborative work by two writers who share equally in its creation is eligible.

The collaborator’s name must be added during the online application process.

Writer's bio and headshot recommended.

All entries must be received by or before the Extended Deadline of 7.1.2020

Nominees/Winners will be announced at the Writers Award Show and Dinner. We do not ship Awards.

Entry fees will not be returned or adjusted.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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