Mostra da Diversidade Sexual - MoDive-Se ()

MoDive-Se (LGBT Film Festival)


29 Mar 2023
Call for entries

06 May 2023
Festival closed

01 Jun 2023
Notification date

26 Jun 2023
30 Jun 2023


Rua Leonardo da Vinci,  13076410, Campinas, REGIÃO METROPOLITANA DE CAMPINAS, Brazil

Festival description
Short film festival 15'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  15'<
 Any language
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Photo of Mostra da Diversidade Sexual - MoDive-Se
Photo of Mostra da Diversidade Sexual - MoDive-Se
Photo of Mostra da Diversidade Sexual - MoDive-Se
Photo of Mostra da Diversidade Sexual - MoDive-Se


Festival start: 26 June 2023      Festival end: 30 June 2023

MoDive-Se is a short film festival and feature films in the city of Campinas, to show films with LGBT themes.

On the first edition was held in 2014, sponsored by the State Government of São Paulo.

Non-competitive festival. All selected films, upon request, will receive a certificate of participation.

General regulation

Art. 1.-The 10th Show of Sexual diversity (Modive-Se) will be held in the city of Campinas by the Insituto collective idea.

Art. 2.-the show aims at conducting non-competitive film sessions with works that contemplate or tangentiates the LGBT theme.

Art. 3.-The sessions will be held in the municipality of Campinas in June 2023. The number of sessions will be set by the organizers.

Paragraph one: the sessions, in case of number greater than one, will not necessarily consist of the same grid of films.

Art. 4th. Films may be displayed that contemplate or tangentiates the LGBT theme, performed in any period, without limitation on the time of production.

Paragraph one: Films whose language is not Portuguese (BR), must be submitted with subtitles.

Art. 5.-Entries will be made by exclusively the platform Festhome.

Art. 6.-Entries will commence on March 29, 2023 and continue, uninterrupted until May 6th, 2023.

Paragraph one: the disclosure of the selected will be performed through the website until June, 2023.

Art. 7.-The selection of films for the composition of the shows will be performed by a curatorship team designated by the filmmakers. The work of the curatorship will be carried out continuously throughout the registration period.

Art. 8.-The distribution of films to compose the grid of the shows will be performed by the trustees and producers of the project, respecting the maximum approximate time of 1 hour per session.

Art. 9.-All selected films, upon request, will receive a certificate of participation.

Art. 10.-The decisions of the curatorship as to the selection or not of the films shall be definitive and irrevocable.

Art. 11.-At the time of registration, the producers shall assume any responsibility in respect of the copyrights of the films inscribed.

Art. 12.-The Collective Idea Institute reserves the right to display excerpts from films inscribed for the purpose of disclosure in any media.

Art. 13.-When registering a film, the producer/director responsible declares the complete acceptance and fulfillment of all the terms and conditions set out in this regulation.

Art. 14.-The cases omitted in this regulation will be resolved by the team of producers of the Modive-Se project.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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