Through this platform we inform you that the first edition of the Mexico City Ibero-American Film Exhibition has been postponed to the first half of 2022 (exact dates to be defined) due to the health situation of the COVID 19 pandemic.
This decision has been made, after a thorough analysis, by the General Direction of the event since the situation of the pandemic is still delicate in Mexico City and the first edition of the Mexico City Ibero-American Film Exhibition wants to be carried out in its entirety with audience in the cinemas.
We would like to inform you that all registered works will continue to be taken into consideration for the first edition to be held next year.
We greatly appreciate your valuable understanding.
General Direction
Mexico City Ibero-American Film Exhibition
The Mexico City Ibero-American Film Exhibition invites filmmakers and/or producers of feature films and short films from all over Ibero-America to submit their films to the first edition that will take place during November 2021.
We will consider all feature-length films (fiction and/or documentary and/or animation) produced and/or co-produced in any part of Latin America, with a completion year of 2019-2021 as long as they have not been previously exhibited in Mexico, either commercially in movie theaters or in digital platforms and have a running time of at least 60 minutes, including credits.
We will not accept films made for promotional purposes, or those that have been aired on television, distributed via DVD or Blu-Ray, or via internet in Mexican territory.
We will consider all feature-length films (fiction) produced and/or co-produced in any part of Latin America, with a completion year of 2019-2021 as long as they have not been previously exhibited in Mexico, either commercially in movie theaters or in digital platforms and have a running time of at least 60 minutes, including credits. Such feature films will be considered as long as they are the first fiction feature film made by a filmmaker.
We will not accept films made for promotional purposes, or those that have been aired on television, distributed via DVD or Blu-Ray, or via internet in Mexican territory.
We will consider all feature-length films (fiction and/or documentary and/or animation) produced and/or co-produced in Spain and/or Portugal, with a completion year of 2019-2021 as long as they have not been previously exhibited in Mexico, either commercially in movie theaters or in digital platforms and have a running time of at least 60 minutes, including credits.
We will not accept films made for promotional purposes, or those that have been aired on television, distributed via DVD or Blu-Ray, or via internet in Mexican territory.
We will consider all short films (fiction and/or documentary and/or animation) produced or co-produced in any part of Ibero-America, with a completion year of 2020-2021 as long as they have not been previously exhibited in Mexico, either commercially in movie theaters or in digital platforms and have a maximum running time of 40 minutes, including credits.
We will not accept films made for promotional purposes, or those that have been aired on television, distributed via DVD or Blu-Ray, or via internet in Mexican territory.
1.- The first edition of the Mexico City Ibero-American Film Exhibition will take place in Mexico City from November 20th to 27th, 2021.
2.- Reception of submissions will be open as of Tuesday, June 15, 2021 and will close on Wednesday, September 15, 2021 Mexico City time.
3.- The selected films will be chosen by a selection committee comprised of experts within the film industry and their decisions will be final.
4.- The official results of selected films will be made public on Thursday, October 30, 2021
5.- The selected films may be included in national and international exhibitions in which the Mexico City Ibero-American Film Exhibition participates throughout 2021- 2022.
6.- All submissions assume the acceptance of the rules and requirements outlined in this call for submissions.
7.- If questions and concerns regarding the rules of this call for submissions arise, please contact:
1.- Register your film at Festhome platforms available through Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at the latest.
2.- All links and passwords for the registered films must remain active from the first day of registration through November 27, 2021 at the conclusion of the event.
3.-Once accepted, a film may not be withdrawn from the official selection.
4.- Under no circumstances will the Mexico City Ibero-American Film Exhibition pay screening fees for the selected films that were submitted in the open call.
5.- The screening format of selected films must be DCP and/or Blu-Ray.
6.- The projection materials of the selected films must be subtitled in Spanish if their original language is not Spanish, and in english if their original language is Spanish.
7.- The shipping costs of the projection materials (income/outcome) will be assumed by the participants.
8.- The Mexico City Ibero-American Film Exhibition may use clips of up to one minute from the selected films for the purpose of promoting the festival in media circuits.
9.- All submissions assume the acceptance of the rules and requirements outlined in this call for submissions.
1.- The Mexico City Ibero-American Film Exhibition reserves the right to modify the call for submissions as necessary.
장편영화 >60'
출품 마감일
15 9월 21
We will consider all feature-length films (fiction and/or documentary and/or animation) produced and/or co-produced in any part of Latin America, with a completion year of 2019-2021 as long as they have not been previously exhibited in Mexico, either commercially in movie theaters or in digital platforms and have a running time of at least 60 minutes, including credits.
We will not accept films made for promotional purposes, or those that have been aired on television, distributed via DVD or Blu-Ray, or via internet in Mexican territory.
장편영화 >60'
출품 마감일
15 9월 21
We will consider all feature-length films (fiction) produced and/or co-produced in any part of Latin America, with a completion year of 2019-2021 as long as they have not been previously exhibited in Mexico, either commercially in movie theaters or in digital platforms and have a running time of at least 60 minutes, including credits. Such feature films will be considered as long as they are the first fiction feature film made by a filmmaker.
We will not accept films made for promotional purposes, or those that have been aired on television, distributed via DVD or Blu-Ray, or via internet in Mexican territory.
장편영화 >60'
출품 마감일
15 9월 21
We will consider all feature-length films (fiction and/or documentary and/or animation) produced and/or co-produced in Spain and/or Portugal, with a completion year of 2019-2021 as long as they have not been previously exhibited in Mexico, either commercially in movie theaters or in digital platforms and have a running time of at least 60 minutes, including credits.
We will not accept films made for promotional purposes, or those that have been aired on television, distributed via DVD or Blu-Ray, or via internet in Mexican territory.
단편영화 40'<
출품 마감일
15 9월 21
We will consider all short films (fiction and/or documentary and/or animation) produced or co-produced in any part of Ibero-America, with a completion year of 2020-2021 as long as they have not been previously exhibited in Mexico, either commercially in movie theaters or in digital platforms and have a maximum running time of 40 minutes, including credits.
We will not accept films made for promotional purposes, or those that have been aired on television, distributed via DVD or Blu-Ray, or via internet in Mexican territory.