Muestra Internacional de Videonarración A/r/tográfica ()

International A/R/Tographic Video-narration Exhibition


01 1月 2024

15 1月 2024

01 3月 2024

11 3月 2024
15 4月 2024


Plaza de los Girones, 1,  18009, Granada, Granada, Spain

短編映画祭 >1' 15'<

 Music Video
 1月 2020
 制作国: 任意の
 撮影国: 任意の
 監督の国籍: 任意の
 短編映画  >1' 15'<

Photo of Muestra Internacional de Videonarración A/r/tográfica
Photo of Muestra Internacional de Videonarración A/r/tográfica

Photo of Muestra Internacional de Videonarración A/r/tográfica
Photo of Muestra Internacional de Videonarración A/r/tográfica

Japanese (日本語) ML

映画祭の開始: 11 3月 2024      映画祭の終了: 15 4月 2024

The International A/r/tographic Video Narration Exhibition is an annual event organized by the University of Granada (Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Education, Interuniversity Master's Degree in Visual Arts and Education, and Doctorate Program in Arts and Education). It is a space for all artistic research projects that use audiovisual narration as a methodology for creation, inquiry, and learning in the arts.

The exhibition brings together various proposals related to A/r/tographic Films, including productions from the different research and training contexts of the University of Granada, collaborations with external curators, and selections from this international call.

In addition to screenings, the exhibition program includes a cycle of conferences and meetings in person and online. These events are open to the public and provide a space for reflection and debate on contemporary audiovisual creation and its application in research and artistic training. As a novelty for the 10th anniversary of the event, there will also be an exhibition in the workshop room of Condes de Gabia Palace that will showcase audiovisual and web art projects that use AI as a creative, formative, and research strategy in the arts.

This extensive program makes the exhibition a necessary platform for showcasing the most varied proposals related to A/r/tography Films. It reinforces the need for and projection of these films in the different application contexts and provides an ideal space for the encounter between researchers and artists, which will continue adding new proposals and possible scenarios in the future.

There are no cash prizes

The selected films are screened in the Official Section of the Exhibition and are included in its digital catalogue.

Guidelines of the 10th Call of the International A/r/tographic Video Narration Exhibition


1. This call is open to artists and researchers working with audiovisuals in educational, artistic, or research contexts. The works must have a clear experimental structure, raising reflection and essay on some topic of artistic, social, or educational interest in the arts, giving rise to creative research or being the result of formative processes in the field of audiovisual arts.

2. All genres and extensions are accepted if their relationship or belonging to A/r/tography Films is justified. The works may be individual or collective projects presented by one person or a team of filmmakers.

3. The submitted works must be original and may have been presented in another exhibition or festival. Only works that are hosted on a video platform (YouTube, Vimeo, and others) with public access are accepted, allowing their link on our website —online repository—and in the release materials that the exhibition generates, as well as in the catalog that includes the complete program of each edition.

4. Works produced in a language other than Spanish, which require translation due to their complexity or length, must include Spanish subtitles.

5. Any proposal submitted to this call will include the necessary documentation to participate in it, described in the registration form and included in the eighth point of these guidelines. The absence or incomplete submission of the required documentation will prevent its consideration in the call.

6. The organization of the exhibition is not responsible for the contents of the artworks or the derived rights, which will always be the authors' sole responsibility.

Submission of Works

7. The registration form allows the registration of a maximum of one work, and up to three works can be submitted per author or authors as long as consecutive registrations are made through the platform. The works presented must be related to the philosophy of the exhibition, as presented in the previous section of these guidelines. The organization will select those works that will be exhibited based on their quality and interest, informing their authors of said selection and making it public on the exhibition website.

8. Any proposal submitted to this call should be made only through the following registration form:

The deadline for submitting proposals and corresponding documentation is January 15, 2024. The final list of those selected will be published before January 30, 2024.

9. Once the list of authors selected is public, the submission of works should be made through any of the following services: filemail ( (up to 5 GB), we-transfer ( (up to 2 GB), or to the following email address: before February 5, 2024. Works sent on a later date will not be accepted. The documentation of those participants not selected will be eliminated.

Particular conditions

10. The works selected for the exhibition may also be chosen for the international curatorial events organized in collaboration with partner organizations and entities. The authors accept this condition when participating in the exhibition.

11. The organization undertakes to inform and carry out the participation certifications of the authors, as well as to manage those that result in possible curatorial selections within the collaborating events.

Release and Promotion

12. In collaboration with Vera Icono Producciones Association, the organization prepares a digital catalog in PDF format, which will be available to participants and interested parties, free of charge, on the exhibition website. In addition, the printed version can be purchased through the publishing platform Blurb ( This paper version is a commercial edition, with ISBN, on demand for those interested.
The collaborating entity Vera Icono Producciones designs and edits the Exhibition catalog through the publishing platform Blurb, which provides a distribution channel to acquire printed copies. Shipments are subject to duties if the delivery country is outside the European Union. Orders through this editorial service incur the corresponding taxes and shipping costs to the recipient. To encourage purchases at lower prices, the organization will announce discount coupons that Blurb periodically offers to customers.

Days before the start of the exhibition, the organization will publish the link to request the paper version of the catalog, which will always be available in the 'PUBLICATIONS' section of our website along with the free downloadable pdf of the same.

This on-demand editorial service is carried out through the international company Blurb, Inc., which is responsible for managing and printing orders and shipping copies through a global transportation agency. The management and responsibility of this entire process is the exclusive responsibility of Blurb, Inc., with neither the organization of the exhibition nor the collaborating entity Vera Icono Producciones being responsible for any issue or delay that may arise with the orders.

13. To guarantee the event's divulgation and promotion, the organization generates different content on social media during the exhibition and throughout the year (mainly on Facebook and Instagram). Among others, the Official Program of the Exhibition, images of the event, and documentation of the participating works are included in these publications. The request for tagging or sharing will depend directly on the participants.

14. To delve deeper into those audiovisual works and projects that constitute and construct the a/r/tographic audiovisual, the organization of the exhibition will choose some of the works selected in this call to be included, through reference and link to the work in the online repository A/R/TOGRAPHY FILMS, dedicated to the consultation of artists, researchers, teachers, and interested parties. We aim to disseminate these creations for educational and scientific purposes. This archive includes the details of the work, the authorship, the technical sheet, a reference image (frame), and the link to the platform where the work is hosted, which was provided in the registration form.

Only those works selected in the call for entries that, due to their quality and methodological a/r/tographic application, are considered of interest to the organization will be included in this repository.

                Agreement and acceptance of the call

15. Participation in the call implies acceptance of these guidelines.



