Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
Any format including but not limited to 35mm, 16mm, 8mm, 2D, HD, 5D, 7D, SI Canon, Alexa, etc.
All Ages, All Media, All Cultures.
11 Apr 2023
Call for entries
25 Jan 2025
Early deadline
22 Feb 2025
Standard deadline
13 Mar 2025
Late deadline
06 Apr 2025
Extended deadline
20 Apr 2025
Notification date
04 Jun 2025
05 Jun 2025
Festival start: 04 June 2025 Festival end: 05 June 2025
16th Annual
Honoring Stories Worth Telling
June 4-5-2025 Los Angeles
Content creators who submit, whether officially selected or not, have opportunities outside of the normal festival process. Everything from distribution, connections to other festivals, conferences, press opportunities and more.
Thinking about submitting? Here is what you should know!
• Emmys ® Consultant for one entry (we can broadcast)
• 25 Categories
• In competition for Grand Prize - $45,000 in Awards
• In competition for Best of Category & Audience Awards
• Judges from HBO, Marvel, Grammys, ATAS (Emmys) and more.
• Have opportunities outside of festival
• Top 3 Scripts get $1000.00 in Writing Industry Perks
• We are a UFFO code of practices Member
• Submit- Online, Public, Novice & Expert Content
• No cut-off date to when your project was completed.
• We accept projects whether or not you have distribution.
• We also have no festival exclusivity clauses - and you have FULL CREATIVE RIGHTS for your content.
• Your project is not only limited to one category. Make sure to check out all our categories and submit to the ones that fit your content. You must pay a new submission fee per each category.
• We accept content that has already been published online or made public
• We accept all formats.
In a world where technology is ever-evolving, it is a story that will satiate the soul of humans.
Not just any story, but stories worth telling.
The New Media Film Festival team works hard to produce a cutting-edge, fair, upscale festival devoted to upcoming and seasoned content creators that highlights and honors stories worth telling globally.
If accepted into festival:
• Receive All Access Pass to festival
• Be part of the Q & A in your screening session (scripts included).
• Walk the Red Carpet for Press Interviews
• Be part of the VIP Soiree, honoring the nominees.
• Press in our monthly newsletter to 80,000.
• Be in competition for $45,000 in Awards – judges from Marvel, HBO, Emmys & more.
Join us:
• 1st Major Festival celebrating innovation, story, mediums & platforms
• Screenings with Q & A’s
• VIP Soiree-Red Carpet Press Junket
• Networking Lounge w/ actor headshot drop off
• Producer Panel & Pitching
• New Media Marketing Table (place one-take one)
• VR, International Art Exhibit, Musical Opener
3D, 360, AR, AI, 5D, Animation, Apps, Digital Comics, Documentary, Drone, Feature, Mobile/Tablet, Music Video, New Media, Pilots, Podcasts, Scripts, Shorts, Sniplers – 30 second pitch, SRC- Socially Responsible Content, STEAM, Student, Trailers, Virtual Reality, Web Series
Put your innovative work forward and join the unique community of content creators at New Media Film Festival® - submit today!
What attendees are saying:
“A very unique curation of films, new media and scripts. And a very entertaining event. The hosts and show staff went out of their way to make sure this was a memorable and special event.” – Jim Wilmer
“New Media Film Festival is one of the best and best run in LA. With so many different platforms falling under "new media" it's refreshing to see a festival that understands that Content is King! And the Opening night VIP reception was a terrific networking opportunity that we took full advantage of.” - Steven Wishnoff
“Worth The Entry Fee”
- Movie Maker Magazine
“Makes The Cutting Edge Accessible”
– Huffington Post
“I thank NewMediaFF for what they’ve done for young filmmakers”
-Roger Corman
”The role of this fest is bringing the Best in New Media to the World”
-Festival World
“Stories that exemplify the power of the cinematic arts to inspire and transform” - Hero Complex
Content Creators vie for a chance at $45,000 USD value in a mix of services, meetings with HBO, Arpix Media & Marvel reps as well as some cash prizes. See below for details.
Best of Category Award winners receive:
A customized hand painted wood Slate Board
An opportunity for a Distribution deal
Top 3 in Student category get $100 cash each & In competition for Grand Prize
Top 3 in Script category gets $1,000 in Writing Industry Perks each & In competition for Grand Prize
The Best Script gets an interview in The Script Lab Magazine
View the 2018 Award Recipients list
Grand Prize Award:
This award encompasses it all: Story, Production Value, Above & Below the line, everything you need to finish your current project or get started on a new one.
A customized hand painted wood Slate Board
An opportunity for a Distribution deal
Studio time in Los Angeles CA
Meeting with HBO
Meeting with Marvel
Post Production Services from Mongo Media
Music Supervisor & Owner Arpix Media Inc., Ron Proulx
Casting Services for your project provided by Select Services Films Inc.
Resources and Production Consulting provided by Susan Johnston Casting
An opportunity for a Distribution deal
The Grand Prize Award Package and category winner awards are valued at over $45,000.00 and are non transferable. These are in kind services only and cannot be redeemed for cash. Good for one year from date of festival won at. All scheduling subject to availability.
If you are not present when we announce your name at the Awards Ceremony, we will ship your personalized award upon receipt of a pre paid shipping label or the cost to ship.
All types of media are accepted regardless of when they were completed. You must own the rights to submit your content.
Submission/Entry Fee -
Each entry is considered for screening, competition ($45k in awards) and distribution. You may submit a link for us to view your content online. If accepted into the festival, DCP for 3D, h.264, .mp3, dvd or Blu Ray for 2D are screening formats. Thanks.
Submission/Entry Process -
Up to 3 people review/screen your content based on story, production value, New Media. If 2-3 of the screeners approve of your content based on our criteria: story, production value, a snippet of new media, you are accepted in to the festival.
Judging Process -
If your content gets accepted into the festival, the New Media Film Festival team will choose the top 3 in each category. Those top 3 chosen in each category go before our judges to choose the category winners and the Grand Prize Winner. Please note, each category has a Best Of Winner.
We communicate via email
We will notify you if you are accepted into the festival
We may offer you distribution even if you were not accepted into the festival.
We are proud to be able to move all kinds of content forward, to be seen, screened and monetize.
There are no refunds.
Thanks for submitting.
Rules and regulations New Media Film Festival: Terms and Condition Rules and regulations New Media Film Festival: By submitting your work to the New Media Film Festival, you are agreeing to this statement. In submitting this work, I am claiming that it is my own and that I hold all necessary copyright or have the permission of the appropriate owners of copyright to incorporate portions of their work.
Yes, I am the creator and author of the work submitted. In the event that my entry contains the work of other individuals or organizations (including any copyrighted photographs, musical compositions, etc.), I understand that it is my responsibility to obtain any necessary permissions and/or licenses. Yes, I have the necessary rights and/or permissions to use the visual elements in this entry. Yes, I have the necessary rights and/or permissions to use the audio in this entry. Entrants are responsible for transportation costs, insurance charges and any customs fees incurred when shipping to the festival. New Media Film Festival is not responsible for tapes damaged or lost in transit.
Works submitted for jury selection will not be returned after the close of the festival. No media/film accepted for programming can be pulled from the festival. New Media Film Festival does not check to make sure that you have cleared these materials at any point during the application process, nor will we be held responsible for any inclusion of uncleared materials in your film. It is the sole responsibility of the entity submitting the project to secure permission from the copyright holder of the material in question, whether it is music, stock footage, or any other elements that could violate an existing copyright. Quite often, rights holders offer reduced rates for festival films, so you should contact them directly to avoid any possible rights infringements. Please note, there is a deliverables deadline for each venue. If you do not meet that deadline it is possible we will not be able to screen your content. Deliverables are the responsibility of the person submitting. Submission fee is non refundable
A runtime of any length is permitted
No requirement for completed by date.
Projects may originate from anywhere in the world
No premiere requirement
Projects may have distribution
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
Any format including but not limited to 35mm, 16mm, 8mm, 2D, HD, 5D, 7D, SI Canon, Alexa, etc.
All Ages, All Media, All Cultures.
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
Media made with your cell phone or tablet. Mobile/Tablet submissions are audiovisual works created by your cell phone camera and/or Tablet (includes all tablet manufactures and OS) .
This medium has become an area of interest for many distributors and other content aggregators.
Can be any length 30 seconds or longer.
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
Shorts are narrative or documentary works created on any format (digitally, HD, 16mm, Super8, etc.) with a duration under 30 minutes. Can include webisodes, commercials, pilots, narrative or documentary under 30 minutes. If over 30 minutes, please submit to our features category.
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
If you have multiple webisodes that pertain to the same theme or are part of a larger series, submit them as as a web series. Like individual webisodes, web series may be created on any media (digital, HD, 35mm, Super8, etc.) but they are intended for exclusive distribution on the Web. Content may include narrative, documentary, and experimental material in any genre.
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
Animated content including but not limited to Stop Motion, Claymation, Classic, etc.
Up to 30 minutes. Over 30 minutes, please submit to feature category.
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
This is for any type of film & media content that has a socially responsible message and would like to be considered for competition in this category.
Including but not limited to PSA's, short industrials, journalism.
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
In the very first year of New Media Film Festival a music video won our Shot On Red category. We'd like to Music Videos shot on any format to have an opportunity to win, on its own, among their peers., so, this category was created. SPONSORED BY Judged by 2 X Gemini WInner Ron Proulx & 2 X Grammy Nominated Record Producer Barry Goldberg
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
Trailers usually range in length from 30 seconds to 2 minutes and are created by editing together parts of the story that filmmakers/content creators are preparing to fund/film or to advertise a longer version of a story they already filmed. If your trailers is 30 seconds or under, we recommend you submit to Sniplers – 30 second pitch category.
Judged by Trailer Writer & Journalist for Steven Lebowitz
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
Student: If you are a student, this is for you. All lengths, All genres accepted.
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
Includes all genres and lengths, any drone captured content.
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
A program made available in digital format for automatic download over the Internet and/or apps.
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
Content created with 3D, Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and/or 5D technologies.
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
Any content created with Virtual Reality or 360 technology.
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
Film & media content that has a socially responsible message and would like to be considered for competition in this category. Including but not limited to PSA's, industrials, journalism. We have had stories as diverse as the Last Dinners of Death Row Inmates to Bumblebees.
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
You may submit any genre, any length for this category. The subject matter must at some point touch on or involve one of these elements: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and/or Math.
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
Since New Media is an ever evolving arena, we have this category for those of you that have created something that is not right for our other categories.
Submissions deadline
06 Apr 25
All Scripts. Short or long form, animation, comedy, sitcom, drama, books, web series, reality, live, TV anything scripted, this is for you. There is not a limit on page numbers. Top 3 winners in this category win Industry memberships valued at $1000.00 each & are still considered for Grand Prize Award.
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.