Online Isolation Short Videos Festival (4)


10 set 2021
Inizio delle iscrizioni

13 feb 2022
Festival chiuso

15 feb 2022
Data della notifica

21 feb 2022
27 feb 2022


Смоленская площадь, 13/21, офис 82,  121099, Москва, Москва, Russia

Descrizione del Festival
Festival del cortometraggio >1' 59'<

Requisiti del Festival
 Festival del cinema
 Music Video
 Qualsiasi genere
 Qualsiasi tema
 Ha tasse d'iscrizione
 Festival Internazionale
 Posizione fisica e online
 Data di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi dove sono state fatte le riprese: Qualsiasi
 Nazionalità del direttore: Qualsiasi
 Film debuttanti 
 Progetti di scuola 
 Cortometraggi  >1' 59'<
 Qualsiasi lingua
Condividi sui social network

Photo of Online Isolation Short Videos Festival
Photo of Online Isolation Short Videos Festival
Photo of Online Isolation Short Videos Festival
Photo of Online Isolation Short Videos Festival

Italian ML

Questo festival non è attualmente aperto per iscrizioni.

Inizio del Festival: 21 febbraio 2022      Festival si chiude: 27 febbraio 2022

Online Isolation Short Videos Festival is the online event dedicated to the fight against Coronavirus situation in the World. The main aim of the festival is to support people in their self-isolation during these difficult times. The festival is arranged by the same organisators who run the popular Russian International Horror Film Festival and Awards “DROP”. The goal of the festival is to entertain people in self-isolation. Submitters can be both professional filmmakers, bloggers and ordinary amateur videographers. We accept only short videos shot by a smartphone or any other device not longer than 59 minutes and not shorter than 5 seconds. Each video should have some concrete message. It can be of any genre. But all videos must tell some story of your home isolation, describe your way of life in the present-day situation.
Now it is already the 4th edition of the festival. And we decided to enlarge the scope of the topic: the festival is dedicated not only to pandemic lockdown, but also to any sort of personal isolation: spiritual, mental, physical. It is dedicated to people’s loneliness in the World, to the human search of the essence of life and the source of love and freedom.

The best 3 videos will be combined into 1 feature film and will be not only published on the festival’s web site, but will also be screened in Moscow LIVE at the “World of Arts” cinema theatre. The main winner will receive sponsoring valuable gifts + diploma and awards statue + either a certificate for a free sponsored pre-paid production of a short film or a certificate for a free pre-paid dcp convertation service. The top 3 films will also receive diplomas.
The others will receive laurels according to this or that category they will reach: quarter-final, semi-final, final, super final.
Top 10 videos will be published online at the festival’s web site.
There are 4 stages of the competition:
1. Selection by organization committee
2. Voting by the star jury among the selected films
3. People’s national open voting online
4. Final stage of jury distribution of places among the top 10 films

Our respected jury:
Richard Cutting - Hollywood producer and actor (jury chairman)
Oliver Robbins - Hollywood actor, star of “Poltergeist” movie
Elena Kornilova - American/Russian film director and actress
Anna Troyanskaya - Russian film director and actress
Lazar Bodroza - famous Serbian director
Vilen Babichev - Russian actor and stuntman
Miroslav Lakobrija - Serbian FX and make up specialist, film director and actor

Each video/film must be not longer than 59 minutes and not less than 5 seconds. Videos can be of any genre. But they must tell your way of life or some story of your self-isolation. And it should have some concrete message.



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