Festival start: 25 October 2016
Festival end: 06 November 2016
1st Córdoba Short Film Festival. Heritage and Tourism Films.
Cash Prizes: 10,000€
-For the official section:
1.1 the jury prize for best short on "Heritage" consist of a statuette "Noria de Plata", a cash prize of 4,000 euros and a Diploma of the prize delivery.
1.2 audience award for the best short on "Heritage" will consist of a "Door of el Triunfo" statuette and a Diploma of the prize delivery.
1.3 Prize for the best educational short for promotion between l@s under, 18, of spaces patrimonies of the humanity. It consists of a "Maimónides" statuette and a diploma.
-For advertising section
2.1 award of the jury for the best advertising Spot will consist of a statuette "Noria de Plata", a cash prize of 4,000 euros and a Diploma of the prize delivery.
2.2 prize of the public to the best advertising Spot will consist of a "Door of el Triunfo" statuette and a Diploma of the prize delivery.
-To the Córdoba section
3.1 award Spot Cordoba. Advance of 2000 euros on the signing of a contract with the city of Cordoba to make these spots the advertising base to 2017. The Spots will be presented, along with the authors, at international level in the fair FITUR 2017. A "Silver wheel" figurine, and a Diploma of the prize delivery.
3.2 award Spot province of Cordoba. Advance of 2000 euros on the signing of a contract with the provincial Council of Cordoba to make these spots the advertising base to 2017. The Spots will be presented, along with the authors, at international level in the fair FITUR 2017. A "Silver wheel" figurine, and a Diploma of the prize delivery.
O-1. All older than 18 authors eligible.
O-2. Each entrant may submit a maximum of two short films (without prejudice to also submit works in the remaining categories), made in Spanish or subtitled it and whose duration does not exceed 30 minutes and is not less than 5 minutes. Work carried out by persons belonging to the Organization of the Festival may not enter contest.
O-3. The works should be sent to the Organization in MP4 format to 1080 and H264 codec, on the occasion of its projection in public with sufficient, www.festhome.com quality.
O-4. Enter contest works of free-format (documentary, animation and fiction,...) whose main theme is a space world heritage site from anywhere in the world. You can also participate those who, at least 50% of the footage-whitespace heritage of mankind, and in this case, be free theme. In any case, the Organization of the competition reserves the right to the non-admission of those shorts as appropriate for thematic, technical, or legal reasons.
The participant will be solely responsible for everything included in his short film, for example, images and sounds of other authors.
So, if any of them or their legal representatives are then asked explanations, the contestant must answer on your own. The Organization of the Festival we decline all legal responsibility on the film and its contents.
O-5. The registration period ends September 1, 2016. To be able to compete you must register on the website of the festival by filling out the registration form and we will have to make the short instructions you'll find on the website.
The Organization of the Festival will make a first selection of short films of all categories.
All the finalists, the jury will select three finalists from different sections to be presented as such in the grand final gala and awards.
And among those selected, will be the official jury who will decide the award of the official section: jury prize for the best short on "Heritage of humanity".
The public that visione, in the different rooms different short films selected, they will choose, voting through the passport of the festival, the best short for the public on "Heritage of humanity"
Detailed information about the contest will publish timely website www.30diasen.info and on the website of the Festival.
You will be invited to the three finalists selected in this category of the official section to present his short film at the Festival, the day of the Gala Final and awards ceremony.
P-1. In the contest can participate all advertising agencies, producing videos, etc introducing an advertising spot for the tourist promotion of spaces, cities, regions and countries. These Spots will have a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 15 minutes duration. Ads that being shot in spaces patrimony of humanity, at least in its 75% of the footage, the sold product differs from the tourist may also be submitted.
P-2. Each entrant may submit a maximum of two short films (without prejudice to also submit works in the remaining categories), made in Spanish or subtitled it and whose duration does not exceed 15 minutes. Work carried out by persons belonging to the Organization of the Festival may not enter contest.
P-3. The works should be sent to the Organization in MP4 format to 1080 and H264 codec, on the occasion of its projection in public with sufficient, www.festhome.com quality.
P-4. The spots have served as campaign sometime since 2000 until this year. In successive years may not return to present the spots presented prior to this competition.
The participant will be solely responsible for everything included in his short film, for example, images and sounds of other authors.
So, if some of them or their legal representatives are then asked for explanations, the contestant must answer on your own. The Organization of the Festival we decline all legal responsibility on the film and its contents.
P-5. The registration period ends September 1, 2016. To be able to compete you must register on the website of the festival by filling out the registration form and we will have to make the short instructions you'll find on the website.
And among those selected, will be the official jury who will decide the official section Prize: Prize of the jury to the best advertising Spot.
The public that visione, in the different rooms different short films selected, they will choose, voting through the passport of the festival, the best advertising Spot for the public.
Detailed information about the contest will publish timely website www.30diasen.info and on the website of the Festival.
You will be invited to the three finalists selected in this category of the official section to present his short film at the Festival, the day of the Gala Final and awards ceremony.
C-1. Eligible natural or legal persons over 18 years of age.
C-2. Each entrant may submit a maximum of two spots (notwithstanding that also present work in the remaining categories), conducted in Spanish whose duration does not exceed 5 minutes. Having to be next to him a 30 second version of the same. Work carried out by persons belonging to the Organization of the Festival may not enter contest.
C-3. Works should be sent to the Organization in MP4 format to 1080 and H264 codec, on the occasion of its projection in public with quality sufficient., by www.festhome.com.
C-4. Enter contest those jobs that are carried out for the tourist promotion of the city of Córdoba. You can also present a spot for the tourist promotion of the province. In any case, the Organization of the competition reserves the right to the non-admission of those shorts as appropriate for thematic, technical, or legal reasons.
The participant will be solely responsible for everything included in his short film, for example, images and sounds of other authors... The Organization of the Festival we decline all legal responsibility on the film and its contents.
C-5. The registration period ends September 1, 2016. To be able to compete you must register on the website of the festival by filling out the registration form and we will have to make the short instructions you'll find on the website.
The Organization of the Festival will make a first selection of short films of all categories.
All the finalists, the jury will select three finalists from different sections to be presented as such in the grand final gala and awards.
-For the official section:
1.1 the jury prize for best short on "Heritage" consist of a statuette "Noria de Plata", a cash prize of 4,000 euros and a Diploma of the prize delivery.
1.2 audience award for the best short on "Heritage" will consist of a "Door of el Triunfo" statuette and a Diploma of the prize delivery.
1.3 Prize for the best educational short for promotion between l@s under, 18, of spaces patrimonies of the humanity. It consists of a "Maimónides" statuette and a diploma.
-For advertising section
2.1 award of the jury for the best advertising Spot will consist of a statuette "Noria de Plata", a cash prize of 4,000 euros and a Diploma of the prize delivery.
2.2 prize of the public to the best advertising Spot will consist of a "Door of el Triunfo" statuette and a Diploma of the prize delivery.
-To the Córdoba section
3.1 award Spot Cordoba. Advance of 2000 euros on the signing of a contract with the city of Cordoba to make these spots the advertising base to 2017. The Spots will be presented, along with the authors, at international level in the fair FITUR 2017. A "Silver wheel" figurine, and a Diploma of the prize delivery.
3.2 award Spot province of Cordoba. Advance of 2000 euros on the signing of a contract with the provincial Council of Cordoba to make these spots the advertising base to 2017. The Spots will be presented, along with the authors, at international level in the fair FITUR 2017. A "Silver wheel" figurine, and a Diploma of the prize delivery.
Selected videos and those who decide the Organization will be issued within television Festival online, during it and after its conclusion.
Also, will proceed to publicize permanent poster, trailer and short where appropriate in the digital information www.30diasen.info and on the website of the event, and the publication in the said means of all kinds of information about the award-winning. The producer or Director of the work accepts the bases and gives his permission for this advertising.
All prizes are subject to the withholding tax to be determined by the applicable law.
To receive the prize money and material prizes will be compulsory assistance of the author, or failing that a representative of the same, the contest awards ceremony. If you reside outside the Iberian peninsula, and not be able to attend, it is obligatory that the winner send a video greeting to the Organization of the Festival and thanks for the award, which will be shown at the final awards ceremony (this give you right to the perception of the prize and other awards).
The jury, composed by representatives of the Organization of the Festival, as well as professionals of recognized prestige related to the audiovisual, artistic and cultural environment, will decide the winning short film of the event. The decision of the jury will be unappealable.
The same shall belong to the jury representatives both City Hall and the provincial Council of Cordoba.
Short films will be held by the Organization, as part of your file. The Organization reserves the right of projection in public, free and cultural character of the works presented, notice to the creators of the same.
The organization does not require exclusivity and, in any case, the rights of the works transferred to the organization. But by being selected, among the top finishers at the Festival, us cedes free display of your short film rights, during the period of one year.
The public designation of the winners will be announced at the final ceremony of awards ceremony which will be held the last day of the festival in place to determine.
Organization presupposes that participants have a display and promotion rights in works and material presenting and declines any liability with respect to infringement of this rule.
The Organization and jury may leave some deserts of the awards, if the quality is not considered the timely for them.
Awards and honorable mention can go adding until the day of delivery if the Organization and/or the jury considered of interest for the short films Festival in Cordoba.
Enrollment in the contest implies the acceptance of the rules, as well as the resolution by the Organization resolve any incident occurring during any stage of the competition. The decision of the jury will be unappealable.