6º Petit Pavé - Festival De Cinema Independente De Curitiba ()

Petit Pavé - Independent Film Festival in Curitiba


24 Aug 2022
Call for entries

15 Sep 2022
Festival closed

08 Oct 2022
Notification date

20 Oct 2022
23 Oct 2022


Curitiba,  82200320, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

Festival description
Short film festival >2' 25'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 January 2020
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >2' 25'<
 Any language
 Any language
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Photo of 6º Petit Pavé - Festival De Cinema Independente De Curitiba
Photo of 6º Petit Pavé - Festival De Cinema Independente De Curitiba
Photo of 6º Petit Pavé - Festival De Cinema Independente De Curitiba
Photo of 6º Petit Pavé - Festival De Cinema Independente De Curitiba


Festival start: 20 October 2022      Festival end: 23 October 2022

6th Edition of Petit Pavé - Curitiba independent film festival. This year the festival will be online.

1 trophy for best film

The 6th Petit Pavé - Curitiba Independent Film Festival, is scheduled to be held in October 2022, exceptionally online, through the festival's website (www.petitpave.com.br) and / or on the event's social networks. Short films that meet the following requirements may be registered:

1.1 Films that have been produced worldwide;

1.2 Works that fall into one of the categories: Fiction Short, Documentary Short, Animation Short, Experimental Short and Student Short.

1.3 The films must have a minimum lenght of 2 (two) minutes and a maximum of 20 (twenty) minutes (considering credits).

1.4 The productions must have been completed between January 2020 and July 2022.

1.5 Productions must have a minimum resolution of 1920 x 1080p (Full HD).

1.6 Foreign films must have subtitles in Portuguese

2.1 Registration will take place from 21:00 on August 24, 2022 to September 15, 2022, until 23: 59h;

2.2 Films classified in the Student category, when selected, must send a copy of the Enrollment Declaration of the director, screenwriter or producer;

2.4. The link where the film is hosted must necessarily be on one of the following online platforms: YouTube or Vimeo;

2.4. Submission for the Festival is free for brazilian and films in portuguese language. International cost: BR$ 10

2.5. Each director may register up to 2 (two) works. Each short must be entered on a form. It will not be possible to register 2 films in the same form;

2.6. Entries made after the deadline or with incomplete information will not be accepted.

2.7. The short films entered will become part of the Petit Pavé Festival collection.

3.1 The films will go through a selection to choose the works that will be shown at the Festival;

3.2 The selection committee will be composed of professionals that make part of to the realization, critics or film production.

3.3 The result of the selection will be sent to the e-mail of those responsible for the short films. The result will also be announced on the Festival's website and Fanpage on Facebook and Instagram;

3.4 The act of registration does not imply the obligation to display the work.

3.5 The selected shorts may be included in the competitive show or in the parallel shows.

4.1 If the short will be selected, the EXHIBITION at the 6th Petit Pavé - Independent Film Festival of Curitiba, will take place by signing the exhibition authorization term and sending the film file in digital format through sharing platforms (Google Drive , One Drive, DropBox or WeTransfer);

4.2 The selected short films will be shown in a program organized by the Festival's producers;

4.3 All subscribers authorize the organization of the 6th Petit Pavé Festival, from the submission of the registration, to show the short films partially, solely for the purpose of publicizing the Petit Pavé Festival on public and private television networks, as well as on TV channels and videos on the internet.

4.3 All registrants authorize the organization of the 6th Petit Pavé Festival, after sending the registration, to present the short films in free screenings held by the Festival Petit Pavé (between October 2022 and October 2023).

5.1 The selected short films will be competing in the Competitive Exhibition which, through a specialized jury, will choose the best film.

5.2 The winners will be announced at the end of the festival.

5.3 The winner in the competitive category will receive a Festival trophy.

5.4 The commission for selecting the winners will be composed of professionals directly linked to the realization, criticism or audiovisual production.

5.5 During the festival there will also be voting open to the public, to choose the best film from the parallel shows.

6.1 The director or person responsible for the registration of the audiovisual work, when sending the Entry, tacitly declares that he is authorized and responsible for the image rights and copyrights and related rights arising from the realization and exhibition of the short film, as well as declaring the assignment of copyright and related to the organization of the Festival Petit Pavé for its exhibition in the Exhibitions and in its itineraries within the period established in this regulation.

6.2 Works that do not meet the requirements of this regulation will be disqualified;

6.3 The sending of the completed Application Form binds the director or responsible for the short film to the unrestricted acceptance of the clauses of this regulation.

6.4 The Festival has a competitive character, through exhibitions, but with no provision for prize money.

6.5 The cases not provided for herein will be resolved by the Festival Petit Pavé Organization with jurisdiction in the district of Curitiba / PR.

6.6 Questions of any kind should be sent to the email: petitpavecontato@gmail.com



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