
28 Nov 2024
Call for entries

01 Jan 2025
Early deadline

28 Jan 2025
Standard deadline

28 Feb 2025
Late deadline

28 Apr 2025
Extended deadline


28 May 2025
Notification date

27 Jun 2025
28 Jun 2025


Canfora,  95124, Catania , Catania, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival 15'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  15'<
 Any language
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Festival start: 27 June 2025      Festival end: 28 June 2025

The Atena Nike Film Award, now in its fourth edition, is characterized by the space it dedicates more and more each year to emerging talents and first works.
From this year, feature films can also be registered

We are already working on the fourth edition, that of 2025
the theme, like every year, is linked to social issues

location of the new edition and the dates in the phase are being updated - period June 2025.

The award is the statuette of Athena Nike (inspired by the Nike of Kalkis by the Sicilian sculptor Carmelo Mendola) created by the Calabrian sculptor Massimo Sirelli.

Feature film section:

Best actor
Best actress
Best emerging actor
Best emerging actress
Best film
Best direction
Best first work

Short film section:

Best short film
Best actor
Best actress

Benefits for the winners:

Press office activities
Red carpet


The cultural association SICILIA ATTIVA and the Bump Today Film Production Company have
conceived and promoted, starting from 2022, an artistic project called "Premio Cinematograco Atena Nike" with the aim of bringing to the attention of civil society, media and institutions through the immediacy of the short story with the precise objective that it becomes a moment of cultural growth
through cinema and the show. The aim is to bring out and valorize talents of any age
race and gender through dialogue and storytelling on the big screen

The Award will take place on 27 and 28 June 2025 in Taormina, on the days in which the Film Festival will take place.

The organization reserves the right to communicate the location of the event later.
The venue, the program and all the notices will be public on our ocial channels and on the website

The organization also reserves the right to change the dates of the Award in the event of extraordinary needs. In particular, in compliance with the anti-Covid regulatory provisions, the event could undergo
modifications in the methods of implementation and sliamen of dates.

Competition deadline: the short films must be sent, according to the methods reported below, by the deadline of April 28, 2025 unless extensions are communicated on the ocial website of the Festival

The "Premio Cinematograco Atena Nike" focuses aention on the theme of diversity. The event has the aim of promoting the cinematographic work of established or first-time authors, belonging to schools, film/performance academies, universities, or graduates.
Directors who know how to focus and tell their stories through images.

Short films and/or animated films with a maximum duration of 15 minutes, including opening and closing credits, are accepted in the competition. Any minimum exceeding of this limit will be exceptionally permitted by the Director Arsco.

Each short must be presented as an mp4 and in two versions: one with and one without subtitles and must be accompanied by the online form on the site suitable for pre-registration.

Works without sootoli (gui for accessibility for deaf people to cinematographic works) and which do not meet the participation requirements will not be taken into consideration and will be excluded a priori.

The "Athena Nike Cinematographic Award" is open to all. Registrations are limited to 3 works per author and/or director.

Pre-registration of the work in competition must be done using a specific online form on the website

Please remember to carefully follow the instructions and if necessary contact the executive management of the Prize at the following telephone number 0039 065756000

The works, strictly in mp4 format, with or without subtitles, must be accompanied by:

• Pre-registration and release form, available on the website in the
short films section;

• Poster in jpg/ /jpeg image format;

• Photograph of the director of the work in jpg/ /jpeg image format

• Technical sheet of the work in competition, available on the website in the
short films section;

• Valid identification document of the owner of the work;

• Valid scale code of the work title;

Works from all over the world are admitted to the Competition and will be, during the selection phase, examined by the selection body and/or the Arsco Committee headed by the Arsco Director, the Executive Director and the President of the Prize.

Foreign works must have subtitles in Italian; the absence of subtitles will be cause for exclusion from the competition.

Please remember that all works, to be admitted, must be products that are not visible in clear on the web or on other open access platforms or in the process of being published.

To register for the Award, payment must be made to Today Entertainment
IBAN: IT98E 08713 16900 000000427819

Alternatively, using the Festhome button, available on the website in the short films section, it is possible to access and make the payment via PayPal.

After filling out the forms, and the payment receipt to the following email address (, the secretariat will send an email in a few days with the lists of mandatory materials and the instructions for finalizing the registration.

The works must be provided in mp4 format and in two versions, one with full subtitles, already printed in the video, the second without subtitles. The works can be sent through services such as Google Drive, WeTransfer or Vimeo with the relevant Password and download enablement.

Competition deadline: the short films must be sent by April 28, 2025.

The material sent will not be returned and will become part of of the historical archive of the Athena Nike Award.

The results of the selection will then be made public on the Athena Nike Award website, and the information will be shared via press releases, online magazines and specialized internet.

The short films must be sent in mp4 format to the following email address using programs such as WeTransfer, Google Drive or via a link
Vimeo with the relevant password and download enablement, respecting the following requirements:

File type: Codec: H264
Format: 1920x1080 Bitrate: minimum 25,000 kbps (files for a duration of 18 minutes and approximately 3.5 GB) and
25 fps
Audio: uncompressed
Titles and subtitles must be inside the safe area File named as follows:

Send the files to the email address
N.B. the works must be sent in mp4 format, with subtitles.

The works submitted will be judged by two more juries, the Athena Nike Award Jury and the artistic and executive management.

The Jury, composed of experts in the fields of cinema, writing, entertainment, communication, sociology and music, will have the task of assigning the following prizes:

- Athena Nike Award Best Short Film,
- and the award plaques for:
- Best Arice
- Best Sound
- Best Screenplay
- Best Photography
- Best Music

The selected works will be examined by a Jury composed of experts in the fields of cinema, writing, entertainment, communication, sociology and music.

The final works will be judged by this jury.

Finally, in addition to the technical-cinematographic quality, the Jury will evaluate in a particularly positive way the works that:

• Tell the fragility of people living with violence/discrimination/marginalization;

• Face the diversity and fragility of people and places in a natural and original way;

• Promote knowledge and above all the valorization of the different and the fragile, focusing on overcoming prejudices;

• Promote knowledge of the issues related to ecology, sustainability and climate change;

• Document the relationship between people and nature, in the concept of sustainable development;

• Highlight the clichés and stereotypes of collective imaginations;

• Promote diversity as wealth;

• Promote the right to be different, expressing it also with imagination and irony;

• Identify a path of integration and inclusion for marginalized people;

• They will be able to tell different points of view, trying to find common points of coexistence;

• They will draw the value of legality, understood as rules useful for the construction of the common good, in an educational and training path for young people and for people who have committed crimes;

• They will deal with sensitive and current issues such as safety in the workplace, irregular work, organized crime, gangmastering to propose new cinematographic stories

Participants, with the presentation of the works carried out and the relative registration for the competition, will consent to the
processing of their personal data, for the competition needs, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and pursuant to
article 13 of the European Regulation 2016/679 - GDPR.

The participant authorizes the cultural association SICILIA ATTIVA, organizer of the “ ATENA NIKE PRIZE”, to
publish the images, photographs and films and/or videos recorded during the Festival on its website, in
catalogues, and/or on other means of communication deemed suitable, and even for public and private dissemination
without, however, compromising personal dignity and decorum. The participant also agrees
that such authorization of rights of use is not in conflict with any contractual agreements and/or rights of
representation agencies, releasing the UCL from
any claims by third parties in relation to such granting of rights. The participant authorizes the use
of the image/s and music which are to be considered free of charge.

The participant, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 and Article 13 of European Regulation 2016/679
- GDPR., declares to be fully informed of the purposes and methods of processing of personal data
consciously indicated in the form and to authorize the archiving of the material presented
in the history of the Atena Nike Award.

All personal data and those protected by the law on privacy are and will be processed by us according to principles
of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, protecting your rights, for the purposes and with the methods provided by the
law ​​for the protection of Privacy.

The participant declares to have full totality of the rights of exploitation of the assets by law
633/1941 granted on the cinematographic work entered by him for this Award.

The Organiser reserves the right to use all the material received and the works submitted for examination juries, therefore finalists, for promotional purposes of the social message linked to the festival.

Therefore they may be the subject of public screenings in promotional events or public demonstrations
that the Association, or a Company identified by it, deems to be of great social commitment.

Participation in the Award implies full acceptance of the following Regulations and its attachments.

The “Athena Nike Award” has the purpose of giving maximum visibility in journalism, television and cinema to the
work of the director and cast of the works sent for selection in the competition. For this reason
the organization reserves the right to exclude, at its discretion, from the shortlist of those works that,
during the period of the festival, will participate in parallel in other film competitions, for the various
sections, similar and/or air events.

The winners undertake to indicate the name and logo "Premio Atena Nike" in the title of their project.

All works of a racist, pornographic or diamatorical nature and in violation of any rule of the legal system will be automatically rejected.

The prizes will be awarded only in the presence of the winning director or his official representative. The secretariat will not send any prizes. The judgement of the juries is final.

The requests for membership to the Prize imply the unconditional acceptance of this regulation and its attachments. The Festival Management has the final decision-making right on all matters not specified in this regulation. The Court of ROME has jurisdiction over any disputes.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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