Prêt À Couture Festival internacional de Fashion Film ()

Prêt À Couture International Fashion Film Festival


11 Fev 2020

02 Set 2020
Festival fechado

09 Nov 2020
Data de Notificação

06 Nov 2020
08 Nov 2020


Av. Poeta Lugones 401,  5014, Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina

Descrição do festival
Festival de curtas-metragens >1' 30'<
Festival de longas metragens >60' 150'<

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer gênero
 SEM taxas de envio
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física e on-line
 Data de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  >1' 30'<
 Longa-metragem  >60' 150'<
 Todos os idiomas
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Photo of Prêt À Couture Festival internacional de Fashion Film
Photo of Prêt À Couture Festival internacional de Fashion Film
Photo of Prêt À Couture Festival internacional de Fashion Film
Photo of Prêt À Couture Festival internacional de Fashion Film

Portuguese ML

Início do Festival: 06 Novembro 2020      Fim do Festival: 08 Novembro 2020

Prêt À Couture international Fashion Film Festival (PÀCIFFF) is looking to settle down as the first festival that associates filmmaking , fashion and design in Cordoba (Argentina) , to allow our cultural resources to be exposed and make them nurture by the exchange generated by the social and cultural events of this characteristics. PÀCIFFF aims to achieve a general access to the tools provided by the Fashion Film from the fusion of its areas ; POSITIONING projects, workers and entrepreneurs emerging from the film industry , fashion and design part of the local and international scene;TRANSFORMING patterns , stereotypes and conventional beauty concepts and SHAPING new professional links for particular goals and strategical commercial proposals

1) Best National Fashion Film Award.
2) Best International Fashion Film Award.
3) People Choice Award.
4) Best art direction Award.
5) Best Photography Award.
6) Best Stylism Award.

Prêt À Couture International Fashion Film Festival is looking forward to receive local and international productions which strictly belong to the Fashion Film genre. The Selection Criteria are determined by an extensive research of the genre, that is why only certain works will be accepted. Each film will be analyzed meticulously.

Producers and filmmakers, professionals and amateurs, over 18 years old are allowed to send us material. All of them must accomplish this requirements:
- The material must not contain pornographic or violent content.
- Fashion Films which were selected in others festivals of the genre will be accepted
- The submission of Material implies accepting the diffusion of it in social media, projections, and the festival broadcasting.
- The duration of each Fashion film must not be over 50 minutes, including titles and credits.
- Spanish subtitles are mandatory if it is not the source language, and they must be embedded with the video file in .srt format (not fixed in the video).

The reception of all Fashion Films is digital, in the form must be attached a download link.

4 images or stills are necessary of the selected fashion film are necessary (1920 x 1080, and a resolution of 300 dpi) for promotion, as well as all the titles and credits of the selected work, contact information of the participants (name, surname, if it's a physical person or social designation of the entity if it is a legal person along with the person designation of contact, email address, mobile phone number) director biography (100 words at most) and synopsis of the Fashion Film (150 words at most).
The participant must posses the legal rights of the material, third parties included, and for the mere participation in the competition they must be given to PÁCIFFF in the following conditions :

The Competitors guarantee the originality and authorship of the Fashion Films sent, exempting PACIFFF of any claim presented by third parties for intellectual property infringement.

2D videos : Each file must not weight over 6 GB (recommended rate 10 mb). Video codec H.264, container format .mp4. 1920 x 1080 Minimum Resolution (FULL HD).

The content of the Fashion Films is free, but they must have a visibly relation with the fashion world, or sponsored by a brand, magazine or editorial group.



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